Simple Solar System simulator written in F#. Simulator can be configured through the xml configuration file.
.NET (on Windows, I use 4.7.1) or mono (on Linux, I use Fedora 27, and macOS; where I did not test, and one person says that it does not work; I do not know why).
For build: F# (4.1), MSBuild.
or Visual Studio.
./solar-bin.exe --config solar_system.xml
or mono solar-bin.exe --config solar_system.xml
on Linux and macOS (or solar-standalone.exe
Or just ./solar-bin.exe
is the default).
./solar-bin.exe --help
for help.
Keys | |
W A S D | move |
Q E | axis move |
+ - | control time speed |
, . | control scale |
8 | move to selected planet |
9 0 | select planet |
P | change projection |
O | toggle information |
I | toggle orbits |
Space | toggle pause |