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Functional, tagless and lens-based, global state management. With scalajs-react fs2.Stream integrations.

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crystal is a toolbelt to help build reactive UI apps in Scala by providing:

  • A structure for managing delayed values (Pot, PotOption).
  • Wrappers for values derived from state with a callback function to modify them (View, ViewOpt, ViewList).
  • A way to delegate reusability to another type (Reuse). Useful for types for which universal reusability cannot be defined (like functions or VdomNode).
  • Tight integration between scalajs-react and cats-effect + fs2.Streams via hooks.

crystal assumes you use a scalajs-react's core-bundle-cb_io, where the default sync effect is CallbackTo and the default async effect is IO. However, the library should compile with another bundle.



A Pot[A] represents a value of type A that has been requested somewhere and may or not be available yet, or the request may have failed.

It is a sum type consisting of:

  • Pending.
  • Ready(<A>).
  • Error(<Throwable>).

The crystal.implicits.* import will provide:

  • Instances for cats MonadError, Traverse, Align and Eq (as long as there's an Eq[A] in scope).
  • Convenience extension methods: <Any>.ready, <Option[A]>.toPot, <Try[A]>.toPot and <Option[Try[A]]>.toPot.

The crystal.react.implicits.* import will provide:

  • Reusability[Pot[A]] (as long as there's a Reusability[A] in scope).
  • Extesion methods:
    • renderPending(f: => VdomNode): VdomNode
    • renderError(f: Throwable => VdomNode): VdomNode
    • renderReady(f: A => VdomNode): VdomNode


Similar to Pot[A] but provides one additinal state. Its values can be:

  • Pending.
  • ReadyNone.
  • ReadySome(<A>).
  • Error(<Throwable>).

It is useful in some situations (see Hooks below).



A View[A] wraps a value of type A and a callback to modify it effectfully: (A => A) => Callback.

It is useful for passing state down the component hierarchy, allowing descendants to modify it.

It provides several zoom functions for drilling down its properties. It also allows effects to be chained whenever it's modified (withOnMod).

ViewOpt[A] and ViewList[A] are variants that hold a value known to be an Option[A] or List[A] respectively. They are returned when zooming using Optional, Prism or Traversal.


A ViewThrowttler[A] creates two View[A] from a given View[A]:

  • A throttledView, which can be paused. While paused, it accumulates updates and applies them all at once upon timeout. The callback is called only once and only to the function provided in the last update during the pause. If unpaused, it acts as a normal ViewF.
  • A throttlerView, which will pause the throttledView whenever it is modified.

This is particularly useful for values that can be both updated from a UI and from a server. The throttlerView should be used in the UI, while the throttledView should be used for the server updates. This way, the server updates will pause whenever the user changes a value. If the server sends updates for every changed value, the throttling will avoid the UI from glitching between old and new values when the UI is updated quickly.


A Reuse[A] wraps a value of type A and a hidden value of another type B such that there is a implicit Reusability[B].

The instance of Reuse[A] will be reused as long as the associated value B can be reused.

This is useful to define Reusability for types where universal reusability can't be defined. For example, we could define reusability for a function (S, T) => U can be turned into a Reuse[T => U] by specifying a curried value of S (and assuming there's a Reusability[S] in scope).



Provides a context in which to run a single effect at a time.

When a new effect is submitted, the previous one is canceled. Also cancels the effect on unmount.

A submitted effect can be explicitly canceled too.

If a debounce is passed, the hooks guarantees that effect invocations are spaced at least by the specified duration.

  useSingleEffect(): Reusable[UseSingleEffect]

  useSingleEffect(debounce: FiniteDuration): Reusable[UseSingleEffect]

  useSingleEffectBy(debounce: Ctx => FiniteDuration): Reusable[UseSingleEffect]


trait UseSingleEffect:
  def submit(effect: IO[Unit]): IO[Unit]
  val cancel: IO[Unit]


  .useEffectWithDepsBy( ... => deps)( (..., singleEffect) => deps => singleEffect.submit(longRunningEffect) )
  // Previous `longRunningEffect` is cancelled immediately and new one is ran after 1 second


When passed a value, this hooks keeps the value in a ref with the latest value, and returning a read-only ref.

This is useful when a stable callback (as those created by useCallback) wants to access a value that can change, but we don't want to redefine the callback in each render.

  useShadowRef[A](value: Ctx => A): NonEmptyRef.Get[A]


Class components allow us to specify a callback when we modify state. The callback is executed when state is modified and is passed the new state value.

