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UIBULKED-606 Update upload-artifact actions from v3 to v4 (#683) #3672

UIBULKED-606 Update upload-artifact actions from v3 to v4 (#683)

UIBULKED-606 Update upload-artifact actions from v3 to v4 (#683) #3672

GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results succeeded Jan 31, 2025 in 0s

All 332 tests pass in 3m 12s

    1 files  ±0    53 suites  ±0   3m 12s ⏱️ -5s
332 tests ±0  332 ✔️ ±0  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 
339 runs  ±0  339 ✔️ ±0  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 

Results for commit c4032c0. ± Comparison against earlier commit e130ca1.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

332 tests found

There are 332 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
AdditionalActionParameters calls onChange with updated parameters when a checkbox is clicked ‑ AdditionalActionParameters calls onChange with updated parameters when a checkbox is clicked
AdditionalActionParameters renders checkboxes based on action parameters ‑ AdditionalActionParameters renders checkboxes based on action parameters
AdditionalActionParameters should NOT render component if there are parameters for not selected action ‑ AdditionalActionParameters should NOT render component if there are parameters for not selected action
AdditionalActionParameters should render component if there are parameters for specific action ‑ AdditionalActionParameters should render component if there are parameters for specific action
AdditionalActionParameters should render with no axe errors ‑ AdditionalActionParameters should render with no axe errors
AdditionalActionParameters shouldn`t render component if there are not params ‑ AdditionalActionParameters shouldn`t render component if there are not params
BulkEdit Should show expected messages if getFileName are not valid should show modal when file is unsupported ‑ BulkEdit Should show expected messages if getFileName are not valid should show modal when file is unsupported
BulkEdit Should show expected messages if getFileName are not valid should show modal when getFileName count > 1 ‑ BulkEdit Should show expected messages if getFileName are not valid should show modal when getFileName count > 1
BulkEdit displays Bulk edit ‑ BulkEdit displays Bulk edit
BulkEdit should change active filter criteria  ‑ BulkEdit should change active filter criteria 
BulkEdit should display option buttons ‑ BulkEdit should display option buttons
BulkEdit should display select right select options on inventory tab ‑ BulkEdit should display select right select options on inventory tab
BulkEdit should display select ‑ BulkEdit should display select
BulkEdit should render with no axe errors ‑ BulkEdit should render with no axe errors
BulkEdit should trigger the drag and drop ‑ BulkEdit should trigger the drag and drop
BulkEdit should update title with uploaded name and call startJob in case of ITEM capability ‑ BulkEdit should update title with uploaded name and call startJob in case of ITEM capability
BulkEdit should update unsupported type of file ‑ BulkEdit should update unsupported type of file
BulkEditActionMenu should call cancel handler ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should call cancel handler
BulkEditActionMenu should change visibleColumns when checkbox is pressed  ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should change visibleColumns when checkbox is pressed 
BulkEditActionMenu should display actions group ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display actions group
BulkEditActionMenu should display checkbox for column when provided ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display checkbox for column when provided
BulkEditActionMenu should display columns group ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display columns group
BulkEditActionMenu should display download changed records action when available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display download changed records action when available
BulkEditActionMenu should display download commit errors action when available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display download commit errors action when available
BulkEditActionMenu should display download matched erros action when available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display download matched erros action when available
BulkEditActionMenu should display download matched records action when available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display download matched records action when available
BulkEditActionMenu should display start csv edit action when it is available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display start csv edit action when it is available
BulkEditActionMenu should display start in-app edit action when it is available ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should display start in-app edit action when it is available
BulkEditActionMenu should displays BulkEditManualConformationModal title ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should displays BulkEditManualConformationModal title
BulkEditActionMenu should filter columns based on value in input ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should filter columns based on value in input
BulkEditActionMenu should not change visibleColumns when checkbox is pressed and only one option is selected  ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should not change visibleColumns when checkbox is pressed and only one option is selected 
BulkEditActionMenu should render with no axe errors ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should render with no axe errors
BulkEditActionMenu should start bulk edit when inn-app action was called ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should start bulk edit when inn-app action was called
BulkEditActionMenu should update title with uploaded name ‑ BulkEditActionMenu should update title with uploaded name
BulkEditInApp should display added row after plus button click ‑ BulkEditInApp should display added row after plus button click
BulkEditInApp should display correct Accordion titles ‑ BulkEditInApp should display correct Accordion titles
