is a flexible password generator designed to produce passphrases that balance security and pronounceability. It is based on a pattern system where words, tokens, symbols, and digits can be flexibly combined. Built with the Zig programming language, zigpwgen
ensures performance, clarity, and simplicity.
- Pronounceable Words: Uses tokens from the EFF long word list to generate memorable passphrases.
- Customizable Patterns: Define your own password structure using a simple pattern syntax.
- Efficient and Fast: Built with Zig, ensuring minimal runtime overhead and clear, maintainable code.
Clone the repository and build with Zig:
git clone https://github.com/francescoalemanno/zigpwgen.git
cd zigpwgen
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast
or download one of the precompiled release binaries.
Usage: zigpwgen [-p <pattern>] [-n <num>] [-e]
Flexible password generator using the EFF long word list for pronounceable words.
Built with Zig for performance and simplicity.
-p, --pattern string representing the desired structure of the generated passphrases,
defaults to `W-w-w-ds` (w = word; W = capital word; s = symbol; d = digit).
-n, --num number of passphrases to generate,
defaults to 5.
-e, --entropy print entropy in base log2 along with the generated password,
defaults to false.
-h, --help display usage information
-v, --version display version information
-- Example:
> zigpwgen -p w.w.w.w -n 3
- output:
-- Example:
> zigpwgen -p W-W-dd -n 4
- output:
author: Francesco Alemanno <[email protected]>
repo: https://github.com/francescoalemanno/zigpwgen
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Francesco Alemanno