This is not available in functional components. This hook seeks to emulate such functionality.

Given a state created with .useState, the hook allows us to register a callback that will be ran once, the next time the state changes. The callback will be passed the new state value.

  useStateCallbackBy[A](state: Ctx => Hooks.UseState[A]): (A => Callback) => Callback


  .useStateCallbackBy( (..., state) => state)
  .useEffectBy( (..., state, stateCallback) => 
    state.modState(...) >> stateCallback(value => effect(value))
  ) // `effect` is run with new `value`, after `modState` completes.


Provides state as a View.

Functionally equivalent to useState but the View is more practical to pass around to child components, zoom into members and define callbacks upon state change.

  useStateView[A](initialValue: => A): View[A]

  useStateViewBy[A](initialValue: Ctx => A): View[A]


Similar to useStateView but returns a Reuse[View[A]]. The resulting View is reused by its value and thus requires an implicit Reusability[A], as well as a ClassTag[A].

  useStateViewWithReuse[A: ClassTag: Reusability](initialValue: => A): Reuse[View[A]]

  useStateViewWithReuseBy[A: ClassTag: Reusability](initialValue: Ctx => A): Reuse[View[A]]


Same as useStateView but provides 2 Views over the same value, See ViewThrottler[A].


Creates component state that is reused as long as it's not updated.

  useSerialState[A](initialValue: => A): UseSerialState[A]

  useSerialStateBy[A](initialValue: Ctx => A): UseSerialState[A]


trait UseSerialState[A]:
  val value: Reusable[A]
  val setState: Reusable[A => Callback]
  val modState: Reusable[(A => A) => Callback]

Reusability of UseSerialState[A] and its members depends on an internal counter which is updated every time the wrapped value changes. This is useful to provide stable reusability to types where we don't have or can't define Reusability instances.

Usage is the same as for .useState/.useStateBy.


Version of useSerialState that returns a Reuse[View[A]].

  useSerialStateView[A](initialValue: => A): Reuse[View[A]]

  useSerialStateViewBy[A](initialValue: Ctx => A): Reuse[View[A]]


Version of useEffect applicable only when there's a unique dependency of type Pot[A]. It will trigger the effect only when the dependency transitions to a Ready state, whether it was from Pending or Error. There are also WhenDepsReadyOrChange versions, which will also trigger if the dependencies change value once in Ready state.

Note that multiple Pot dependencies can be combined into one with .tupled.

  useEffectWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => Callback)
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => Callback)

  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => Callback)
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => Callback)

  useEffectWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[Unit])
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[Unit])

  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[Unit])
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[Unit])

  useEffectWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => CallbackTo[Callback]) // return cleanup
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx =>D => CallbackTo[Callback]) // return cleanup

  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => CallbackTo[Callback]) // return cleanup
  useEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx =>D => CallbackTo[Callback]) // return cleanup


Version of useEffect that avoids race conditions when executing async effects. This is achieved by cancelling the previous instance of the effect before executing a new one.

Also allows returning a cleanup effect, which useEffect only supports when used with the default sync effect (usually CallbackTo).

  useAsyncEffect(effect: IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffect(effect: IO[IO[Unit]])  // return a cleanup effect
  useAsyncEffectBy(effect: Ctx => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectBy(effect: Ctx => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect

  useAsyncEffectWithDeps[D: Reusability](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWithDeps[D: Reusability](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect
  useAsyncEffectWithDepsBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWithDepsBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect

  useAsyncEffectOnMount(effect: IO[IO[Unit]])
  useAsyncEffectOnMount(effect: IO[Unit]) // return a cleanup effect
  useAsyncEffectOnMountBy(effect: Ctx => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectOnMountBy(effect: Ctx => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect

  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect

  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability](deps: => Pot[D])(effect: D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[Unit])
  useAsyncEffectWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(effect: Ctx => D => IO[IO[Unit]]) // return a cleanup effect


Stores the result A of an effect in state. The state is provided as Pot[A], with value Pending until the effect completes (and Error if it fails).

Note that all versions either have dependencies or are executed onMount. It doesn't make sense to execute the effect on each render since its completion will alter state and force a rerender, which would provoke a render loop. The naming keeps the WithDeps, even though it's redundant, for consistency with the useEffect family of hooks.

