Releases: folio-org/ui-serials-management
Releases · folio-org/ui-serials-management
Version 1.1.2
1.1.2 2025-01-09
- UISER-161 Enable support for serials to create receiving pieces in ECS environments with central ordering
- Updated translations
What's Changed
- Release 1.1.2 by @Jack-Golding in #349
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
Version 1.0.6
1.0.6 2025-01-07
- UISER-172 Receiving pieces for combined pieces do not include correct display summary
- MODSER-54 Combination pieces do not get allocated a
What's Changed
- Release 1.0.6 by @Jack-Golding in #348
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
Version 1.1.1
1.1.1 2024-11-29
- UISER-174 In Generated predicted piece confirmation warning the wrong date is used
- UISER-172 Receiving pieces for combined pieces do not include correct display summary
- UISER-178 Non-existant permission referenced in ui-serials-management leading to no permission to delete a predicted piece set
- MODSER-62 Multiple levels of continuous enumeration in a publication pattern result in incorrect numbering
What's Changed
- Release 1.1.1 by @Jack-Golding in #340
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
Version 1.1.0
1.1.0 2024-11-01
- UISER-167 Update module license and guidance for ui-serials-management
- UISER-166 Update permissions and menu display for serials
- UISER-165 Update permissions and menu display for predicted piece sets
- UISER-164 Only users with permission ui-serials-management.serials.edit should see the "New" button for Serials
- UISER-163 Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for UI-Serials-Management (Eureka)
- UISER-158 Handle display of sparse order-line objects
- UISER-155 Deleted predicted piece set
- UISER-153 Support edit for publication patterns
- UISER-151 Validation messages on the "Number of time units" field are not being displayed
- UISER-150 Fix inconsistencies in the module descriptors for folio_serials-management-1.1
- UISER-149 Serials/Receiving: Combination issues do not include expected receipt date
- UISER-148 Warn user if they are going to create a predicted piece set with the same start date as an existing predicted piece set
- UISER-147 Change preview window title
- UISER-144 Dropdowns in Publication Pattern labels slow to respond
- UISER-141 View publication pattern
- UISER-140 Aria labels in publication pattern should be translatable
- UISER-138 Aria label missing for publication pattern numeric day field
- UISER-135 Holdings storage API version update
- UISER-114 Display publisher information in the serial view
- UISER-107 Display tokens for enumeration/chronology in the label
- UISER-91 On generating predicted pieces, if the active ruleset has previously been used, then the form should populate with the next set of starting values
- UISER-15 UX review: view serial record
- UISER-6 Edit publication pattern
- MODSER-58 Attempting to generate piece sets with the first or next piece being omitted results in "Cannot get naive index of internal omission piece"
- MODSER-57 Refactor generate/create piece set endpoints to return same objects
- MODSER-54 Combination pieces do not get allocated a
- ERM-3184 Number validation does not allow entry of minus sign or 'e' (exponential) in supplementary props/license terms
- Use shared NumberField component from kint-components
- ERM-3165 Replace moment with dayjs across app suite
- FOLIO-4086 Fix GitHub Actions workflow not running for tags
What's Changed
- docs: Updated changelog after 1.0.3 release by @Jack-Golding in #263
- UISER-133: Bring UI permissions in line with backend permission naming by @ostephens in #264
- UISER-133: Use correct UI permissions for displaying UI elements by @ostephens in #265
- UISER-133: Incorrect predictedPieces permission case by @Jack-Golding in #266
- Revert "UISER-133: Incorrect predictedPieces permission case" by @Jack-Golding in #267
- fix: Serial view perm tweak by @Jack-Golding in #268
- docs: Updated changelog post 1.0.4 release by @Jack-Golding in #270
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #271
- UISER-130, Aria labels for publication pattern issue publication labels by @MonireRasouli in #272
- UISER-107: Display tokens for enumeration/chronology in the label by @MonireRasouli in #262
- chore: Workflow tweaks by @Jack-Golding in #273
- UISER-135 Holdings storage API version update by @CalamityC in #276
- UISER-138 Aria label missing for publication pattern numeric day field by @CalamityC in #275
- ERM-3165, Replace moment with dayjs across app suite by @MonireRasouli in #274
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #277
- Uiser 107 by @MonireRasouli in #278
- Revert "Uiser 107" by @Jack-Golding in #280
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #281
- UISER-107 by @MonireRasouli in #282
- UISER-91: Follow on from previous predicted piece set by @Jack-Golding in #279
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #285
- ERM-3184, Make use of shared NumberField from kint-components by @MonireRasouli in #284
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #289
- UISER-114 Display publisher information in the serial view by @CalamityC in #290
- UISER-129 Add "Create item" and "Display to public" checkboxes to "Ge… by @CalamityC in #287
- fix: Raw value for starting values by @Jack-Golding in #288
- fix: Starting values onChange by @Jack-Golding in #291
