News Feed is a iOS app that fetch news from and displays it in a user friendly presentable manner. There is a multiple language support and also date wise option to fetch news.
The free api allows 500 daily api request and upto 30 days old news. Please feel free to have download and have a look at the app.
If you want to modify and use it then please use your own API Key. This product is not be distributed commercially or uploaded in app store.
- Programmatic UI
- Native URLSession Network call
- Custom alert window
- Change language and save the selected language in preference
- Embeded safari browser to open the news article by clicking on the title
- Dynamic table view row height according to the content
- Search by date by entering custom from-to date
- Pagination
- Auto Light/Dark Mode
- iOS 13.0+
- Xcode 11
If you want to contribution to NewsFeed, check the description for more info.
Bikash Agarwal – @getbiks – [email protected]