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KunstmaanTranslatorBundle Build Status

A bundle which enables editing translations in the admin interface without need for editing the translations files. Translations will be stored in a (default) database and retrieved on the most efficient way possible.

Symfony2 Profiler Example

Installation requirements

You should be able to get Symfony >=2.3 up and running before you can install the KunstmaanTranslatorBundle.

Installation instructions

Assuming you have installed composer.phar or composer binary:

$ composer require kunstmaan/translator-bundle 2.3.*@dev
$ composer require doctrine/migrations dev-master
$ composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle dev-master

Add the KunstmaanTranslatorBundle to your AppKernel.php file:

new Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\KunstmaanTranslatorBundle(),
new Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle(),

Add the KunstmaanTranslatorBundle to your routing.yml. Take your own routing into account, it's possible you will need to add the following code prior to your own routing configurations

    resource: "@KunstmaanTranslatorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /{_locale}/
        _locale: %requiredlocales%


Overwrite the KunstmaanTranslatorBundle config to your needs in config.yml, these are the default values:

	enabled: 			true
	default_bundle: 	kunstmaantranslatorbundle
	cache_dir: 			%kernel.cache_dir%/translations
	managed_locales:	[]
	file_formats:		['yml', 'xliff']
  • enabled : Enabled or disable the KunstmaanTranslatorBundle
  • default_bundle : Default bundle used for the import from within the backend (not case-sensitive)
  • cache_dir: Cached translations dir
  • managed_locales: Which locale translation files should be imported
  • file_formats: Which type of translation files should be imported

Example configuration:

	default_bundle: 	AwesomeSuperCoolWebsiteBundle
	managed_locales:	['en', 'fr', 'es']

Database schema

Update your database schema with doctrine

app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Database schema updated successfully! "1" queries were executed

Migrate dev translations to production

Use the following command to generate a doctrine migration with all new and updated translations from your current environment.

app/console kuma:translator:migrations:diff

When you want to include these migrated translations into your (other) environment use the normal doctrine migrate command.

app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Import existing translation files

When migrating your current project you can easily import the existing translation files.

Without parameters, all translations, locales from the current main project will be included. If you have already existing translations in the database with the same combination of 'domain', 'keyword', 'locale', non of them will be overwritten

app/console kuma:translator:import

To force overwrite the existing translations in the stasher:

app/console kuma:translator:import --force

To import translations from a specific bundle:

app/console kuma:translator:import --bundle=superCoolNewApplicationBundle

To import only specific locales:

app/console kuma:translator:import --locales=nl,fr,de

To import translations from the global Resources (app/Resources/translations)

app/console kuma:translator:import --globals

How does the cache work

Translations are stored in a database, but cached (as Symfony2 normally does) when not running in debug mode.

$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false); // translations are cached an read from this cache
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true); // translations are always loaded from the stash (slower, more queries)

When editing translations in the backend changes aren't immediately visible on your website. The backend will show a warning message when not newer or updated translations aren't loaded into the cache. Click on the Refresh live button to rebuild the cache.

Clear cache and request status

Clear translation cache files, this will trigger a rebuild of the translation cache when visiting a page

app/console kuma:translator:cache --flush

Request status of the current cache

app/console kuma:translator:cache --status

Reset translation flags

When all translations are up to date, e.g when migrated all develop translations into production. You need to reset all the flags which mark translations as new or updated. Otherwise already migrated translations will be added into later migrations again (which can cause errors with inserts and unique keys)

app/console kuma:translator:flag --reset

Lookup keyword/domain of your translations

You probably don't always remember which keyword and/or domain your translations on specific pages are using. To solve this problem you can add an extra GET parameter to your request. Add ?transSource=1 to your url to see all sources of the translated labels.

You instead of "Hello world" you might see header.hello_world (messages). This means:

  • keyword is header.hello_world
  • domain is messages

Symfony Profiler integration

The Symfony2 Profiler show the number of translations used on the current request:

Symfony2 Profiler Example

When you click on this item, you can see all translations used on the current request and a link to add or edit them in the Kunstmaan Admin backend.

Symfony2 Profiler Example Table

Workflow example (new project)

  1. Add translations (with keywords) in your template files (dev)
  2. Add the translations of (1) into your backend via "Add Translation" (dev)
  3. Repeat 1 & 2
  4. Create migrations diff app/console kuma:translator:migrations:diff(dev)
  5. Reset translation flags app/console kuma:translator:flag --reset (dev)
  6. Deploy your application
  7. Execute doctrine migrations app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (prod)
  8. Edit/add translations (prod)
  9. When ready editing/adding, click Refresh live or app/console kuma:translator:cache --flush (prod)
  10. Repeat 7 & 8 when editing/adding translations in prod

Workflow example (existing project)

  1. Import current translations, click Import -> Import or app/console kuma:translator:import (prod/dev)
  2. If you did 1 in dev, go to 4 of "Workflow example (new project)", otherwise go to 7 "Workflow example (new project)"


  • Import bundle/global translations from any type of translation file
  • Import only specific translations (onlu from console command)
  • Force import to overwrite existing translations with same domain/keyword/locale
  • Edit stored translations from the backend interface
  • Add new translations from the backend interface
  • Translations are cached (if debug is disabled)
  • Warning when cached translations aren't up to date with the stored translations
  • Clear translation cache to rebuild translations from the stored translations
  • Newer or updated translations are flagged
  • Create a Doctrine Migrations file with all flagged translations
  • Reset all flagged translations (from console command)
  • Clear and check translation cache from console command
  • Check your page with the keyword and domain of all translations

Development instructions

Run unit tests

./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist

Run PHP CS Fixer, after installing php-cs-fixer system wide

php-cs-fixer fix .

How to create your own file exporter

  • Tag your exporter with `translation.exporter
  • implement \Kunstmaan\TranslatorBundle\Service\Exporter\FileExporterInterface

NOTE : exporting isn't stable (yet)


Manage translations






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