A collection of Norwegian financial data.
The datasets in this repository are automaticly updated every day at 2:05 AM and 2:05 PM (CEST).
Dataset | Source | Date Range | Updated | Download | Preview |
Mortgage | Finansportalen | 2021 - Present | 2025-03-03 | csv | preview |
Key policy rate | Norges Bank | 1991 - Present | 2025-03-03 | csv | preview |
NOWA | Norges Bank | 2011 - Present | 2025-03-03 | csv | preview |
Exchange Rates | Norges Bank | 1980 - Present | 2025-03-01 | csv | preview |
Inflation Indicators (CPI) | Norges Bank | 2006 - Present | 2025-02-11 | csv | preview |
Dataset Source Date Range Updated Download Preview Treasury bills Norges Bank 2003 - 2021 2021-07-01 csv preview Government bonds Norges Bank 1986 - 2021 2021-07-01 csv preview NIBOR Norges Bank
Norske Finansielle Referanser AS1986 - 2013
2020 - 20222022-11-02 csv preview NIBOR w/panel banks Norske Finansielle Referanser AS 2020 - 2022 2022-11-02 csv preview
Finansportalen.no is a service from the Norwegian Consumer Council, and will give consumers power and the opportunity to make good choices in the market for financial services.
This dataset shows top 10 mortgages with floating interest rates, sorted ascending by effective interest rate.
The following query parameters is used to produduce the dataset:
- Loan amount: 5 MNOK
- Housing value: 7.2 MNOK
- Repayment period: 20 years
- Age of borrower: 36
- Interest rate type: Floating interest rate
- Market area: National
- Membership needed: False
The mortgage calculator is available here: https://finansportalen.no/bank/boliglan/
Data provided by Finansportalen.no
2021-10-03,Himla Banktjenester (Fana Sparebank),Boliglån innenfor 75 %,1.33,1.32,23716,5691840,284592,0
2021-10-03,Nybygger.no (Sparebanken Øst),Boliglån 75%,1.34,1.33,23738,5697120,284856,0
2021-10-03,SpareBank 1 SMN,Grønt førstehjemslån,1.39,1.35,23852,5724480,286224,2650
2021-10-03,NORDirekte (Skagerrak Sparebank),Boliglån inntil 70 %,1.43,1.4,23938,5745120,287256,0
2021-10-03,Orkla Sparebank,Grønt boliglån,1.54,1.5,24192,5806080,290304,2000
The policy rate in Norway is the interest rate on banks' overnight deposits in Norges Bank up to a specified quota.
The policy rate and policy rate expectations primarily influence interbank rates and banks' interest rates on customer deposits and loans. Market rates, in turn, affect the krone exchange rate, securities prices, house prices, credit demand, consumption and investment.
Nowa is the interest rate on unsecured overnight interbank loans between banks that are active in the Norwegian overnight market. Nowa is based on actual transactions reported on Norges Bank's RPD (money market data reporting) form.
Date,Rate,Volume,Qualifier,Banks lending,Banks borrowing,Transactions
Norges Bank's exchange rates are middle rates, i.e. the mid-point between buying and selling rates in the interbank market at a given time.
The inflation indicators dataset provides various Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures for Norway. This includes the headline CPI
(CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products), CPIXE
(CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding temporary changes in energy prices), and other inflation measures.
The dataset includes the following columns:
: The year and month of the observationcpi
: Consumer Price Index (CPI)cpi_ate
: CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy productscpixe
: CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding temporary changes in energy pricestrimmed_mean
: A trimmed mean of the 12-month change in the sub-indices in the CPI adjusted for tax changes (CPI-AT)weighted_median
: A weighted median of the 12-month change in the sub-indices in the CPI-AT.
Discontinued datasets
⚠️ The last update of the synthetic yield series for both Treasury bills and government bonds was on 30 June 2021.
Source: https://www.norges-bank.no/en/topics/Statistics/zero-coupon-yields/Treasury-bills-daily/
Treasury bills are government securities, with an original maturity of less than one year.
Date,3 months,6 months,9 months,12 months
⚠️ The last update of the synthetic yield series for both Treasury bills and government bonds was on 30 June 2021.
Source: https://www.norges-bank.no/en/topics/Statistics/zero-coupon-yields/Government-bonds-daily/
A bond is an interest-bearing security with an original maturity of more than 1 year.
Date,3 years,5 years,10 years
⚠️ NIBOR has launched a new website and restricted the access to delayed Nibor rates and monthly statistics. [Source]
Last dataset update: 2022-11-02
Nibor (Norwegian Inter Bank Offered Rate) is a collective term for Norwegian money market rates at different maturities. Nibor is intended to reflect the interest rate level a bank require for unsecured money market lending in NOK to another bank.
Date,1 Week,1 Month,2 Months,3 Months,6 Months
⚠️ NIBOR has launched a new website and restricted the access to delayed Nibor rates and monthly statistics. [Source]
Last dataset update: 2022-11-02
Nibor (Norwegian Inter Bank Offered Rate) is a collective term for Norwegian money market rates at different maturities. Nibor is intended to reflect the interest rate level a bank require for unsecured money market lending in NOK to another bank.
- DSKE: Danske Bank A/S
- HAND: Svenska Handelsbanken AB
- NORD: Nordea Bank ABP
- SWED: Swedbank AB
Date,Calculation Date,Tenor,Fixing Rate,DNBB,DSKE,HAND,NORD,SEBB,SWED
2020-01-02,2 Jan 2020,1 Week,1.57,1.55,1.53,1.67,1.57,1.58,1.57
2020-01-02,2 Jan 2020,1 Month,1.65,1.71,1.66,1.64,1.67,1.64,1.56