This package contains bindings to VRPN, <> and is loosely modeled on the code in <>. This has been tested using VRPN 07.30 on Linux. It requires the VRPN C++ header files.
Please report issues at <>.
data ButtonType = LeftButton | RightButton
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
main :: IO ()
main =
putStrLn "Press the left button to exit."
done <- newEmptyMVar
-- A remote button that signals completion when the left button is released.
button :: Device Int ButtonType Double
button =
Button "spacenav0@localhost"
$ Just
$ \time button state ->
print (time, button, state)
if button == LeftButton && not state
then void $ tryPutMVar done ()
else return ()
-- An analog device.
analog :: Device Int Int Int Double
analog = Analog "spacenav0@localhost"
$ Just
$ curry print
-- Open the remote devices.
devices <- sequence [openDevice button, openDevice analog]
-- Loop until a signal to complete is received.
mainLoops (not <$> isEmptyMVar done) 10 devices
-- Close the remote devices.
mapM_ closeDevice devices