If you're trying to access the Chromium Network Stack, Cronet is a good choice right now. But how to access Cronet is a problem. If you use Retrofit or Okhttp in your project, Congratulations, this library is just right for you. This library provides two ways
- If you use Retrofit, you can use OkHttpCall to do it, like this:
val retrofitOkHttpClient =
Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(BASE_ URL)
- If you use OkHttp directly, you can also do it based on interceptor, but there are two ways, synchronous and asynchronous. like this:
class CronetClientProvider private constructor() {
companion object {
private var instance: OkHttpClient? = null
get() {
if (field == null) {
field =OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(AsynCronetInterceptor()).build()
// OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(CronetInterceptor()).build()
return field
fun get(): OkHttpClient {
return instance!!
If you have any questions, please contact me. Email :[email protected]