BulkEditInApp should display correct status options in action select ‑ BulkEditInApp should display correct status options in action select
BulkEditInApp should display correct title ‑ BulkEditInApp should display correct title
BulkEditInApp should display expiration date ‑ BulkEditInApp should display expiration date
BulkEditInApp should display holding temporary location options ‑ BulkEditInApp should display holding temporary location options
BulkEditInApp should display holdings permanent location ‑ BulkEditInApp should display holdings permanent location
BulkEditInApp should display holdings set to false is unchecked by default ‑ BulkEditInApp should display holdings set to false is unchecked by default
BulkEditInApp should display holdings set to true is checked by default ‑ BulkEditInApp should display holdings set to true is checked by default
BulkEditInApp should display item permanent location options ‑ BulkEditInApp should display item permanent location options
BulkEditInApp should display patron group ‑ BulkEditInApp should display patron group
BulkEditInApp should display select right select options on inventory tab ‑ BulkEditInApp should display select right select options on inventory tab
BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in holding form ‑ BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in holding form
BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in item form ‑ BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in item form
BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in user form ‑ BulkEditInApp should render with no axe errors in user form
BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should display footer if provided ‑ BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should display footer if provided
BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should display preview records when available ‑ BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should display preview records when available
BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should render spinner if isJobPreparing set to true ‑ BulkEditInAppPreviewModal should render spinner if isJobPreparing set to true
BulkEditList should display Bulk edit preview container when criteria is not logs ‑ BulkEditList should display Bulk edit preview container when criteria is not logs
BulkEditList should display Bulk edit query ‑ BulkEditList should display Bulk edit query
BulkEditList should display Filters pane ‑ BulkEditList should display Filters pane
BulkEditList should display Logs pane when criteria is logs ‑ BulkEditList should display Logs pane when criteria is logs
BulkEditList should render with no axe errors ‑ BulkEditList should render with no axe errors
BulkEditListResult displays empty message with identifier tab ‑ BulkEditListResult displays empty message with identifier tab
BulkEditListResult displays empty message with query tab ‑ BulkEditListResult displays empty message with query tab
BulkEditListResult displays fileName field for initial preview ‑ BulkEditListResult displays fileName field for initial preview
BulkEditListResult displays identifier tab title ‑ BulkEditListResult displays identifier tab title
BulkEditListResult displays processed preview ‑ BulkEditListResult displays processed preview
BulkEditListResult displays processed title ‑ BulkEditListResult displays processed title
BulkEditListResult displays query tab title ‑ BulkEditListResult displays query tab title
BulkEditListResult displays query-specific empty message with query tab and no capability ‑ BulkEditListResult displays query-specific empty message with query tab and no capability
BulkEditListResult displays title ‑ BulkEditListResult displays title
BulkEditListResult should render with no axe errors ‑ BulkEditListResult should render with no axe errors
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsErrorsCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsErrorsCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsMarcFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToCommittedRecordsMarcFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToMatchedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToMatchedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToMatchedRecordsErrorsCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToMatchedRecordsErrorsCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToModifiedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToModifiedRecordsCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToModifiedRecordsMarcFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToModifiedRecordsMarcFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToTriggeringCsvFile when it is defined ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display action to download linkToTriggeringCsvFile when it is defined
BulkEditLogsActions should display actions ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display actions
BulkEditLogsActions should display infoPopover instead of action menu since expired flag is true ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should display infoPopover instead of action menu since expired flag is true
BulkEditLogsActions should not display actions for USER entityType if there aren`t user view perms ‑ BulkEditLogsActions should not display actions for USER entityType if there aren`t user view perms
BulkEditMarcLayer should add and remove rows when + or trash buttons clicked ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should add and remove rows when + or trash buttons clicked
BulkEditMarcLayer should call "confirm changes" function ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should call "confirm changes" function
BulkEditMarcLayer should call setFields when value changed + only 3 chars allowed ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should call setFields when value changed + only 3 chars allowed
BulkEditMarcLayer should put backslash in ind1 field if its empty ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should put backslash in ind1 field if its empty
BulkEditMarcLayer should render correct Marc Repeatable fields ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should render correct Marc Repeatable fields
