This is a volunteer project to create social media awareness for the student run event. Attendees input their name and upload an image to generate a customize ECX event dp.
You can find an online demo at ECX.
- jquery.min.js - for dom event and manipulation
- jquery.cropit.js - client side cropping of user uploaded image
- JS - for client side image processing and merging
- themify-icon - to display icons
- src/
style.css :css to customize the page, hint: code from scratch
kenyan_coffee/ :folder contains font files
themify-icon.css :font css
themify-* :others themify css file
frame.jpg : base image frame where user image will be place/merge
noimage.png :a fallback default image
jquery.cropit.js :simple jquery image cropping plugin
jquery.min.js :jquery official library
main.js :custom js where the magic happens
- .htacess :custom server file for file dir access
- index.html :main html file where magic happens
- Open your command prompt and clone the repository by running
git clone
- Copy the folder to your WAMP www root or XAMPP htdots or run php -S from your folder in your terminal
- Then run in a browser
The jQuery CropIt plugin was used for image upload. The inherent resize feature of the plugin was overriden due to certain design compromises.
JavaScript was used to place the uploaded image on top of a base frame, and export the resulting composite image to jpeg format. The base frame is a 1200 x 1200 picture. The alloted space for uploaded image is 800 x 800.
The naming style for the image is set on line 38, you can edit the ECX_DP_
to suit your needs.
You can set the height and width of the uploaded image in the createDP function on line 92.