Also note that when dependencies change, the hook value will revert to Pending until the new effect completes. If this is undesireable, there are useEffectKeepResult* variants which will instead keep the hook value as Ready(oldValue) until the new effect completes.

There are also WhenDepsReady versions, which will only execute the effect when dependencies transition to Ready. If they transition to Pending or Error, then the result will revert to Pending. However, if the KeepResult version is used, it will retain the last value.

Furthermore, there are also WhenDepsReadyOrChange versions, which will only execute the effect when dependencies transition to Ready or change value once Ready. If they change or transition to Pending or Error, then the result will revert to Pending. However, if the KeepResult version is used, it will retain the last value.

  useEffectResultWithDeps[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectResultWithDepsBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectKeepResultWithDeps[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectKeepResultWithDepsBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectResultOnMount[A](effect: IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectResultOnMountBy[A](effect: Ctx => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectResultWhenDepsReady[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectResultWhenDepsReadyBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectResultWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectResultWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectKeepResultWhenDepsReady[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectKeepResultWhenDepsReadyBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]

  useEffectKeepResultWhenDepsReadyOrChange[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(effect: D => IO[A]): Pot[A]
  useEffectKeepResultWhenDepsReadyOrChangeBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(effect: Ctx => D => IO[A]): Pot[A]


  .render( (..., uuidPot) => 
      t => s"Error! ${e.getMessage}",
      uuid => s"Your fresh UUID: $uuid"


Opens a Resource[IO, A] upon mount or dependency change, and provides its value as a Pot[A].

The resource is gracefully closed upon unmount or dependency change.

Note that all versions either have dependencies or are executed onMount. It doesn't make sense to open a resource on each render since once the resource is acquired it will alter state and force a rerender, which would provoke a render loop.

  useResource[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(resource: D => Resource[IO, A]): Pot[A]
  useResourceBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(resource: Ctx => D => Resource[IO, A]): Pot[A]

  useResourceOnMount[A](resource: Resource[IO, A]): Pot[A]
  useResourceOnMountBy[A](resource: Ctx => Resource[IO, A]): Pot[A]


Executes and drains a fs2.Stream[IO, A] upon mount or dependency change, and provides the latest value from the stream as a PotOption[A].

The fiber evaluating the stream is canceled upon unmount or dependency change.

Note that all versions either have dependencies or are executed onMount. It doesn't make sense to open a stream on each render since executing the stream will alter state and force a rerender, which would provoke a render loop.

  useStream[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(stream: D => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[A]
  useStreamBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[A]

  useStreamOnMount[A](stream: fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[A]
  useStreamOnMountBy[A](stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[A]

The resulting PotOption[A] takes one of these values:

  • Pending: Fiber hasn't started yet
  • ReadyNone: Fiber has started but no value has been produced by the stream yet.
  • ReadySome(a): a is the last value produced by the stream.
  • Error(t): Fiber raised an exception t.


Like useStream but returns a PotOption[View[A]], allowing local modifications to the state once it's ReadySome.

In other words, the state will be modified on every new value produced by the stream, and also on every invocation to set or mod on the View.

  useStreamView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(stream: D => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[View[A]]
  useStreamViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[View[A]]

  useStreamViewOnMount[A](stream: fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[View[A]]
  useStreamViewOnMountBy[A](stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[IO, A]): PotOption[View[A]]


Given a Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]], combines useResource and useStream on it.

In other words, when mounting or depedency change, the resource is allocated and the resulting stream starts being evaluated.

Upon unmount or dependency change, the evaluating fiber is cancelled and the resource closed.

The resource is also closed if the stream terminates.

  useStreamResource[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(streamResource: D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[A]
  useStreamResourceBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(streamResource: Ctx => D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[A]

  useStreamResourceOnMount[A](streamResource: Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[A]
  useStreamResourceOnMountBy[A](streamResource: Ctx => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[A]


Given a Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]], combines useResource and useStreamView on it.

Like useStreamResource but returns a PotOption[View[A]], allowing local modifications to the state once it's Ready.

  useStreamResourceView[D: Reusability, A](deps: => D)(streamResource: D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[View[A]]
  useStreamResourceViewBy[D: Reusability, A](deps: Ctx => D)(streamResource: Ctx => D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[View[A]]

  useStreamResourceViewOnMount[A](streamResource: Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[View[A]]
  useStreamResourceViewOnMountBy[A](streamResource: Ctx => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, A]]): PotOption[View[A]]


Executes and drains a fs2.Stream[IO, Unit] upon mount or dependency change. If still running, execution is cancelled upon unmount or dependency change.

