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Karmen - monitor and manage your 3D printers

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Karmen aims to give its users a single place for monitoring and managing multiple 3D printers. While existing solutions such as Octoprint excel in controlling a single printer, there does not seem to be an open source platform for a multi-printer setup or even a large scale printer farm.

Our solution is a perfect fit for a shared makerspace, small batch part factory or a public school that offers multiple printers to various users.

Contributing and support

If you would like to take part in this project, hit us up on or leave us a note on Gitter. You can read more in our contributing rules.

If you are interested in a more in-depth documentation, go visit our docsite.

Installation and usage

Check our documentation for up to date instructions.


While it is possible to run all of the components as standalone projects, the most comfortable way is with docker compose.

$ git clone && cd karmen/ # get the repo
$ docker-compose up --build
# GO VISIT http://localhost:4000/

If you want to connect to an internals of a service run docker-compose exec <service> <command> from root of project. Where <service> is the name os the service as defined in docker-compose.yml.


  • to connect to postgres: docker-compose exec postgres psql -U print3d print3d (with the default configuration).
  • to connect to running backend: docker-compose exec backend bash

There are two modes available. They differ in the way the printers are connected to Karmen Hub.

  1. Cloud Mode This mode is used when Karmen Hub is run as a service on the internet. The printers are connected via websocket proxy that is tunnelling the network connection to Octoprint or other compatible API. In this mode, the autodiscovery feature is disabled. This is the default mode.

  2. Local Mode This can be used when Karmen Hub is run on premise with access to printers via local network. In this mode, you can add printers by running the autodiscovery task. Set CLOUD_MODE=0 in loca.env file to switch to this mode.

The network autodiscovery via ARP does not work at all in the dev mode.

On the other hand, three fake virtual printers are automatically added to your envirnoment, so you have a few things to play with.

Also, there are at least two users available in the fresh dev environment:

  • test-admin (password admin-password) - An Administrator that can do everything, for example add more users.
  • test-user (password user-password) - A user with restricted permissions. She cannot manage other users and printers.

All of the g-codes are currently shared across all user accounts in an organization.

To change a configuration edit local.env file and follow instructions.

Note: If something suddenly breaks within this setup, try to clean docker with docker system prune or delete tmp/db-data and tmp/karmen-files it might help.

Backend API Specification

Backend API is described in ./src/karmen_backend/openapi/swagger.yaml. Here you can find the API specification in Redocly.

Versioning and releases

If you are making a new release, you need to tag this repository and Travis does the rest. You also want to bump the version numbers in the appropriate places in source code, such as package.json, Python modules etc. That's exactly what the make-version/ script does. So the release procedure would be:

$ VERSION=1.2.3  # without 'v'
$ python3 make-version/ "${VERSION}"
$ git add src/ docs/ && git commit -m "Version $VERSION" && git tag "v${VERSION}"  # notice the tag version string has 'v' prefix

If the VERSION variable contains a - (e. g. 1.2.3-rc.1), it is considered as a prerelease.


All of the code herein is copyright 2020 Fragaria s.r.o. and released under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.