Releases: geoman-io/leaflet-geoman
Hole Support
Fixes and more fixes
drawstart event on markers
FIXED: When marker draw is enabled, pm:drawstart
is now fired.
FIXED: Adapted Manual Install description to new workflow since Bower deprecation
Bug Fixes
FIXED: Added Polyfills for IE<12 support.
FIXED: Layer Deletion via toolbar now respects pmIgnore
Remove Event & Ignore Option
- ADDED: pm:remove event.
- ADDED: add pmIgnore to a layers options if you want to ignore this layer
- IMPROVED: new icon classes to not clash with css frameworks
- IMPROVED: build is now with webpack2 instead of gulp
- REMOVED: bower support
Circle support and more options
ADDED: You can now toggle global removal mode with
or via Toolbar
ADDED: you can now pass custom marker options for drawing markers (see Readme)
ADDED: you can now specify finishOnDoubleClick: true
to complete the shape on dblclick
IMPROVED: Better Controls/Toolbar functions, thanks @maxamante
FIXED: manually toggling global edit mode is now reflected in the toolbar state
FIXED: a few minor bugs
Marker Improvements
Draw with Snaps
Improved Snapping
FIXED: Edit a Polygon while Drawing Mode is enabled is now handled correctly
ADDED: Markers are now snappable to other layers and vice versa
ADDED: Snapping can now get temporarily disabled by pressing ALT during drag
ADDED: you can now pass custom styles for the drawn layers or add them globally as a config. See the readme - customization section for more info.
CDN Version Fix
FIXED: now has the correct versions for CDN usage.