BulkEditMarcLayer should render correct layer titles ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should render correct layer titles
BulkEditMarcLayer should show error message if value is 00x ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should show error message if value is 00x
BulkEditMarcLayer should show info popover if field 999 and indicators are "f" ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should show info popover if field 999 and indicators are "f"
BulkEditMarcLayer should work correctly with "Add" + "Add subfield" actions ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should work correctly with "Add" + "Add subfield" actions
BulkEditMarcLayer should work correctly with "Find" + "Replace with" actions ‑ BulkEditMarcLayer should work correctly with "Find" + "Replace with" actions
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter disables buttons when buttonsDisabled is true ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter disables buttons when buttonsDisabled is true
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter downloads CSV preview on button click ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter downloads CSV preview on button click
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter handles the keep editing button click ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter handles the keep editing button click
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter handles the save and close button click ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter handles the save and close button click
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter renders all buttons correctly ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter renders all buttons correctly
BulkEditPreviewModalFooter should not render download marc if approach is not MARC ‑ BulkEditPreviewModalFooter should not render download marc if approach is not MARC
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getContentUpdatesBody should construct bulk edit apply rules ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getContentUpdatesBody should construct bulk edit apply rules
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getContentUpdatesBody should covert holding location options to back-end options ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getContentUpdatesBody should covert holding location options to back-end options
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ADMINISTRATIVE_NOTE option using instance marc ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ADMINISTRATIVE_NOTE option using instance marc
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the CHECK_IN_NOTE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the CHECK_IN_NOTE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the CHECK_OUT_NOTE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the CHECK_OUT_NOTE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_MATERIALS_SPECIFIED option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_MATERIALS_SPECIFIED option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_URI option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_URI option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_URL_RELATIONSHIP option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the ELECTRONIC_ACCESS_URL_RELATIONSHIP option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the EMAIL_ADDRESS option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the EMAIL_ADDRESS option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the EXPIRATION_DATE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the EXPIRATION_DATE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the HOLDINGS_NOTE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the HOLDINGS_NOTE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PATRON_GROUP option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PATRON_GROUP option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_HOLDINGS_LOCATION option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_HOLDINGS_LOCATION option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_LOAN_TYPE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_LOAN_TYPE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_LOCATION option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the PERMANENT_LOCATION option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the STATUS option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the STATUS option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the SUPPRESS_FROM_DISCOVERY for HOLDINGS option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the SUPPRESS_FROM_DISCOVERY for HOLDINGS option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the SUPPRESS_FROM_DISCOVERY for INSTANCE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the SUPPRESS_FROM_DISCOVERY for INSTANCE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_HOLDINGS_LOCATION option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_HOLDINGS_LOCATION option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_LOAN_TYPE option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_LOAN_TYPE option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_LOCATION option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the TEMPORARY_LOCATION option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the default case ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getDefaultActions returns the correct object for the default case
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes (ITEM, HOLDING) returns the correct object for the HOLDING_NOTE for HOLDING note option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes (ITEM, HOLDING) returns the correct object for the HOLDING_NOTE for HOLDING note option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes (ITEM, HOLDING) returns the correct object for the ITEM_NOTE for ITEM option ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes (ITEM, HOLDING) returns the correct object for the ITEM_NOTE for ITEM option
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - Notes
