Beta release of precision medicine analysis-workflows
released this
28 Feb 20:04
1422 commits
to master
since this release
This is a beta release of workflows for enabling precision medicine to perform neoantigen predictions and subsequent personalized cancer vaccine designs.
- Reorganized code into tools, sub-workflows and pipelines.
- Increase the use of task-specific docker images
- Additional and updated ResourceRequirements
- Numerous QC tools added for WGS, Exome and RNA-seq
- Structural Variant and Copy Number calls, ex. Lumpy/smoove, Manta, CNVkit
- Additional annotation: custom ClinVar, VEP --everything
- Option to limit variant calls to defined regions, ex. ACMG genes
- Numerous other changes to the order of steps, secondary files and exposure of tool parameters to the workflows.
Pipelines Supported
- Somatic WGS and Exome
- Germline WGS and Exome
- scRNA-seq and RNA-seq Expression/Abundance Estimates
- Whole-Genome Bisulfite (WGBS)
- pVACseq for neoantigen predictions