Version Control And Automation System
The Automated Version Control System is a software tool that automates the process of version control, helping software developers manage changes made to source code. The system leverages a reference algorithm with five key features: Init, Add, Commit, Branches, and Automate.
- The Init feature creates a new .vcs directory that acts as a space for backup, creates the first commit object with a message as an initial commit, and creates a master branch by default.
- The Add feature is used to stage files, marking the files in the current working version that are different from the current commit.
- The Commit feature is used to create a snapshot of the present commit with the files in the staging area.
- The push feature is used to push the versions directory to aws s3 bucket
- Finally the deploy feature is used to create a new image from dockerfile and then run that image
- Install aws cli, and setup aws configuration
- Install java
- Install jpackage
Go to bin directory
Run the following command:
jar cfm vcstool.jar manifest.txt vcstool
Run the following command:
jpackage --name vcstool --input . --main-jar vcstool.jar --main-class vcstool.Main --win-console
Install the exe generated and add it to the path
vcstool init
vcstool commit <message>
vcstool add <filename>
vcstool log
vcstool push <awsbucket name>
vcstool deploy