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - URL Relationship ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return a certain structure for specific OPTIONS and ACTIONS - URL Relationship
ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return an empty array for non-matching OPTIONS and ACTIONS ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers helpers getExtraActions should return an empty array for non-matching OPTIONS and ACTIONS
ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates are not defined ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates are not defined
ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates contains action with initial = false ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates contains action with initial = false
ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates contains non-clear action with updated is not defined ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be invalid when content updates contains non-clear action with updated is not defined
ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be valid when content updates are properly built ‑ ContentUpdatesForm helpers isContentUpdatesFormValid should be valid when content updates are properly built
ElectronicAccessTable renders table body rows correctly ‑ ElectronicAccessTable renders table body rows correctly
ElectronicAccessTable renders table headers correctly ‑ ElectronicAccessTable renders table headers correctly
ElectronicAccessTable should render with no axe errors ‑ ElectronicAccessTable should render with no axe errors
ErrorsAccordion should hide content when title was clicked ‑ ErrorsAccordion should hide content when title was clicked
ErrorsAccordion should render preview accordion ‑ ErrorsAccordion should render preview accordion
ErrorsAccordion should render with no axe errors ‑ ErrorsAccordion should render with no axe errors
FileUploader should call callback on drag enter ‑ FileUploader should call callback on drag enter
FileUploader should call onDrop ‑ FileUploader should call onDrop
FileUploader should display FileUploader with loading state ‑ FileUploader should display FileUploader with loading state
FileUploader should display FileUploader without loading state ‑ FileUploader should display FileUploader without loading state
FileUploader should display FileUploader ‑ FileUploader should display FileUploader
Logs should fetch logs ‑ Logs should fetch logs
Logs should render the logs table with correct columns ‑ Logs should render the logs table with correct columns
LogsFilters should be enabled filter buttons ‑ LogsFilters should be enabled filter buttons
LogsFilters should contain Search and filter section ‑ LogsFilters should contain Search and filter section
LogsFilters should have error messages ‑ LogsFilters should have error messages
LogsFilters should render with no axe errors ‑ LogsFilters should render with no axe errors
PermissionsModal should call onCancel and onSave callbacks ‑ PermissionsModal should call onCancel and onSave callbacks
PermissionsModal should filter permissions by query ‑ PermissionsModal should filter permissions by query
PermissionsModal should filter permissions by status "assigned" ‑ PermissionsModal should filter permissions by status "assigned"
PermissionsModal should filter permissions by type "permissions" ‑ PermissionsModal should filter permissions by type "permissions"
PermissionsModal should render correct table based on data ‑ PermissionsModal should render correct table based on data
PermissionsModal should render rows selected by default ‑ PermissionsModal should render rows selected by default
PermissionsModal should render the modal with correct title ‑ PermissionsModal should render the modal with correct title
PermissionsModal should reset filters when "reset button" clicked ‑ PermissionsModal should reset filters when "reset button" clicked
PermissionsModal should reset individual filters when clear button clicked ‑ PermissionsModal should reset individual filters when clear button clicked
PermissionsModal should select all  ‑ PermissionsModal should select all 
PermissionsModal should select row on click ‑ PermissionsModal should select row on click
PermissionsModal should sort by name ‑ PermissionsModal should sort by name
Preview Query displays Bulk edit ‑ Preview Query displays Bulk edit
Preview Query should render no message ‑ Preview Query should render no message
Preview Query should render with no axe errors ‑ Preview Query should render with no axe errors
Preview displays Bulk edit ‑ Preview displays Bulk edit
PreviewAccordion should display correct title for matched preview ‑ PreviewAccordion should display correct title for matched preview
PreviewAccordion should display correct title for results preview ‑ PreviewAccordion should display correct title for results preview
PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with holding items ‑ PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with holding items
PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with inventory items ‑ PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with inventory items
PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with users on initial step ‑ PreviewAccordion should render preview accordion with users on initial step
ProgressBar should display correct title ‑ ProgressBar should display correct title
ProgressBar should display correct width percentage ‑ ProgressBar should display correct width percentage
ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is COMPLETED ‑ ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is COMPLETED
ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS ‑ ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS
ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is DATA_MODIFICATION ‑ ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is DATA_MODIFICATION
ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is FAILED ‑ ProgressBar should redirect to preview when status is FAILED
ProgressBar should render with no axe errors ‑ ProgressBar should render with no axe errors
ProgressBar should render with text after in app committing ‑ ProgressBar should render with text after in app committing
