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(analyzer): add analyses and injection tests
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andreffnascimento committed Feb 5, 2025
1 parent 48bcca5 commit 137daee
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Showing 38 changed files with 596 additions and 123 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/analyzer/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ let compute_call_arguments (callers : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (l_func : Node.t)
ls_args |> List.filter_map f |> List.iter (add callers l_param) )

let compute_call (callers : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (l_call : Node.t) : unit =
let l_func = Mdg.get_call_function mdg l_call in
Fun.flip List.iter l_func (fun l_func' ->
add callers l_func' l_call;
compute_call_arguments callers mdg l_func' l_call )
let ls_func = Mdg.get_called_functions mdg l_call in
Fun.flip List.iter ls_func (fun l_func ->
add callers l_func l_call;
compute_call_arguments callers mdg l_func l_call )

let compute (mdg : Mdg.t) : t =
let callers = create () in
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/analyzer/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ let mem (interactability : t) (node : Node.t) : bool =
let find_opt (interactability : t) (node : Node.t) : Interaction.t option = snd (Hashtbl.find_opt interactability node.uid)

let find (interactability : t) (node : Node.t) : Interaction.t =
Option.value ~default:[] (find_opt interactability node)

let replace (interactability : t) (node : Node.t) (interaction : Interaction.t)
: unit =
Hashtbl.replace interactability node.uid (node, interaction)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ let rec compute_object (interactability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t)

let set_taint (mdg : Mdg.t) (l_taint : Node.t) (node : Node.t) : unit =
match node.kind with
| Object _ | Function _ | Parameter _ ->
| Object _ | Function _ | Parameter _ | TaintSink _ ->
Mdg.add_edge mdg (Edge.create_dependency () l_taint node)
| _ -> ()

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74 changes: 45 additions & 29 deletions src/analyzer/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,21 @@ module Source = struct
type t =
| Param of Node.t * string option list
| Ret of Node.t
| Tainted
| TaintSink of Node.t
| TaintSource

let id : t -> int = function
| Param (n, _) | Ret n -> n.uid
| Tainted -> Location.taint_source_loc ()
| Param (n, _) | Ret n | TaintSink n -> n.uid
| TaintSource -> Location.taint_source_loc ()

let is_taint_source : t -> bool = function TaintSource -> true | _ -> false
let hash (src : t) : int = Location.hash (id src)
let equal (src1 : t) (src2 : t) : bool = Location.equal (id src1) (id src2)
let compare (src1 : t) (src2 : t) : int = (id src1) (id src2)

let extend (prop : string option) : t -> t = function
| Param (node, props) -> Param (node, props @ [ prop ])
| Ret _ as reach -> reach
| Tainted as tainted -> tainted
| source -> source

let pp_props (ppf : Fmt.t) (props : string option list) =
let pp_prop ppf prop = Fmt.pp_str ppf (Option.value ~default:"*" prop) in
Expand All @@ -29,12 +30,13 @@ module Source = struct
| Param (node, props) ->
Fmt.fmt ppf "P(%s%a)" ( node) pp_props props
| Ret node -> Fmt.fmt ppf "Ret(%s)" ( node)
| Tainted -> Fmt.pp_str ppf "Tainted"
| TaintSink node -> Fmt.fmt ppf "Sink(%s)" ( node)
| TaintSource -> Fmt.pp_str ppf "TaintSource"

let str (reach : t) : string = Fmt.str "%a" pp reach [@@inline]

module Set = struct
module Sources = struct
include Set.Make (struct
type elt = Source.t

Expand All @@ -48,60 +50,74 @@ module Set = struct
let str (nodes : t) : string = Fmt.str "%a" pp nodes [@@inline]

type t = (Location.t, Set.t) Hashtbl.t
type t = (Location.t, Sources.t) Hashtbl.t

let create () : t = Hashtbl.create Config.(!dflt_htbl_sz)

let mem (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) : bool =
Hashtbl.mem reachability node.uid

let find_opt (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) : Set.t option =
let find_opt (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) : Sources.t option =
Hashtbl.find_opt reachability node.uid

let find (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) : Set.t =
Option.value ~default:Set.empty (find_opt reachability node)
let find (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) : Sources.t =
Option.value ~default:Sources.empty (find_opt reachability node)

let replace (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) (sources : Set.t) : unit =
let replace (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) (sources : Sources.t) : unit =
Hashtbl.replace reachability node.uid sources

let add (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) (source : Source.t) : bool * Set.t =
let sources = Set.singleton source in
let set (reachability : t) (node : Node.t) (sources : Sources.t) :
bool * Sources.t =
replace reachability node sources;
(true, sources)

let is_tainted (mdg : Mdg.t) (node : Node.t) =
let f edge = Edge.is_dependency edge && Node.is_taint_source edge.tar in
let edges = Mdg.get_trans mdg node.uid in
if Edge.Set.exists f edges then Sources.singleton TaintSource
else Sources.empty

