React wrapper for Algolia Places 

Blazing fast address autocomplete React/preact component. ⚡
Checkout the demo at
npm install algolia-places-react --save
yarn add algolia-places-react
import React from 'react';
import AlgoliaPlaces from 'algolia-places-react';
export default () => {
return (
placeholder='Write an address here'
appId: 'my-app-id',
apiKey: 'sharing-is-caring',
language: 'sv',
countries: ['se'],
type: 'city',
// Other options from
onChange={({ query, rawAnswer, suggestion, suggestionIndex }) =>
console.log('Fired when suggestion selected in the dropdown or hint was validated.')}
onSuggestions={({ rawAnswer, query, suggestions }) =>
console.log('Fired when dropdown receives suggestions. You will receive the array of suggestions that are displayed.')}
onCursorChanged={({ rawAnswer, query, suggestion, suggestonIndex }) =>
console.log('Fired when arrows keys are used to navigate suggestions.')}
onClear={() =>
console.log('Fired when the input is cleared.')}
onLimit={({ message }) =>
console.log('Fired when you reached your current rate limit.')}
onError={({ message }) =>
console.log('Fired when we could not make the request to Algolia Places servers for any reason but reaching your rate limit.')}
- Implement support for using Places methods
- Investigate using react-autocomplete instead. For smaller bundle and VDOM usage.