Pipeline to run Admixture software from a plink file in ComputeCanada servers.
Optionally, it can produce a plot with CLUMPP+distruct (requires extra installation).
sbatch Admixture_pipeline [-a] -p [path to plink base] -K [list or range] -r [int]
-h Print usage.
-p path to plink files (basename).
-K Int, List or range of Ks to test.
-K 2,5,7 will test Ks 2,5,7
-K 2-4 will test Ks 2,3,4
-K 1-7:2 will test Ks 1,3,5,7
-r Number of independent runs per K.
-l Tune the ld pruning option in plink. Default = 0.5
-a Optional. Plot with clumpp and distruct.