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Sample integration between vmfloaty and bolt inventory

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Generate bolt inventory from vmfloaty


This project illustrates how to generate a bolt inventory from a list of vmfloaty VMs.

Design Decisions

  • ADR-0001 - Automatically generate an ssh config file
  • ADR-0002 - Use native_ssh rather than private keys
  • ADR-0003 - Use short hostname for bolt inventory listing
  • ADR-0004 - Make repo both a pdk module and a bolt project


Assumes the following utilities are installed:

  • vmfloaty is installed and configured.
  • direnv is installed
  • rbenv is installed and configured. Ensure that rbenv versions includes the version specified in the .ruby-version file; otherwise install it with rbenv install <version>
  • jq is installed. This is an optional pre-requisite that formats json output and can be removed from the manual commands below if desired.

Also assumes that the user has configured his own ~/.ssh/config in such a way that he can connect over ssh to all the various vmfloaty VMs. In other words, bolt uses "native-ssh" to connect to the hosts in its inventory.yaml. For more information on why this is the case see ADR-0002.


The following must be performed before using bolt against the vmfloaty VMs:

# verify that the rbenv and ruby versions match
rbenv version
ruby --version

# install vmfloaty gem and dependencies
bundle install

# ensure BUNDLE_BIN directory (.direnv/bin) is on the local PATH
cp .envrc.sample .envrc
direnv allow # this only needs to be done once; thereafter, the environment will be loaded automatically

# verify floaty on the local PATH: should return something like /User/../.direnv/bin/floaty
which floaty

# generate a couple floaty VMs
floaty get redhat-8-x86_64 --service vmpooler
floaty get redhat-8-x86_64 --service vmpooler

# verify existence of the VMs
floaty list --active --json --service vmpooler | jq '.'
# generate the bolt inventory from the above vmfloaty inventory
bundle exec ruby generate_inventory.rb 

# verify contents of bolt inventory: it should be a valid bolt inventory file
cat inventory.yaml

# verify contents of the ``.ssh_config``: it should contain valid ssh config for the VMs
cat .ssh_config

# copy the output from below and add it to your ~/.ssh/config (only do this once)
echo "Include ${PWD}/.ssh_config"

NOTE: Anytime you either add or remove vmfloaty VMs, then re-run the bundle exec ruby generate_inventory.rb. This will ensure the bolt inventory.yaml and .ssh_config are consistent with the actual vmfloaty inventory.


Before proceeding, verify that vscode Remote Explorer includes the list of new vmfloaty VMs.

Verify that bolt works as expected

Bolt should now be available for use against the vmfloaty VMs. For example the following simple commands should work as expected:

# verify inventory: it should list all the expected vmfloaty VMs
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt inventory show

# verify connectivity: bolt should run a command against all the VMs successfully
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt command run "hostname -f" --targets=all

# verify basic puppet code will apply on target
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt plan run vmfloaty::hello --targets=all --verbose

Create a new bolt project

# create a new directory to test puppet code against your new inventory of vmfloaty VM's
mkdir /tmp/peadm_test
cd /tmp/peadm_test

# initialize the bolt project
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt project init peadm_test

# re-use the vmfloaty bolt inventory, i.e., sym link inventory.yaml => <vmfloaty_bolt directory>/inventory.yaml
rm -f inventory.yaml  # remove the default inventory.yaml created by bolt project init
ln -s <FULL_PATH>/vmfloaty_bolt/inventory.yaml inventory.yaml

# verify inventory.yaml is valid: sym link ok? bolt inventory show working?
ls -la
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt inventory show

# add a module that you wish to use, e.g., puppetlabs-peadm as in
➜  peadm_test cat bolt-project.yaml 
name: peadm_test
  - puppetlabs-peadm
➜  peadm_test 

# install the module and its dependencies
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt module install

# notice the new plans that are now available, e.g., ``peadm::install``
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt plan show

If you want to continue using the pupppetlabs-peadm then continue on; otherwise stop and use your own choice of modules.

Refer to the peadm usage documentation;

# create a simple "standard" primary only using the peadm, e.g.,
➜  peadm_test cat params.json 
  "primary_host": "VMFLOATY_HOSTNAME",

  "console_password": "<SOME_PASSWORD>",
  "dns_alt_names": [ "puppet", "puppet.lab1.puppet.vm", "VMFLOATY_HOSTNAME" ],
  "version": "2021.7.4"
➜  peadm_test 

# install the primary
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/bolt plan run peadm::install --inventory inventory.yaml --modulepath ~/modules --params @params.json


Sample vmfloaty inventory json, bolt inventory.yaml, and ssh config

➜  vmfloaty_bolt git:(development) floaty list --active --json --service vmpooler | jq '.'
  "fresh-tragedy": {
    "template": "redhat-8-x86_64-pooled",
    "lifetime": 12,
    "running": 3.02,
    "remaining": 8.98,
    "start_time": "2023-09-18T13:53:32+00:00",
    "end_time": "2023-09-19T01:53:32+00:00",
    "state": "running",
    "ip": "",
    "fqdn": "",
    "host": "",
    "migrated": "true"
  "hanoverian-vasa": {
    "template": "redhat-8-x86_64-pooled",
    "lifetime": 12,
    "running": 3.02,
    "remaining": 8.98,
    "start_time": "2023-09-18T13:53:34+00:00",
    "end_time": "2023-09-19T01:53:34+00:00",
    "state": "running",
    "ip": "",
    "fqdn": "",
    "host": "",
    "migrated": "true"
  "barbed-might": {
    "template": "redhat-8-x86_64-pooled",
    "lifetime": 12,
    "running": 0.92,
    "remaining": 11.08,
    "start_time": "2023-09-18T15:59:19+00:00",
    "end_time": "2023-09-19T03:59:19+00:00",
    "state": "running",
    "ip": "",
    "fqdn": "",
    "host": ""
➜  vmfloaty_bolt git:(development) cat inventory.yaml 
- name:
  alias: []
    transport: ssh
      batch-mode: true
      cleanup: true
      connect-timeout: 10
      disconnect-timeout: 5
      load-config: true
      login-shell: bash
      tty: false
      host-key-check: false
      private-key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa-acceptance"
      run-as: root
      user: root
- name:
  alias: []
    transport: ssh
      batch-mode: true
      cleanup: true
      connect-timeout: 10
      disconnect-timeout: 5
      load-config: true
      login-shell: bash
      tty: false
      host-key-check: false
      private-key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa-acceptance"
      run-as: root
      user: root
- name:
  alias: []
    transport: ssh
      batch-mode: true
      cleanup: true
      connect-timeout: 10
      disconnect-timeout: 5
      load-config: true
      login-shell: bash
      tty: false
      host-key-check: false
      private-key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa-acceptance"
      run-as: root
      user: root
➜  vmfloaty_bolt git:(development) cat .ssh_config 
Host >>>>>vmfloaty_VMs<<<<<
  User root
  IdentityFile <PRIVATE_KEY>
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  User root
  IdentityFile <PRIVATE_KEY>
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  User root
  IdentityFile <PRIVATE_KEY>
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
➜  vmfloaty_bolt git:(development) 


Sample integration between vmfloaty and bolt inventory






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