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pawelkuwa edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 3 revisions
# FastLogin tłumaczenie
# FastLogin polskie tłumaczenie by artur9010, _wisnia <[email protected]> []
# ----
# Witryna projektu:
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# W przypadku oddzielenia wiadomości na kilka linijek, musisz stworzyć nową linijkę, ale bez '
# Przykład:
# bla: '&aPierwsza linijka
# Druga linijka
# Trzecia linijka'

# Jeżeli chcesz wyłączyć wiadomość, wystarczy że wartość zostawisz pustą.
# W tym przypadku wiadomość nie zostanie wysłana
# Przykład:
# bla: ''

# ========= Shared (BungeeCord and Bukkit)   ============

# Switch mode jest włączony i nowi (nie dodani na białą listę) nieautoryzowani gracze, którzy próbują wejść na serwer
switch-kick-message: '&cTylko konta premium i wybrane osoby nopremium moga wejsc na serwer.'

# Gdy racz włączy logowanie premium
add-premium: '&7Zostales dodany do listy graczy premium.'

# Player activated premium logins in order to skip offline authentication
add-premium-other: '&7Dodano gracza do listy graczy premium.'

# Player is already set be a paid account
already-exists: '&cJestes juz na liscie.'

# Player is already set be a paid account
already-exists-other: '&cTen gracz jest juz na liscie.'

# Player was changed to be cracked
remove-premium: '&7Usunieto z listy graczy premium.'

# Player is already set to be cracked
not-premium: '&cNie znajdujesz sie na liscie graczy premium.'

# Player is already set to be cracked
not-premium-other: '&cGracz nie znajduje sie na liscie graczy premium.'

# Admin wanted to change the premium of a user that isn't known to the plugin
player-unknown: '&cGracza nie ma w bazie'

# ========= Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/TacoSpigot only ================================

# The user skipped the authentication, because it was a premium player
auto-login: '&7Zalogowano automatycznie.'

# The user was auto registered on the first join. The user account will be registered to protect it from cracked players
# The password can be used if the mojang servers are down and you still want your premium users to login (PLANNED)
auto-register: '&7Zarejestrowano automatycznie z haslem: &3%password
&7Czy chcesz je zmienic?'

# Player is not able to toggle the premium state of other players
no-permission: '&cBrak uprawnien'

# Although the console can toggle the premium state, it's not possible for the console itself.
# Because the console is not a user. (obviously, isn't it?)
no-console: '&cNie jestes chyba graczem?'

# The user wants to toggle premium state, but BungeeCord support is enabled. This means the server have to communicate
# with the BungeeCord first which will establish a connection with the database server.
wait-on-proxy: '&7Wysylanie zapytania do serwera..'

# When ProtocolLib is enabled and the plugin is unable to continue handling a login request after a requested premium
# authentication. In this state the client expects a success packet with a encrypted connection or disconnect packet.
# So we kick the player, if we cannot encrypt the connection. In other situation (example: premium name check),
# the player will be just authenticated as cracked
error-kick: '&cWystapil blad.'

# The server sents a verify token within the premium authentication reqest. If this doesn't match on response,
# it could be another client sending malicious packets
invalid-verify-token: '&cNiepoprawny token, sprobuj zrestartowac gre.'

# The client sent no request join server request to the mojang servers which would proof that it's owner of that
# acciunt. Only modified clients would do this.
invalid-session: '&cNie poprawna sesja, sprobuj zrestartowac gre.'

# The client sent a malicous packet without a login request packet
invalid-requst: '&cNiepoprawne zapytanie.'

# Message if the bukkit isn't fully started to inject the packets
not-started: '&cSerwer jest w trakcie uruchamiania, sprobuj ponownie za minute.'

# Warning message if a user invoked /premium command
premium-warning: '&cUWAGA: &7Ta komenda powinna zostac uzyta &c&lTYLKO I WYLACZNIE GDY KONTO NA KTORYM GRASZ JEST PREMIUM A TY JESTES JEGO WLASCICIELEM &7inaczej nie bedzie mozliwe pozniejsze zalogowanie sie.
&7Wpisz ponownie &3/premium &7aby kontynuowac.'

# ========= Bungee/Waterfall only ================================
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