Used to run javascript files within one v8 context
Basically intended to be used as a library in V8::MonoContext(perl), PyV8Mono(python)
We prefer to build MonoContext with strict v8 version to get stable and predictable behavior in production and not to depend from variety of changes occuring in v8 trunk.
Currently all installation process is tested on CentOS release 6.5 (Final) x86_64 and can be made with any modern linux distribution
First of all prepare gcc, v8 library and environment
Use gcc version >=4.7.0 If you have a proper gcc version installed under prefix location:
$ export CXX=/usr/local/gcc-4.7.3/bin/c++
$ export LINK=/usr/local/gcc-4.7.3/bin/c++
Strict v8 version
$ export V8_VERSION=3.27.0
$ export V8_PREFIX=/usr/local/v8-$V8_VERSION
Clone last V8 source trunk, build dependencies and checkout 3.27.0
$ git clone git:// v8 && cd v8
$ git checkout 3.27.0
$ make dependencies
Build V8 with the following recommended flags
$ make \
objectprint=off \
i18nsupport=off \
verifyheap=off \
debuggersupport=on \
regexp=native \
vtunejit=off \
extrachecks=off \
visibility=on \
snapshot=on \
strictaliasing=on \
liveobjectlist=off \
backtrace=on \
gdbjit=off \
disassembler=off \
werror=no \
library=shared \
soname_version=$V8_VERSION \
Install libs and headers in prefix location
$ sudo -E bash -c 'mkdir -p $V8_PREFIX/{bin,include,lib64}'
$ sudo -E bash -c 'install -D -m 755 out/x64.release/{cctest,d8,lineprocessor,mksnapshot.x64,process,shell} $V8_PREFIX/bin'
$ sudo -E bash -c 'install -D -m 644 include/*.h $V8_PREFIX/include'
$ sudo -E bash -c 'install -D -m 755 out/x64.release/$V8_VERSION $V8_PREFIX/lib64'
Configure dynamic linker
$ sudo -E bash -c 'echo "$V8_PREFIX/lib64" > /etc/$V8_VERSION.conf'
$ sudo ldconfig
Finally build and install shared library
$ git clone v8monoctx
$ cd v8monoctx
$ make
$ sudo -E bash -c 'make install'