ProgressBar utils should not return status when no matches between status and steps ‑ ProgressBar utils should not return status when no matches between status and steps
ProgressBar utils should not return status when operation is not defined ‑ ProgressBar utils should not return status when operation is not defined
ProgressBar utils should return COMMIT step for completed operation ‑ ProgressBar utils should return COMMIT step for completed operation
ProgressBar utils should return COMMIT step for completed with errors operation (after execution) ‑ ProgressBar utils should return COMMIT step for completed with errors operation (after execution)
ProgressBar utils should return UPLOAD step for completed with errors operation (after upload) ‑ ProgressBar utils should return UPLOAD step for completed with errors operation (after upload)
ProgressBar utils should return UPLOAD step for operation in data modification status ‑ ProgressBar utils should return UPLOAD step for operation in data modification status
ValuesColumn Component should render Datepicker when action type is DATE ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render Datepicker when action type is DATE
ValuesColumn Component should render Select with patron groups when action type is PATRON_GROUP_SELECT ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render Select with patron groups when action type is PATRON_GROUP_SELECT
ValuesColumn Component should render Select with status options when action type is STATUS_SELECT ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render Select with status options when action type is STATUS_SELECT
ValuesColumn Component should render Selection with loan types when action type is LOAN_TYPE ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render Selection with loan types when action type is LOAN_TYPE
ValuesColumn Component should render TextArea when action type is TEXTAREA ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render TextArea when action type is TEXTAREA
ValuesColumn Component should render TextField when action type is INPUT ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render TextField when action type is INPUT
ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is DUPLICATE ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is DUPLICATE
ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT + HOLDINS CAPABILITY ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT + HOLDINS CAPABILITY
ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT + INSTANCE CAPABILITY ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT + INSTANCE CAPABILITY
ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with item note types when action type is NOTE_SELECT
ValuesColumn Component should render select with statistical codes when action type is ADD, or REMOVE_SOME ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with statistical codes when action type is ADD, or REMOVE_SOME
ValuesColumn Component should render select with url relationship types when action type is FIND ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render select with url relationship types when action type is FIND
ValuesColumn Component should render with no axe errors ‑ ValuesColumn Component should render with no axe errors
buildQuery should not parse query without status or patron group ‑ buildQuery should not parse query without status or patron group
buildQuery should parse query with patron group ‑ buildQuery should parse query with patron group
buildQuery should parse query with status ‑ buildQuery should parse query with status
customFilter should filter options correctly when a match is found in nested options ‑ customFilter should filter options correctly when a match is found in nested options
customFilter should include the category if the category label matches the value ‑ customFilter should include the category if the category label matches the value
customFilter should include uncategorized options if the label matches the value ‑ customFilter should include uncategorized options if the label matches the value
customFilter should perform a case-insensitive match ‑ customFilter should perform a case-insensitive match
customFilter should return an empty array when no match is found ‑ customFilter should return an empty array when no match is found
customFilter should return multiple matching categories and options ‑ customFilter should return multiple matching categories and options
files changeExtension should change the extension of a file ‑ files changeExtension should change the extension of a file
files changeExtension should handle multiple extensions correctly ‑ files changeExtension should handle multiple extensions correctly
files savePreviewFile should save the file with the correct name and extension for MARC approach ‑ files savePreviewFile should save the file with the correct name and extension for MARC approach
getDefaultMarcTemplate should create a default marc template with given id ‑ getDefaultMarcTemplate should create a default marc template with given id
getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle a single field in the array ‑ getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle a single field in the array
getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with mixed valid and null actions and data ‑ getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with mixed valid and null actions and data
getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with no actions ‑ getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with no actions
getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with null actions ‑ getFieldWithMaxColumns should handle fields with null actions
getFieldWithMaxColumns should return the field with the maximum columns ‑ getFieldWithMaxColumns should return the field with the maximum columns
getFileInfo should return correct data with supported cql file type ‑ getFileInfo should return correct data with supported cql file type
getFileInfo should return correct data with supported cvs file type ‑ getFileInfo should return correct data with supported cvs file type
getFileInfo should return correct data with unsupported file type ‑ getFileInfo should return correct data with unsupported file type
getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with csvView perm ‑ getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with csvView perm
getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with default Perm ‑ getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with default Perm
getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with inApp perm ‑ getIsDisabledByPerm should return correct boolean with inApp perm
getMappedStatisticalCodes should correctly map multiple statistical codes ‑ getMappedStatisticalCodes should correctly map multiple statistical codes
getMappedStatisticalCodes should correctly map statistical codes with corresponding types ‑ getMappedStatisticalCodes should correctly map statistical codes with corresponding types
getMappedStatisticalCodes should return an empty array when statisticalCodesArr is empty ‑ getMappedStatisticalCodes should return an empty array when statisticalCodesArr is empty
getMappedStatisticalCodes should throw an error when a statistical code has no matching type ‑ getMappedStatisticalCodes should throw an error when a statistical code has no matching type
getMarcFormErrors should return errors for invalid tag range and invalid subfield value ‑ getMarcFormErrors should return errors for invalid tag range and invalid subfield value
getMarcFormErrors should return errors for invalid tag range ‑ getMarcFormErrors should return errors for invalid tag range
getMarcFormErrors should return no errors for valid input ‑ getMarcFormErrors should return no errors for valid input
getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.ADD_TO_EXISTING ‑ getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.ADD_TO_EXISTING
getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.FIND ‑ getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.FIND
getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.REPLACE_WITH ‑ getNextDataControls should return correct template for ACTIONS.REPLACE_WITH
getNextDataControls should return correct templates for ACTIONS.APPEND ‑ getNextDataControls should return correct templates for ACTIONS.APPEND
getNextDataControls should return empty array for ACTIONS.REMOVE_ALL ‑ getNextDataControls should return empty array for ACTIONS.REMOVE_ALL
getNextDataControls should return empty array for unknown action ‑ getNextDataControls should return empty array for unknown action
getTenantsById should return null if array is empty ‑ getTenantsById should return null if array is empty
getTenantsById should return null if not matched id ‑ getTenantsById should return null if not matched id
getTenantsById should return null ‑ getTenantsById should return null
getTenantsById should return tenant 1 ‑ getTenantsById should return tenant 1
getTenantsById should return tenant ‑ getTenantsById should return tenant
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should add INSTANCE_MARC to the array if INSTANCE is present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should add INSTANCE_MARC to the array if INSTANCE is present
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should add REVIEWED_NO_MARC_RECORDS to the array if REVIEW_CHANGES is present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should add REVIEWED_NO_MARC_RECORDS to the array if REVIEW_CHANGES is present
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not add INSTANCE_MARC if it is already present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not add INSTANCE_MARC if it is already present
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not modify the original input array ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not modify the original input array
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not modify the original userID ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should not modify the original userID
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should remove INSTANCE_MARC from the array if INSTANCE is not present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should remove INSTANCE_MARC from the array if INSTANCE is not present
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should remove REVIEWED_NO_MARC_RECORDS from the array if REVIEW_CHANGES is not present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should remove REVIEWED_NO_MARC_RECORDS from the array if REVIEW_CHANGES is not present
getTransformedLogsFilterValue should return the same array if INSTANCE and INSTANCE_MARC are not present ‑ getTransformedLogsFilterValue should return the same array if INSTANCE and INSTANCE_MARC are not present
mappers getMappedTableData should convert date string to FolioFormattedTime ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should convert date string to FolioFormattedTime
mappers getMappedTableData should convert user expiration date string to FormattedUTCDate ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should convert user expiration date string to FormattedUTCDate
mappers getMappedTableData should convert user status value to translated ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should convert user status value to translated
mappers getMappedTableData should not convert date string to FolioFormattedTime when value is empty ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should not convert date string to FolioFormattedTime when value is empty
mappers getMappedTableData should render Electronic access as a table ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should render Electronic access as a table
mappers getMappedTableData should return correct table data for entity type ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should return correct table data for entity type
mappers getMappedTableData should return empty table data when data is not defined ‑ mappers getMappedTableData should return empty table data when data is not defined
pollForStatus should reject with an error if the request fails ‑ pollForStatus should reject with an error if the request fails
pollForStatus should resolve with the final status when status is not DATA_MODIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS ‑ pollForStatus should resolve with the final status when status is not DATA_MODIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS
