Current Stage: Pick accent colors for individual apps, if that's all you want out of this tool (Excluding iMac colors), feel free to test drive Beta 2 now (and make sure to give me feedback!).
The final release will be open source, supporing macOS 13.0 Ventura and later. Now when will the final release happen? Good luck. - Really cool app to use the iMac's accent colors on any Mac with a simple UI - Changing system accent colors with UserDefaults and getting all apps to change automatically (Massive resource for me) - Information about what exactly allows using the iMac's accent colors on any Mac - Setting accent colors on a per-application basis using the defaults command
You all have my official stamp of approval.
This project used to be called Aquifer, but I since renamed it to Aquira.... since why not, I guess.
This project truthfully is a stopgap for something better that either myself or hopefully someone else will write. I already have plans to use the general knowledge I'm learning with Aquira to make a future, more general-purpose tool that kinda acts as a per-app version of System Settings, called Preferential right now, but that'll be something for another day.