Microsoft intern pursuing a dual degree in Data Science & Engineering and in Mathematics at UPC Barcelona.
Here are the projects I've worked on:
- Datathon FME 2024 - Design Decoder : Bringing the future of Desing - DatathonFME2024 Winning project
HackUPC 2024 - Street Style Decoder : An app that lets you take a picture of an outfit and obtain similar clothes. Made using image embedding and semantic segmentation.
Song Poplarity Predictor : A machine learning project predicting the popularity of Taylor Swift's songs using classical ML models such as linear models, decision trees, ensemble methods, and support vector machines.
2024 France Tech Arena - LightChaser : Our solution using a modified Dijkstra's algorithm to replan service paths after fiber failures. We optimized wavelength allocation, resolved resource conflicts, and maximized service continuity
Fantasy Football : Algorithm that obtains the best football lineup based on a database of active players. Primarily constructed using C++.
Datathon FME 2022 - Chip Power Delivery Optimization : Based on the solution to a variation of the Traveling Salesman Problem using both Genetic Algorithms and Simmulated Annealing
Cinebus : Desktop app that lets users search for movie listings and provides them with a route from their location to the cinema's location, using Barcelona's real bus network.
Workgroup Manager : Desktop app that simplifies the coordination of a work group. It provides users a tool to input their availability for project each group, and a visual representation (calendar) of all members' available days, among other features.
I'm always open to new opportunities, let's connect!