STM32 HID Joystick with PPM input.
The STM32 Workbench project is generated with ST Microelectronics CubeMX ( configuration tool
The compiled version of program is Debug/ppm_stick.bin
It can be uploaded to any "Blue pill" board and should work out of the box.
- STM32F103C8T6 "Blue pill" development board (;
- ST-LINK/V2 clone USB programmer or UART adapter;
- FlySky/iRangeX A8S receiver;
- FlySky/iRangeX I6X transmitter;
PPM signal wire must be connected to B9 pin of development board.
I use "System Workbench for STM32" -
- If using ST-LINK/V2 System workbench or ST-LINK Utility can be used (;
- If using UART "STM32 Flash loader demonstrator" can be used (;