Like the useEffect family of hooks, this hook doesn't add any new parameters to the context.

  useEffectStream(stream: D => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])
  useEffectStreamBy(stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])

  useEffectStreamWithDeps[D: Reusability](deps: => D)(stream: D => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])
  useEffectStreamWithDepsBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => D)(stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])

  useEffectStreamOnMount(stream: fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])
  useEffectStreamOnMountBy(stream: Ctx => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])

  useEffectStreamWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(stream: D => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])
  useEffectStreamWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(stream: Ctx => D => fs2.Stream[IO, Unit])


Given a Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]], opens the resource and executes and drains the stream upon mount or dependency change. If still running, execution is cancelled and the resource closed upon unmount or dependency change. The resource is also closed if the stream terminates.

Like the useEffect family of hooks, this hook doesn't add any new parameters to the context.

  useEffectStreamResource(stream: Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])
  useEffectStreamResourceBy(stream: Ctx => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])

  useEffectStreamResourceWithDeps[D: Reusability](deps: => D)(stream: D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])
  useEffectStreamResourceWithDepsBy[D: Reusability](deps: Ctx => D)(stream: Ctx => D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])

  useEffectStreamResourceOnMount(stream: Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])
  useEffectStreamResourceOnMountBy(stream: Ctx => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])

  useEffectStreamResourceWhenDepsReady[D](deps: => Pot[D])(stream: D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])
  useEffectStreamResourceWhenDepsReadyBy[D](deps: Ctx => Pot[D])(stream: Ctx => D => Resource[IO, fs2.Stream[IO, Unit]])

scalajs-react <-> cats-effect interop

The crystal.react.implicits.* import will provide the following methods:

Effect conversion

  • <CallbackTo[A]>.to[F]: F[A] - converts a CallbackTo to the effect F. <Callback>.to[F] returns F[Unit]. (Requires implicit Sync[F]).
  • <F[A]>.runAsync(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => F[Unit]): Callback - When the resulting Callback is run, F[A] will be run asynchronously and its result will be handled by cb. (Requires implicit Dispatcher[F]).
  • <F[A]>.runAsyncAndThen(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Callback): Callback - When the resulting Callback is run, F[A] will be run asynchronously and its result will be handled by cb. The difference with runAsyncCB is that the result handler returns a Callback instead of F[A]. (Requires implicit Dispatcher[F]).
  • <F[A]>.runAsyncAndForget: Callback - When the resulting Callback is run, F[A] will be run asynchronously and its result will be ignored, as well as any errors it may raise. (Requires implicit Dispatcher[F]).
  • <F[Unit]>.runAsyncAndThen(cb: Callback, errorMsg: String?): Callback - When the resulting Callback is run, F[Unit] will be run asynchronously. If it succeeds, then cb will be run. If it fails, errorMsg will be logged. (Requires implicit Dispatcher[F] and Logger[F]).
  • <F[Unit]>.runAsync(errorMsg: String?): Callback - When the resulting Callback is run, F[Unit] will be run asynchronously. If it fails, errorMsg will be logged. (Requires implicit Dispatcher[F] and Logger[F]).

Please note that in all cases the the Callback returned by .runAsync* will complete immediately.

Extensions to BackendScope

  • <BackendScope[P, S]>.propsIn[F]: F[P] - (Requires implicit Sync[F]).
  • <BackendScope[P, S]>.stateIn[F]: F[S] - (Requires implicit Sync[F]),
  • <BackendScope[P, S]>.setStateIn[F](s: S): F[Unit] - will complete once the state has been set. Therefore, use this instead of <BackendScope[P, S]>[F], which would complete immediately. (Requires implicit Async[F]).
  • <BackendScope[P, S]>.modStateIn[F](f: S => S): F[Unit] - same as above. (Requires implicit Async[F]).
  • <BackendScope[P, S]>.modStateWithPropsIn[F](f: (S, P) => S): F[Unit] - (Requires implicit Async[F]).


Functional, tagless and lens-based, global state management. With scalajs-react fs2.Stream integrations.