let rec compute_node (reachability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (ls_visited : Node.Set.t)
(props : string option list) (node : Node.t) : bool * Set.t =
match (find_opt reachability node, node.kind) with
| (Some sources, _) -> (true, sources)
| (None, TaintSource) -> add reachability node Tainted
| (None, Parameter _) -> add reachability node (Param (node, []))
| (None, Return _) -> add reachability node (Ret node)
| (None, _) ->
(props : string option list) (node : Node.t) : bool * Sources.t =
match find_opt reachability node with
| Some sources -> (true, sources)
| None -> compute_unknown_node reachability mdg ls_visited props node

and compute_unknown_node (reachability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t)
(ls_visited : Node.Set.t) (props : string option list) (node : Node.t) :
bool * Sources.t =
let add_f source = Sources.add source (is_tainted mdg node) in
match node.kind with
| TaintSource -> set reachability node (Sources.singleton TaintSource)
| Parameter _ -> set reachability node (add_f (Param (node, [])))
| Return _ -> set reachability node (add_f (Ret node))
| TaintSink _ -> set reachability node (add_f (TaintSink node))
| _ ->
let ls_visited' = Node.Set.add node ls_visited in
let res = compute_edges reachability mdg ls_visited' props node in
let (resolved, sources) = res in
if resolved then replace reachability node sources;

and compute_edges (reachability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (ls_visited : Node.Set.t)
(props : string option list) (node : Node.t) : bool * Set.t =
(props : string option list) (node : Node.t) : bool * Sources.t =
let edges = Mdg.get_trans mdg node.uid in
Fun.flip2 Edge.Set.fold edges (true, Set.empty)
Fun.flip2 Edge.Set.fold edges (true, Sources.empty)
(fun edge (resolved, sources) ->
match (Node.Set.mem edge.tar ls_visited, edge.kind) with
| (true, _) -> (false, Set.union sources (find reachability edge.tar))
| (true, _) -> (false, Sources.union sources (find reachability edge.tar))
| (false, (Dependency | Argument _)) ->
let (resolved', sources') =
compute_node reachability mdg ls_visited props edge.tar in
(resolved && resolved', Set.union sources sources')
(resolved && resolved', Sources.union sources sources')
| (false, Property prop) ->
let (resolved', sources') =
compute_node reachability mdg ls_visited props edge.tar in
let sources'' = (Source.extend prop) sources' in
(resolved && resolved', Set.union sources sources'')
| _ -> (true, Set.empty) )
let sources'' = (Source.extend prop) sources' in
(resolved && resolved', Sources.union sources sources'')
| _ -> (true, Sources.empty) )

let compute (reachability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (node : Node.t) : Set.t =
let compute (reachability : t) (mdg : Mdg.t) (node : Node.t) : Sources.t =
match find_opt reachability node with
| Some sources -> sources
| None ->
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70 changes: 67 additions & 3 deletions src/analyzer/
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@@ -1,20 +1,81 @@
(* open Graphjs_base *)
open Graphjs_base
open Graphjs_ast
open Graphjs_mdg

module Worklist = struct
type t =
{ queue : Node.t Queue.t
; visited : Node.Set.t
; result : Node.t option

let create () : t =
{ queue = Queue.create (); visited = Node.Set.empty; result = None }

let dequeue (worklist : t) : Node.t option = Queue.take_opt worklist.queue

let enqueue (worklist : t) (node : Node.t) : t =
if not (Node.Set.mem node worklist.visited) then
let _ = Queue.push node worklist.queue in
{ worklist with visited = Node.Set.add node worklist.visited }
else worklist

let get_result (worklist : t) : Node.t option = worklist.result

let set_result (worklist : t) (result : Node.t) =
{ worklist with result = Some result }

type t =
{ mdg : Mdg.t
; properties : Properties.t
; callers : Callers.t
; interactability : Interactability.t
; reachability : Reachability.t
; worklist : Worklist.t

let initialize (mdg : Mdg.t) : t =
let properties = Properties.create () in
let callers = Callers.compute mdg in
let interactability = Interactability.compute mdg in
let reachability = Reachability.create () in
{ mdg; properties; callers; interactability; reachability }
let worklist = Worklist.create () in
{ mdg; properties; callers; interactability; reachability; worklist }

let rec run (f : Node.t -> t) (engine : t) : Node.t option =
match Worklist.get_result engine.worklist with
| Some _ as result -> result
| None -> (
match Worklist.dequeue engine.worklist with
| Some node -> f node |> (run f [@tailcall])
| None -> None )

let enqueue (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : t =
{ engine with worklist = Worklist.enqueue engine.worklist node }

let result (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : t =
{ engine with worklist = Worklist.set_result engine.worklist node }

let vulnerability (engine : t) (sink : Tainted.sink) (node : Node.t) :
Vulnerability.t =
(* HACK: vulnerabilities without a lineno are update with the lineno of the corresponding property *)
(* this is useful, for example, when a sensitive sink is exported by the module *)
let vuln = Vulnerability.make sink node in
if vuln.line == Region.invalid then
Mdg.object_of_property engine.mdg node
|> List.hd_opt
|> Option.fold ~none:vuln ~some:(Vulnerability.update vuln)
else vuln

