Control your LG HomBot with Homey.
The LG Hombot/VParquet vacuum cleaner does NOT have network-capabilities by default. However, since it has a USB port, you can upgrade the firmware, load custom firmware and equip it with a Wi-Fi dongle. How to do this is explained here:
- Dutch:
- German:
- English:
If you don't do this, you cannot control the vacuum cleaner with Homey using this app.
- This app could not have existed without the original creator of this app: Chamid Media.
- This is complete rewrite of his excellent app, so it complies with the latest SDK (v3).
- Local discovery is added, so you should be able to find the vacuum automatically.
The following card are enabled in flows:
[ACTION] Start cleaning (vacuum capability)
[ACTION] Pause cleaning (vacuum capability)
[ACTION] Return to docking station. (vacuum capability)
[ACTION] Start spot cleaning. (vacuum capability)
[ACTION] Set clean mode (zigzag, spiral spot, cell by cell) (app specific)
[ACTION] Set turbo on/off (app specific)
[ACTION] Set repeat on/off (app specific)
[CONDITION] Is (not) cleaning
[CONDITION] Is (not) spot_cleaning
[CONDITION] Is (not) docked
[CONDITION] Is (not) charging
[CONDITION] Is (not) stopped
Version 0.9.8:
- First release
- Refactored LG Hombot from Chamid Media to SDK 3