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filipeom committed Feb 27, 2025
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175 changes: 117 additions & 58 deletions doc/index.mld
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@@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
{0 Smtml}
{0 Smtml - SMT Solving in OCaml}

The full API can be {{:Smtml/index.html} found here}.
Coverage {{:} here}
{{:Smtml/index.html} Full API Documentation} |
{{:} Test Coverage} |
{{:} GitHub Repository}

{e} is a free and open-source OCaml SMT constraint abstraction layer
that serves as an abstracted constraint-solving wrapper, currently utilising
Z3 as its backend solver. However, future plans for include support
for other solvers in its backend, such as Yices and cvc5.
[Smtml] is an OCaml SMT solver abstraction layer providing:

{1 Creating Solvers}
+ Multi-backend support (currently Z3, Colibri2, Alt-Ergo, Bitwuzla, and cvc5)
+ Type-safe expression construction
+ Flexible solver interaction modes
+ Model extraction capabilities

To begin creating solvers, utilize the modules provided in {!module:Smtml.Solver}
for Z3 encoding. The simplest approach to creating a solver in the Smtml
is outlined below:
{1:start Getting Started}

Install via OPAM:
{@sh skip[
opam install smtml

Basic usage in OCaml toplevel:
# #use "topfind"
# #use "topfind";;
# #require "smtml"
# #install_printer Smtml.Expr.pp
# module Z3 = Smtml.Solver.Batch (Smtml.Z3_mappings)
# #require "smtml";;
# #install_printer Smtml.Expr.pp;;
# let pp_model = Smtml.Model.pp ~no_values:false;;
val pp_model : Smtml.Model.t Fmt.t = <fun>
# #install_printer pp_model;;
# #install_printer Smtml.Statistics.pp;;
# module Z3 = Smtml.Solver.Batch (Smtml.Z3_mappings);;
module Z3 :
type t = Smtml.Solver.Batch(Smtml.Z3_mappings).t
Expand All @@ -42,72 +51,122 @@ module Z3 :
val get_value : t -> Smtml.Expr.t -> Smtml.Expr.t
val model : ?symbols:Smtml.Symbol.t list -> t -> Smtml.Model.t option
# let solver = Z3.create ()
# let solver = Z3.create ();;
val solver : Z3.t = <abstr>

{1:solvers Creating Solvers}

Smtml provides different solver modes through functors:

- {!module:Smtml.Solver.Batch} for one-shot solving
- {!module:Smtml.Solver.Incremental} for incremental solving

Create a Z3-based batch solver with custom parameters:

# let params = Smtml.Params.(default () $ (Timeout, 5000));;
val params : Smtml.Params.t = <abstr>
# let solver = Z3.create ~params ~logic:Smtml.Logic.QF_BV ();;
val solver : Z3.t = <abstr>

For a comprehensive understanding of the solver functions and modes, refer to the
documentation {{:Smtml/Solver/index.html} found here}.
{2:solver_ops Solver Operations}

Key operations (see {!module:Smtml.Solver_intf}):
- {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.push}/ {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.pop} for context management
- {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.add} for adding constraints
- {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.check} for satisfiability checks
- {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.get_value} for model extraction

{1 Creating Expressions}
{1:expressions Building Expressions}

To provide constraints to the solver, it is necessary to first construct
expressions of type {!type:Smtml.Expr.t}. These expressions consist of two
key components: an arbitrary grammar expression of type {!type:Smtml.Expr.expr}
for building logical expressions, and a theory annotation of type {!type:Smtml.Ty.t}
that informs the SMT solver about the theory in which to encode our expressions.
The combination of these two components is achieved using the constructors
[unop], [binop], [relop], etc.
Construct type-safe SMT expressions using:

As an illustration, consider the creation of the logical formula equivalent to
[not (not x) = x]:
- {!module:Smtml.Symbol} for creating variables
- {!module:Smtml.Expr} combinators
- {!module:Smtml.Ty} for type annotations