removeDuplicatesByValue should handle arrays with no duplicates and leave labels unchanged if there are no parentheses ‑ removeDuplicatesByValue should handle arrays with no duplicates and leave labels unchanged if there are no parentheses
removeDuplicatesByValue should remove duplicates by the value field, merge tenant arrays, and remove parentheses from labels ‑ removeDuplicatesByValue should remove duplicates by the value field, merge tenant arrays, and remove parentheses from labels
removeDuplicatesByValue should remove parentheses from labels when tenants array has only one element ‑ removeDuplicatesByValue should remove parentheses from labels when tenants array has only one element
removeDuplicatesByValue should return results sorted by label in alphabetical order ‑ removeDuplicatesByValue should return results sorted by label in alphabetical order
sortAlphabetically should handle a placeholder value and move it to the beginning ‑ sortAlphabetically should handle a placeholder value and move it to the beginning
sortAlphabetically should sort the array alphabetically ‑ sortAlphabetically should sort the array alphabetically
sortAlphabeticallyActions should sort the array alphabetically with placeholder priority ‑ sortAlphabeticallyActions should sort the array alphabetically with placeholder priority
sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should handle multiple placeholders correctly ‑ sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should handle multiple placeholders correctly
sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should keep placeholders (empty values) at the top ‑ sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should keep placeholders (empty values) at the top
sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should not modify the original array ‑ sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should not modify the original array
sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should return an empty array if the input is undefined or null ‑ sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should return an empty array if the input is undefined or null
sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should sort labels alphabetically based on their translated values ‑ sortAlphabeticallyComponentLabels should sort labels alphabetically based on their translated values
test should render with error ‑ test should render with error
useAllPermissions should fetch permissions and return them ‑ useAllPermissions should fetch permissions and return them
useAllPermissions should handle loading state ‑ useAllPermissions should handle loading state
useBulkEditLogs should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query ‑ useBulkEditLogs should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query
useBulkEditLogs should return fetched hydreated logs list ‑ useBulkEditLogs should return fetched hydreated logs list
useBulkOperationDetails should clear interval and redirect when clearIntervalAndRedirect is called ‑ useBulkOperationDetails should clear interval and redirect when clearIntervalAndRedirect is called
useBulkOperationDetails should initialize with the correct refetch interval and query key ‑ useBulkOperationDetails should initialize with the correct refetch interval and query key
useBulkOperationStats initial state is set correctly ‑ useBulkOperationStats initial state is set correctly
useBulkOperationStats state is updated correctly for COMMIT step ‑ useBulkOperationStats state is updated correctly for COMMIT step
useBulkOperationStats state is updated correctly for UPLOAD step ‑ useBulkOperationStats state is updated correctly for UPLOAD step
useBulkOperationUsers should fetch related users ‑ useBulkOperationUsers should fetch related users
useCommitChanges should commit changes successfully ‑ useCommitChanges should commit changes successfully
useCommitChanges should show an error message when commit fails ‑ useCommitChanges should show an error message when commit fails
useConfirmChanges should handle changePreviewSettled function correctly ‑ useConfirmChanges should handle changePreviewSettled function correctly
useConfirmChanges should handle confirmChanges function correctly ‑ useConfirmChanges should handle confirmChanges function correctly
useConfirmChanges should handle error in confirmChanges function ‑ useConfirmChanges should handle error in confirmChanges function
useConfirmChanges should initialize hook state correctly ‑ useConfirmChanges should initialize hook state correctly
useConfirmChanges should open and close the preview modal ‑ useConfirmChanges should open and close the preview modal
useErrorMessages should not show any message if no error message is provided ‑ useErrorMessages should not show any message if no error message is provided
useErrorMessages should show a translated error message if one exists ‑ useErrorMessages should show a translated error message if one exists
useErrorMessages should show specific error message if error includes ERRORS.TOKEN ‑ useErrorMessages should show specific error message if error includes ERRORS.TOKEN
useErrorMessages should show the default error message when the response is an error object without a message ‑ useErrorMessages should show the default error message when the response is an error object without a message
useErrorMessages should show the error message from the body if no translation is found ‑ useErrorMessages should show the error message from the body if no translation is found
useErrorMessages should use variables from meta object if provided ‑ useErrorMessages should use variables from meta object if provided
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should default to 500 if no status is provided and message is empty ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should default to 500 if no status is provided and message is empty
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should handle a scenario where the module returns a non-standard error message ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should handle a scenario where the module returns a non-standard error message
