This project involves using Google Map API and Zillow API to find property rates of a location on a map where a user clicks. The user can click on a google map created using Google Map API or can enter the address in a text box. If the user clicks on the map, the Google Map API performs reverse geocoding and gets the physical address of the clicked location which serves as an input for the Zillow API. The Zillow API then fetches the property value of this physical address.
1. Technical stacks:
- Languages used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
2. Instructions for opening the app:
- Clone the project
- Open the index.html file from the 'google-zillow-api-assignment' folder in the web browser.
3. How to use the app:
- Click on the map - it should show the property value of the clicked location
- Enter a valid street address in the text box - it will print the property value of the clicked location