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filipeom committed Jun 21, 2024
1 parent 58c4339 commit b1c2116
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Showing 9 changed files with 46 additions and 80 deletions.
38 changes: 25 additions & 13 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty_bitv 64 -> DTy.bitv 64
| Ty_fp 32 -> float32_ty
| Ty_fp 64 -> float64_ty
| Ty_fp _ | Ty_bitv _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| Ty_fp _ | Ty_bitv _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let tty_to_etype (ty : DTerm.ty) : Ty.t =
match ty with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ module Fresh = struct
let op' =
match op with
| At -> assert false
| Concat -> assert false
| String_prefix -> assert false
| String_suffix -> assert false
| String_contains -> assert false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -657,7 +656,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_str -> Str.encode_unop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ -> Bv.encode_unop
| Ty.Ty_fp _ -> Fp.encode_unop
| Ty.Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| (Ty.Ty_list | Ty_app) as op ->
err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to code unsupported op of type %a" Ty.pp

let encode_binop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> I.encode_binop
Expand All @@ -666,7 +667,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_str -> Str.encode_binop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ -> Bv.encode_binop
| Ty.Ty_fp _ -> Fp.encode_binop
| Ty.Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| (Ty.Ty_list | Ty_app) as op ->
err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to code unsupported op of type %a" Ty.pp

let encode_triop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> I.encode_triop
Expand All @@ -675,7 +678,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_str -> Str.encode_triop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ -> Bv.encode_triop
| Ty.Ty_fp _ -> Fp.encode_triop
| Ty.Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| (Ty.Ty_list | Ty_app) as op ->
err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to code unsupported op of type %a" Ty.pp

let encode_relop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> I.encode_relop
Expand All @@ -684,7 +689,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_str -> Str.encode_relop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ -> Bv.encode_relop
| Ty.Ty_fp _ -> Fp.encode_relop
| Ty.Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| (Ty.Ty_list | Ty_app) as op ->
err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to code unsupported op of type %a" Ty.pp

let encode_cvtop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> I.encode_cvtop
Expand All @@ -693,7 +700,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_str -> Str.encode_cvtop
| Ty.Ty_bitv sz -> Bv.encode_cvtop sz
| Ty.Ty_fp sz -> Fp.encode_cvtop sz
| Ty.Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| (Ty.Ty_list | Ty_app) as op ->
err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to code unsupported op of type %a" Ty.pp

(*let symbol_to_var v = (Symbol.to_string v) (tty_of_etype (Symbol.type_of v))*)
Expand All @@ -719,6 +728,10 @@ module Fresh = struct
let base' = encode_val (Num (I32 base)) in
let offset' = aux offset in
DTerm.Bitv.add base' offset'
| Symbol s ->
let cst = tcst_of_symbol s in
record_sym cst;
DTerm.of_cst cst
| Unop (ty, op, e) ->
let e' = aux e in
encode_unop ty op e'
Expand All @@ -738,18 +751,15 @@ module Fresh = struct
| Cvtop (ty, op, e) ->
let e' = aux e in
encode_cvtop ty op e'
| Symbol s ->
let cst = tcst_of_symbol s in
record_sym cst;
DTerm.of_cst cst
| Naryop _ -> err "Colibri2_mappings: Trying to encode naryop"
| Extract (e, h, l) ->
let e' = aux e in
DTerm.Bitv.extract ((h * 8) - 1) (l * 8) e'
| Concat (e1, e2) ->
let e1' = aux e1
and e2' = aux e2 in
DTerm.Bitv.concat e1' e2'
| List _ | Array _ | Tuple _ | App _ -> assert false
| List _ | App _ -> assert false
(* | Quantifier (t, vars, body, patterns) -> (
let body' = aux body in
let encode_pattern (p : t list) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1024,7 +1034,9 @@ module Fresh = struct
| 64 ->
F64 (Int64.bits_of_float (Farith.F.to_float Farith.Mode.NE a))
| _ -> assert false ) ) )
| Ty_str | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple -> assert false
| Ty_str | Ty_list | Ty_app ->
err "Colibri2_mappings2: Unsuppoted model generation of type %a" Ty.pp
(* let value_of_const ((d, _l) : model) (e : Expr.t) : Value.t option =
let e' = encore_expr_aux e in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ module Fresh_cvc5 () = struct
let one = Term.mk_int tm 1 in
Term.mk_term tm Kind.String_substr [| t; pos; one |]