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show a generic status error message if neither a valid message nor a recognized message key is provided ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show a generic status error message if neither a valid message nor a recognized message key is provided
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the "message" property if it exists ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the "message" property if it exists
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the message if message corresponds to a known status string ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the message if message corresponds to a known status string
useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the status code if message not provided ‑ useErrorMessages showExternalModuleError should show an error message using the status code if message not provided
useErrorType should initialize with error type if errors exist ‑ useErrorType should initialize with error type if errors exist
useErrorType should initialize with no error type if only warnings exist ‑ useErrorType should initialize with no error type if only warnings exist
useErrorType should reset error type when the input props change ‑ useErrorType should reset error type when the input props change
useErrorType should toggle error type when toggleErrorType is called ‑ useErrorType should toggle error type when toggleErrorType is called
useErrorsPreview should call ky.get with the correct parameters in queryFn ‑ useErrorsPreview should call ky.get with the correct parameters in queryFn
useErrorsPreview should handle onError and onSuccess callbacks ‑ useErrorsPreview should handle onError and onSuccess callbacks
useErrorsPreview should return an empty array if data.errors is undefined ‑ useErrorsPreview should return an empty array if data.errors is undefined
useErrorsPreview should return errors and isFetching from useQuery ‑ useErrorsPreview should return errors and isFetching from useQuery
useInAppApproach should close in-app layer and set param ‑ useInAppApproach should close in-app layer and set param
useInAppApproach should close preview modal ‑ useInAppApproach should close preview modal
useInAppApproach should initialize with default values ‑ useInAppApproach should initialize with default values
useInAppApproach should open in-app layer and set param ‑ useInAppApproach should open in-app layer and set param
useInAppApproach should open preview modal ‑ useInAppApproach should open preview modal
useLoanTypes should allow passing additional options to useQuery ‑ useLoanTypes should allow passing additional options to useQuery
useLoanTypes should handle loading state correctly ‑ useLoanTypes should handle loading state correctly
useLoanTypes should return loan types when data is available ‑ useLoanTypes should return loan types when data is available
useLocationEcs applies additional query options if provided ‑ useLocationEcs applies additional query options if provided
useLocationEcs formats locations data correctly when query returns data ‑ useLocationEcs formats locations data correctly when query returns data
useLocationEcs handles errors gracefully when the query fails ‑ useLocationEcs handles errors gracefully when the query fails
useLocationEcs returns default values when query is fetching or no data is available ‑ useLocationEcs returns default values when query is fetching or no data is available
useManualApproach should close manual modal and set param ‑ useManualApproach should close manual modal and set param
useManualApproach should initialize with default values ‑ useManualApproach should initialize with default values
useManualApproach should open manual modal and set param ‑ useManualApproach should open manual modal and set param
useMarcApproach should close marc layer and reset fields ‑ useMarcApproach should close marc layer and reset fields
useMarcApproach should initialize with default values ‑ useMarcApproach should initialize with default values
useMarcApproach should open marc layer and set param ‑ useMarcApproach should open marc layer and set param
useNotesEcs applies additional query options if provided ‑ useNotesEcs applies additional query options if provided
useNotesEcs formats notes data correctly when query returns data ‑ useNotesEcs formats notes data correctly when query returns data
useNotesEcs handles errors gracefully when the query fails ‑ useNotesEcs handles errors gracefully when the query fails
useNotesEcs returns default values when query is fetching or no data is available ‑ useNotesEcs returns default values when query is fetching or no data is available
usePagination changePage does not modify other properties ‑ usePagination changePage does not modify other properties
usePagination changePage updates pagination correctly ‑ usePagination changePage updates pagination correctly
usePagination changePage works with multiple properties ‑ usePagination changePage works with multiple properties
usePagination initial state is set correctly ‑ usePagination initial state is set correctly
usePublishCoordinator.test Errors should format publish coordinator result with 'Error' status ‑ usePublishCoordinator.test Errors should format publish coordinator result with 'Error' status
usePublishCoordinator.test should initiate publish coordinator request to get records from provided tenants ‑ usePublishCoordinator.test should initiate publish coordinator request to get records from provided tenants
usePublishCoordinator.test should poll publish coordinator until the publication status is 'In progress' ‑ usePublishCoordinator.test should poll publish coordinator until the publication status is 'In progress'
usePublishCoordinator.test should return results if PC has managed to process the request on the first turn ‑ usePublishCoordinator.test should return results if PC has managed to process the request on the first turn
useRecordTypes should return recordTypes, loading state, and error state ‑ useRecordTypes should return recordTypes, loading state, and error state
useStatisticalCodes should fetch and return statistical codes data ‑ useStatisticalCodes should fetch and return statistical codes data
useStatisticalCodes should handle errors and call showErrorMessage ‑ useStatisticalCodes should handle errors and call showErrorMessage