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #294
- docs: Updated changelog after 1.0.5 release by @Jack-Golding in #296
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #297
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #299
- fix: Upload artifact version bump by @Jack-Golding in #301
- feat: RulesetView by @Jack-Golding in #298
- UISER-158 handle null orderLine object by @zburke in #300
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #303
- ERM-3338, Move GitHub actions to shared workflows, refs ERM-3336 by @MonireRasouli in #302
- chore: add jest maxWorkers=50% to help tests run faster by @EthanFreestone in #306
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #307
- chore: Added validate package workflow by @EthanFreestone in #308
- feat: Deleted predicted piece set by @Jack-Golding in #305
- UISER-148 Warn user if they are going to create a predicted piece set… by @CalamityC in #292
- test: RulesetViewRoute test by @Jack-Golding in #309
- UISER-148: Overlapping date conditional by @Jack-Golding in #310
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #312
- UISER-165: Update permissions and menu display for predicted piece sets by @Jack-Golding in #313
- [FOLIO-4086] Fix GitHub Actions workflow not running for tags by @ncovercash in #314
- UISER-166, Update permissions and menu display for serials by @MonireRasouli in #318
- UISER-164: New serial button permission conditional by @MonireRasouli in #317
- Bump up holdings-storage version by @NikitaSedyx in #319
- UISER-153: Support edit for publication patterns by @Jack-Golding in #315
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #321
- UISER-166: Fixed permissions required for new publication pattern by @MonireRasouli in #320
- MODSER-54: Combination pieces do not get allocated a
by @Jack-Golding in #322 - MODSER-57: Generate pieces deprecation handling by @Jack-Golding in #323
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #324
- UISER-167: Update module license and guidance for ui-serials-management by @Jack-Golding in #325
- MODSER-58: Start date changes by @Jack-Golding in #326
New Contributors
- @ncovercash made their first contribution in #314
- @NikitaSedyx made their first contribution in #319
Full Changelog:
Version 1.0.5
1.0.5 2024-08-23
- UISER-129 Add "Create item" checkbox to "Generate in receiving" dialog
Version 1.0.4
1.0.4 2024-05-15
- UISER-133 Permissions not renamed in line with updated backend perms
Version 1.0.3
1.0.3 2024-05-13
- UISER-31 Missing permission serials-management.locales.collection.get from module.serials-management.enabled perm set
- Translations
Version 1.0.2
1.0.2 2024-04-26
- UISER-27 Ensure meaningful aria labels are in place to uniquely identify repeated fields
- Translations
Version 1.0.1
1.0.1 2024-04-19
- UISER-127 In the CHRONOLOGY_MONTH_FORMAT, October should be the 10th month, not 8th
- UISER-126 Label starting value fields in preview form are repeated on preview
- UISER-123 Improve information and feedback to user when generating receiving pieces
- UISER-119 Resolve SonarQube code smells
- UISER-115 Where enumeration labels have been defined, starting values for each enumeration level should be required before previewing or generating pieces
- UISER-113 Support using different languages for chronologies when generating predicted pieces
- UISER-112 Add linked title to Serial display and Predicted piece set display
- UISER-109 Targeted tests for UI Serials Management
- UISER-105 Add "info" icon to Template
- UISER-104 Template should appear below labels in Publication Pattern form
- UISER-100 Add Notes to Serials view pane
- UISER-99 Level 1 number not used correctly in predicted piece preview from Create Publication Pattern
- UISER-95 Add refdata view permissions to module enabled permission set so all users can view reference data
- UISER-90 Identifiers of receiving pieces should be stored with the predicted pieces that generated them and displays should reflect this
- UISER-87 Pattern ID (rulesetNumber) not being populated on adding a publication pattern
- UISER-85 Add link from predicted piece set back to Serial record
- UISER-82 Title does not display in predicted piece set search and sort
- UISER-80 On editing a serial which is linked to a POL with multiple titles the previously selected title should show as selected
- UISER-78 Corrections to publication pattern display in serials view
- UISER-13 UX updates: New/Edit Serial
- Translations
- Updated formatJS dependency
Version 1.0.0
1.0.0 2024-03-22
- Initial release for UI module ui-serials-management
- Manage objects relating to the concept of a "serial"
- Manage rulesets governing the publication behaviour of a serial
- Generation of predicted pieces from serial ruleset
- Local internal piece management
- Push internal pieces into receiving module
- JIRA Epic:
- UXPROD-4437 Initial support for serials including prediction patterns and issue generation
- JIRA Feature Tickets:
- UXPROD-4386 Serial publication pattern: basic creation, view
- UXPROD-4385 Support Enumeration and Chronology for serials management
- UXPROD-4383 Support for specifying issue frequency for serials
- UXPROD-4382 Support for a 'serial' record
- UXPROD-4379 Serials publication pattern UX enhancements
- UXPROD-4378 Create receiving pieces for predicted serial pieces
- UXPROD-4352 Create predicted pieces
- UXPROD-4349 Serial publication patterns: support issue omissions and combinations