let concat t1 t2 = Term.mk_term tm Kind.String_concat [| t1; t2 |]
let concat ts = Term.mk_term tm Kind.String_concat (Array.of_list ts)

let contains t1 ~sub = Term.mk_term tm Kind.String_contains [| t1; sub |]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ let op int real bool str lst i32 i64 f32 f64 ty op =
| Ty_bitv 64 -> i64 op
| Ty_fp 32 -> f32 op
| Ty_fp 64 -> f64 op
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app -> assert false
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_app -> assert false

let unop =
Expand Down
28 changes: 3 additions & 25 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ and expr =
| Ptr of int32 * t
| Symbol of Symbol.t
| List of t list
| Array of t array
| Tuple of t list
| App : [> `Op of string ] * t list -> expr
| Unop of Ty.t * unop * t
| Binop of Ty.t * binop * t * t
Expand All @@ -49,9 +47,6 @@ module Expr = struct
| Ptr (b1, o1), Ptr (b2, o2) -> b1 = b2 && o1 == o2
| Symbol s1, Symbol s2 -> Symbol.equal s1 s2
| List l1, List l2 -> list_eq l1 l2
| Array a1, Array a2 ->
Array.(length a1 = length a2) && Array.for_all2 ( == ) a1 a2
| Tuple l1, Tuple l2 -> list_eq l1 l2
| App (`Op x1, l1), App (`Op x2, l2) -> String.equal x1 x2 && list_eq l1 l2
| Unop (t1, op1, e1), Unop (t2, op2, e2) ->
Ty.equal t1 t2 && op1 = op2 && e1 == e2
Expand All @@ -77,8 +72,6 @@ module Expr = struct
| Ptr (b, o) -> h (b, o.tag)
| Symbol s -> h s
| List v -> h v
| Array es -> h es
| Tuple es -> h es
| App (x, es) -> h (x, es)
| Unop (ty, op, e) -> h (ty, op, e.tag)
| Cvtop (ty, op, e) -> h (ty, op, e.tag)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,8 +107,6 @@ let rec ty (hte : t) : Ty.t =
| Ptr _ -> Ty_bitv 32
| Symbol x -> Symbol.type_of x
| List _ -> Ty_list
| Array _ -> Ty_array
| Tuple _ -> Ty_tuple
| App _ -> assert false
| Unop (ty, _, _) -> ty
| Binop (ty, _, _, _) -> ty
Expand All @@ -134,8 +125,7 @@ let rec is_symbolic (v : t) : bool =
| Val _ -> false
| Symbol _ -> true
| Ptr (_, offset) -> is_symbolic offset
| List vs | Tuple vs -> List.exists is_symbolic vs
| Array vs -> Array.exists is_symbolic vs
| List vs -> List.exists is_symbolic vs
| App (_, vs) -> List.exists is_symbolic vs
| Unop (_, _, v) -> is_symbolic v
| Binop (_, _, v1, v2) -> is_symbolic v1 || is_symbolic v2
Expand All @@ -154,8 +144,7 @@ let get_symbols (hte : t list) =
| Val _ -> ()
| Ptr (_, offset) -> symbols offset
| Symbol s -> Hashtbl.replace tbl s ()
| List es | Tuple es -> List.iter symbols es
| Array es -> Array.iter symbols es
| List es -> List.iter symbols es
| App (_, es) -> List.iter symbols es
| Unop (_, _, e1) -> symbols e1
| Binop (_, _, e1, e2) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,21 +187,12 @@ let negate_relop (hte : t) : (t, string) Result.t =
module Pp = struct
open Format

let pp_print_array pp_v fmt v =
let is_first = ref true in
(fun v ->
if !is_first then is_first := false else pp_print_string fmt " ";
pp_v fmt v )

