I wrote down the score of the Bavarian traditional piece "Böhmischer Traum" (engl. Bohemian Dream) as arranged for accordion by aic turner. See how he plays it on YouTube.
All credits go to aic turner. I do not own any rights.
See the newest version of the sheet music in the release section on the right side. When you click on the version number, you will find the PDF and MIDI file to download.
If you want to improve the score, please feel free to implement your changes and create a pull request in this repository. Steps:
- Install MuseScore3 on your system
- Clone this repository and create a new branch
- Open the file boehmischer_traum.mscx
- Edit the score and save to the same file
- Use Git tools for committing, pushing etc.
- I will review the changes and trigger the CI/CD pipeline which creates a new release with a version tag and the PDF / MIDI files.