A todo list API built with Node.js.
For a local copy, clone the repo and from the command line: npm install && npm start
(However, this will be a fairly pointless exercise without your own database connection. Feel free to add a config.json file in the config folder with your own development MONGODBURI and JWT_SECRET).
This is a fully-functional todo API with the ability to login / logout users, as well as create, update, delete personal todos (via jsonwebtoken authentication).
The API can be accessed here.
There is no UI, but there are endpoints. I recommend trying it out with an ADE, such as Postman.
POST /users
create a user (email & password required)
GET /users/me
get current user
POST /users/login
login user with credentials
DELETE /users/me/token
logout user
GET /todos
get todos of user
POST /todos
create a todo (text required)
GET /todos/:id
get specific todo
DELETE /todos/:id
delete specific todo
PATCH /todos/:id
update specific todo
This is a fully tested API that uses Mocha. To run the automated test suite, clone the repo locally, and run npm test