Utilizes MediPipe's Pose API to calculate the position of a person joints from a camera image which is then used to simulate a shot in archery.
How it works:
- Calculated points of joints are transformed from 3D to a 2D plane
- Arrow position is based upon points at release
- Calculated until set distance + height of target
- All major bow variables included (Poundage, Arrow Weight, String Weight, Draw Length, and Rated fps)
- Projectile Physics Used for simulation of shot
- Includes Visual Aid for Location of Shot
- Imposed Arrow Location via green line
- Included many bow variables to allow for many different bow setups
- Very precise outputs in meters, up to 16 decimals
- Detects when the shot is released based upon draw length and back tension distance
Known Issues:
- Has trouble with depth
Future Work:
- Add some type of marker tracking system to help the program calculate depth easier (this should, in turn, improve accuracy)