let get_sinks (engine : t) : Node.Set.t =
Fun.flip2 Node.Set.fold engine.mdg.calls Node.Set.empty (fun l_call acc ->
let ls_func = Mdg.get_called_functions engine.mdg l_call in
Fun.flip2 List.fold_right ls_func acc (fun l_func acc ->
if Node.is_taint_sink l_func then Node.Set.add l_func acc else acc ) )

let is_attacker_controlled (reachability : Reachability.Sources.t) : bool =
Reachability.Sources.exists Reachability.Source.is_taint_source reachability

let lookup (engine : t) (node : Node.t) (prop : string option) : Node.Set.t =
Properties.compute engine.mdg node [ prop ]
Expand All @@ -26,5 +87,8 @@ let nested_lookup (engine : t) (node : Node.t) (props : string option list) :
let callers (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : Node.Set.t =
Callers.find engine.callers node

let reaching (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : Reachability.Set.t =
let interaction (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : Interactability.Interaction.t =
Interactability.find engine.interactability node

let sources (engine : t) (node : Node.t) : Reachability.Sources.t =
Reachability.compute engine.reachability engine.mdg node
84 changes: 50 additions & 34 deletions src/analyzer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,43 +1,59 @@
open Graphjs_base
open Graphjs_mdg
module Worklist = Analysis_engine.Worklist

let run_injection_returners (_engine : Analysis_engine.t) (_l_return : Node.t) :
Node.Set.t =
let return_reachability = Reachability.compute l_return
forall reachable in return_reachability:
if is_param reachable then return reachable
if is_return reachable then run_injection_returners reachable

let run_injection_sink (_engine : Analysis_engine.t) (_l_sink : Node.t) :
Vulnerability.t option =
let sink_reachability = Reachability.compute l_sink
if List.mem TaintSource sink_reachability then Some vulnerability
foreach reachable in sink_reachability:
if is_call reachable then
let callers = Callers.compute reachable in
forall callers: run_injection_sink caller
if is_return reachable then
let returns_reachability = run_injection_returners reachable in
forall returns_reachability = run_injection_sink returns_reachability

let run_injection (_engine : Analysis_engine.t) : Vulnerability.t list = []
foreach sink in mdg:
let run_injection_param (engine : Analysis_engine.t) (l_param : Node.t)
(_props : string option list) : Analysis_engine.t =
let callers = Analysis_engine.callers engine l_param in
Log.debug "%a" Node.Set.pp callers;

let run_injection_return (engine : Analysis_engine.t) (_l_retn : Node.t) :
Analysis_engine.t =

let run_injection_sink (engine : Analysis_engine.t) (l_sink : Node.t) :
Analysis_engine.t =
match l_sink.kind with
| TaintSink sink ->
let args = Tainted.args sink in
let callers = Analysis_engine.callers engine l_sink in
Fun.flip2 Node.Set.fold callers engine (fun l_call acc ->
Fun.flip2 List.fold_left acc args (fun acc idx ->
let ls_arg = Mdg.get_argument engine.mdg l_call idx in
Fun.flip2 List.fold_left acc ls_arg (fun acc l_arg ->
Analysis_engine.enqueue acc l_arg ) ) )
| _ -> "unexpected node kind in injection sink"

let run_injection_source (engine : Analysis_engine.t) :
Reachability.Source.t -> Analysis_engine.t = function
| Param (l_param, props) -> run_injection_param engine l_param props
| Ret l_retn -> run_injection_return engine l_retn
| TaintSink l_sink -> run_injection_sink engine l_sink
| TaintSource -> "unexpected taint_source information source"

let run_injection_node (engine : Analysis_engine.t) : Node.t option =
Fun.flip engine (fun node ->
let sources = Analysis_engine.sources engine node in
if Analysis_engine.is_attacker_controlled sources then
Analysis_engine.result engine node
Reachability.Sources.fold (Fun.flip run_injection_source) sources engine )

let run_injection (engine : Analysis_engine.t) : Vulnerability.t list =
let l_sinks = Analysis_engine.get_sinks engine in
Fun.flip2 Node.Set.fold l_sinks [] (fun l_sink vulns ->
let engine' = Analysis_engine.enqueue engine l_sink in
let sink = Node.sink l_sink in
match run_injection_node engine' with
| None -> vulns
| Some node -> Analysis_engine.vulnerability engine' sink node :: vulns )

let run_prototype (_engine : Analysis_engine.t) : Vulnerability.t list = []

let run (engine : Analysis_engine.t) : Vulnerability.t list =
Log.debug "Interactability:@\n%a@." Interactability.pp engine.interactability;
Log.debug "Tainted:@\n%a" Mdg.pp engine.mdg;
Log.debug "Graph:@\n%a@\n" Mdg.pp engine.mdg;
Log.debug "Interactability:@\n%a@\n" Interactability.pp engine.interactability;
let injection_vulns = run_injection engine in
let prototype_vulns = run_injection engine in
let prototype_vulns = run_prototype engine in
injection_vulns @ prototype_vulns

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