A C++ library for the Arduino Core designed for the ESP8266 board that enables GSM transmission and reception using the AI-Thinker A6 GSM module.
This library is an adaptation of the A6lib library
To use ESPSmsA6Transceiver, you need:
- An ESP8266
- An AI-Thinker A6 GSM module
- The Arduino IDE for ESP8266 (version 1.8.8 minimum)
- Basic knowledge of the Arduino environment (upload a sketch, import libraries, ...)
- Download the latest master source code .zip
- Load the
with Sketch → Include Library → Add .ZIP Library
To use this library you might need to have the latest version of ESPCoreExtension library
- Datasheet
- AT commands
- Lot of information here and here
- Firmware update
- Pinout