pip3 install everything
TF 1.1.0
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 -e "PASSWORD=password" -v ~/src/ALL_NOTEBOOKS:/notebooks/ALL_NOTEBOOKS --name jupyter --restart always georgezero/keras-tensorflow-python3-jupyter-pip:latest
Change password
to something else
docker run -it -p 8888-8890:8888-8890 -p 6006:6006 -e "PASSWORD=password" -v ~/src/ALL_NOTEBOOKS:/notebooks/ALL_NOTEBOOKS --name jupyterlab --restart always --entrypoint "jupyter" georgezero/keras-tensorflow-python3-jupyter-pip:latest lab
Change password
to something else
You need to create a directory called ~/src/ALL_NOTEBOOKS
on your local machine. This is where you should keep all your files, so that even if you stop the Docker container, your files will persist there.