Example: Bitvector arithmetic
# open Smtml
# let x = Expr.symbol (Symbol.make Ty_bool "x")
# open Smtml;;
# let x = Expr.symbol (Symbol.make (Ty_bitv 8) "x");;
val x : Expr.t = x
# let not_x = Expr.unop Ty_bool Not x
val not_x : Expr.t = (bool.not x)
# let not_not_x = Expr.unop Ty_bool Not not_x
val not_not_x : Expr.t = x
# let expr : Expr.t = Expr.relop Ty_bool Eq not_not_x x
val expr : Expr.t = (bool.eq x x)
# let y = Expr.symbol (Symbol.make (Ty_bitv 8) "y");;
val y : Expr.t = y
# let sum = Expr.binop (Ty_bitv 8) Add x y;;
val sum : Expr.t = (i8.add x y)
# let cond = Expr.relop Ty_bool Eq sum (Expr.value (Num (I8 42)));;
val cond : Expr.t = (bool.eq (i8.add x y) 42)

Once our proposition is encoded in the abstract grammar, it can be passed to
the solver for verification:
{1:checking Checking Satisfiability}

Add constraints and check satisfiability:
# Z3.add solver [ expr ]
- : unit = ()
# assert (match Z3.check solver [] with `Sat -> true | _ -> false)
# Z3.add solver [ cond ];;
- : unit = ()
# match Z3.check solver [] with
| `Sat -> "Satisfiable"
| `Unsat -> "Unsatisfiable"
| `Unknown -> "Unknown";;
- : string = "Satisfiable"

{1 Retreiving Values from the Solver}
{1:models Working with Models}

In many cases, the ability to swiftly retrieve concrete values or sets of values
from a set of satisfiable constraints proves to be immensely beneficial. The
Encoding facilitates this process through two essential functions:
Extract values from satisfiable constraints:
# let model = Z3.model solver |> Option.get;;
val model : Model.t = (model
(x i8 9)
(y i8 33))
# let x_val =
let x = Symbol.make (Ty_bitv 8) "x" in
Model.evaluate model x;;
val x_val : Value.t option = Some (Smtml.Value.Num (Smtml.Num.I8 9))

+ {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.get_value} allows the retrieval of a single value
from the solver.
+ {!val:Smtml.Solver_intf.S.model} enables the retrieval of all possible assignments
within our constraints.
{1:advanced Advanced Features}

To illustrate, let's consider retrieving the value of [x] from our previous example:
{2:params Solver Parameters}

Customize solver behavior using parameters:
# assert (match Z3.check solver [] with `Sat -> true | _ -> false)
- : unit = ()
# Z3.get_value solver x
- : Expr.t = false
let params = Smtml.Params.(
default ()
$ (Timeout, 1000)
$ (Model, true)
$ (Unsat_core, false)

In this snippet, we add our constraint to the solver, ensure its satisfiability,
and then retrieve the value of [x]. The retrieved value is subsequently formatted
for display using the Format module.
{2:statistics Solver Statistics}

Track solver performance:
{@ocaml non-deterministic[
# Z3.get_statistics solver
- : Statistics.t =
((max memory 16.9)
(memory 16.9)
(num allocs 7625)
(rlimit count 362)
(sat backjumps 2)
(sat conflicts 2)
(sat decisions 15)
(sat mk clause 2ary 57)
(sat mk clause nary 98)
(sat mk var 53)
(sat propagations 2ary 28)
(sat propagations nary 30))

{1 More Examples}

More examples can be found {{!examples}here}.
Explore comprehensive usage scenarios:
- {{!examples}Optimizer} - Using optimizers

{1:contrib Contributing}

Smtml is open source! Report issues and contribute at:
{{:} GitHub Repository}
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ let pp_entry fmt = function
| `Float f -> Fmt.float fmt f

let pp =
~sep:(fun fmt () -> fmt "@;")
(fun f m -> Map.iter (fun a b -> f (a, b)) m)
(Fmt.pair ~sep:Fmt.comma Fmt.string pp_entry)
Fmt.vbox ~indent:1
~sep:(fun fmt () -> fmt "@\n")
(fun f m -> Map.iter (fun a b -> f (a, b)) m)
(Fmt.parens (Fmt.pair ~sep:Fmt.sp Fmt.string pp_entry)) ) )

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