Handles following objects:
- Tables - structure (indexes and keys) and optionally, data
- Views
- Materialized Views - Structure and data
- Sequences
- Functions/Procedures
- Types (composite and enum)
- Collations and Domains
- Triggers
- Permissions/GRANTs
- source schema
- target schema
- clone with data
- only generate DDL
You can call function like this to copy schema with data:
select clone_schema('development', 'development_clone', true, false);
Alternatively, if you want to copy only schema without data:
select clone_schema('development', 'development_clone', false, false);
If you just want to generate the DDL, call it like this:
select clone_schema('development', 'development_clone', false, true);
In this case, standard output with "INFO" lines are the generated DDL.
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