Directions on how to launch this sample app on Amazon ECS can be found in the documentation: Docker basics.
Fork from that adds new components such as GhostInspector used for Automated UI testing, a Lex chatbot integrated with a slack channel that manages and trigger deployments.
- Create an automated CI/CD Pipeline where every commit will trigger a set of actions that builds a container image, test, validate and promote the build image to different stages
- Use rolling updates mechanisms and blue/green deployments to enable application updates with zero downtime
- Demonstrate how DevOps can be achieved within AWS and how serverless can be used to automate the deployment and self heal the application in case of a non standard change
- Integrate a Chatbot on Slack as an orchestrator that can trigger deployments and gather the status of the pipeline
- Have all the services and artifacts as code via CloudFormation enabling the whole infrastructure to be recreated in a matter of minutes
Franco Bontorin - Solutions Architect
This is under GNU GPL v2
April 2017