let rec pp fmt (hte : t) =
match view hte with
| Val v -> Value.pp fmt v
| Ptr (base, offset) -> fprintf fmt "(Ptr (i32 %ld) %a)" base pp offset
| Symbol s -> Symbol.pp fmt s
| List v | Tuple v -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_print_list pp) v
| Array v -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_print_array pp) v
| List v -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_print_list pp) v
| App (`Op x, v) -> fprintf fmt "(%s %a)" x (pp_print_list pp) v
| Unop (ty, op, e) -> fprintf fmt "(%a.%a %a)" Ty.pp ty pp_unop op pp e
| Binop (ty, op, e1, e2) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,8 +466,6 @@ let rec simplify_expr ?(rm_extract = true) (hte : t) : t =
| Val _ | Symbol _ -> hte
| Ptr (base, offset) -> make @@ Ptr (base, simplify_expr offset)
| List es -> make @@ List ( simplify_expr es)
| Array es -> make @@ Array ( simplify_expr es)
| Tuple es -> make @@ Tuple ( simplify_expr es)
| App (x, es) -> make @@ App (x, simplify_expr es)
| Unop (ty, op, e) ->
let e = simplify_expr e in
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions lib/expr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ and expr =
| Ptr of int32 * t
| Symbol of Symbol.t
| List of t list
| Array of t array
| Tuple of t list
| App : [> `Op of string ] * t list -> expr
| Unop of Ty.t * Ty.unop * t
| Binop of Ty.t * Ty.binop * t * t
Expand Down
23 changes: 8 additions & 15 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty_bitv 64 -> i64
| Ty_fp 32 -> f32
| Ty_fp 64 -> f64
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let make_symbol (symbol_table : sym_tbl) (s : Symbol.t) : M.term =
match Hashtbl.find_opt symbol_table s with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,8 +486,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_bitv 64 -> I64.unop
| Ty.Ty_fp 32 -> Float32_impl.unop
| Ty.Ty_fp 64 -> Float64_impl.unop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let binop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> Int_impl.binop
Expand All @@ -500,8 +498,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_bitv 64 -> I64.binop
| Ty.Ty_fp 32 -> Float32_impl.binop
| Ty.Ty_fp 64 -> Float64_impl.binop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let triop = function
| Ty.Ty_int | Ty.Ty_real -> assert false
Expand All @@ -512,8 +509,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_bitv 64 -> I64.triop
| Ty.Ty_fp 32 -> Float32_impl.triop
| Ty.Ty_fp 64 -> Float64_impl.triop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let relop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> Int_impl.relop
Expand All @@ -525,8 +521,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_bitv 64 -> I64.relop
| Ty.Ty_fp 32 -> Float32_impl.relop
| Ty.Ty_fp 64 -> Float64_impl.relop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let cvtop = function
| Ty.Ty_int -> Int_impl.cvtop
Expand All @@ -538,8 +533,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty.Ty_bitv 64 -> I64.cvtop
| Ty.Ty_fp 32 -> Float32_impl.cvtop
| Ty.Ty_fp 64 -> Float64_impl.cvtop
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty.Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let naryop = function
| Ty.Ty_str -> String_impl.naryop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,7 +576,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
let e1 = encode_expr symbol_table e1 in
let e2 = encode_expr symbol_table e2 in
M.Bitv.concat e1 e2
| List _ | Array _ | Tuple _ | App _ -> assert false
| List _ | App _ -> assert false

(* TODO: pp_smt *)
let pp_smt ?status:_ _ _ = assert false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,8 +605,7 @@ module Make (M_with_make : M_with_make) : S_with_fresh = struct
| Ty_fp 64 ->
let float = M.Interp.to_float v 11 53 in
Value.Num (F64 (Int64.bits_of_float float))
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app ->
assert false
| Ty_bitv _ | Ty_fp _ | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false

let value ({ model = m; symbol_table } : model) (c : Expr.t) : Value.t =
value_of_term m (Expr.ty c) (encode_expr symbol_table c)
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ type t =
| Ty_bitv of int
| Ty_fp of int
| Ty_list
| Ty_tuple
| Ty_array
| Ty_app

type unop =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,8 +272,6 @@ let pp fmt = function
| Ty_bitv n -> fprintf fmt "i%d" n
| Ty_fp n -> fprintf fmt "f%d" n
| Ty_list -> pp_string fmt "list"
| Ty_tuple -> pp_string fmt "tuple"
| Ty_array -> pp_string fmt "array"
| Ty_app -> pp_string fmt "app"

let pp_logic fmt : logic -> unit = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,4 +315,4 @@ let size (ty : t) : int =
match ty with
| Ty_bitv n | Ty_fp n -> n / 8
| Ty_int | Ty_bool -> 4
| Ty_real | Ty_str | Ty_list | Ty_array | Ty_tuple | Ty_app -> assert false
| Ty_real | Ty_str | Ty_list | Ty_app -> assert false
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions lib/ty.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ type t =
| Ty_bitv of int
| Ty_fp of int
| Ty_list
| Ty_tuple
| Ty_array
| Ty_app

type unop =
Expand Down

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