This is the source code repository for the GFBio Portal.
The following branches are active and recommended:
- master branch (all code that is released on
- development (main development branch for new features)
All other branches are either feature branches or branches for specific releases.
- DataLifeCycle_SVG : contains .html and .svg scripts for the visualisation of the data cycle (
- Liferay7 : new 7.0 version of Liferay portal. We need to separate it from the current development since the build management is completely different.
- liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2GA4 : the current working repository in Liferay's sdk environment (see separated section below)
This is the active development environment. Each type of code is differentiated by function and purpose.
- db (Database changes)
- gadgets (Gadgets/Widgets)
- hooks (overwriting Liferay's default behaviour)
- layouttpl (Layout Templates)
- portlets (Portlets)
- themes (Themes - main component for web design)
- Java version: Liferay 6.2 GA 4 don't support Java versions higher as 1.7. So, the current JDK is 1.7.80
- IDE: Liferay IDE Eclipse 2.2.4 ga5
- SDK: Liferay Plugins SDK 6.2 ce ga4 (part of the GIT)
- Liferay Server Bundle: Liferay portal tomcat 6.2 ce ga4
- Data base: PostgreSQL 9.3
- Data base Managment System: PGAdmin 3
- Usual used OS Software: Windows 7
- Clone the GIT repository (for example to GFBio-portal-dev)
- Unpack the server bundle and IDE in this folder.
- Create a build.[operating-system-login-name].properties file in the SDK folder.
- write in this file:
#Managed by Liferay IDE (remove this comment to prevent future updates)
#Wed Jan 06 11:00:17 CET 2016 = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\lib\\ext
app.server.tomcat.deploy.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\webapps
app.server.parent.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]
app.server.tomcat.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42
app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.tomcat.portal.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\webapps\\ROOT = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\lib\\ext
app.server.deploy.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\webapps
app.server.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42
app.server.portal.dir = [path to folder]\\[repository folder name]\\[server bundle folder name]\\tomcat-7.0.42\\webapps\\ROOT
- The IDE and the server bundle folders and the properties file have to be in the ignore list of the GIT
- Start the IDE/eclipse.
- Build a new workspace folder and switch to Liferay view.
- If you would the workspace folder in your repository folder name, then add the workflow folder to your GIT ignore list.
- Switch to the Liferay view of the Eclipse.
- Build new server:
- Go to File / New / Other / Server / Server. OR create a new server in the server tab.
- Choose Liferay, Inc / Liferay v6.2 CE Server (Tomcat 7).
- Choose by Server runtime environment: Liferay v.6.2 (Tomcat) GA4 or go to Add. Choose the correctTomcat directory ([repository folder name][server bundle folder name]\tomcat-7.0.42) and select jre7 as runtime JRE
- !!! eclipse-mars IDE and higher requires Java 8 as Server runtime environment !!!
Please follow the instructions of the following article.In this article,you don’t need step 1, because we aren’t using maven. Start with step 2:
- GFBio use two databases. The liferay database for user management and the gfbio portal database for gfbio specific applications
- Create a file in the liferay-portal-6.2-ce-ga4 folder
############# Database #########################
If you change the database passwords, then you have to change the passwords in this file too
Start the created server in the IDE.
Answer the database question, so that the system build a PostgreSQL 9.3 database on localhost 5432.
Start PGAdmin.
Go to server PostgreSQL 9.3 (localhost: 5432).
Create new login role with
- name: xxxxx,
- password: xxxxx,
- Role privileges: Can login, Inherits rights from parent roles, Superuser, Can create databases, Can modify catalog directly.
Add new database (use the SQL option in task menu):
WITH OWNER = xxxxx
TABLESPACE = pg_default
LC_COLLATE = 'German_Germany.1252'
LC_CTYPE = 'German_Germany.1252'
build a environmental variable 'PSQL_HOME' for the [..]\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\ folder
Start run_sql.cmd (windows) or run_sql.csh (Linux/Unix) to create the database tables or start the sql files individualy.
- All this files are in [path to folder] / [repository folder name] / [sdk folder] / db.
Liferay use automatic generate classes and services for the relations between database and Portal-Applications/APIs. This services are integrated in the GFBioProject-portlet. To use this services, you have to build the services (right click on GFBioProject-portlet / Liferay / Build Services)
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Felicitas Löffler
- Marcel Frömming
- Kobkaew Opasjumruskit
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the LGPL2.1 License - see the file for details
This section describes known problems and frequent issues occuring during development.
Description: Each portlet has a file that will be updated at each deployment time. Instead of overwriting the existing file you should create a file.
1.) stop you liferay server
2.) remove all deployed portlet code (e.g., GFBio-project-portlet) from your 'liferay/tomcat/webapps' folder and your 'liferay/tomcat/temp' folder
3.) go to your local liferay database and remove all entries in table 'servicecomponent' that have the build namespace 'gfbio'
(DELETE FROM servicecomponent where buildnamespace='gfbio')
4.) create a file in your docroot/WEB-INF/src folder and add the following line:
5.) open your eclipse, clean your project, build services and deploy the code
6.) start your liferay server again
7.) have a look into the database, table 'servicecomponent', you are supposed to see a new entry with build space number 1
- Remove webcontent folder (it is enough to keep it in the portal-release repository).
- describe gadgets, hooks, portlets, layouttpls and themes in more details
- discuss license, MIT or LGPL?