Releases: gianthk/BEATS_raytracing
Releases · gianthk/BEATS_raytracing
BEATS Technical Design Report - raytracing
This release includes:
- BEATS beamline raytracing: calculations of the beam size, expected flux and coherence properties
- scripts to generate plots of the configuration (mirrors position) of a Double Multilayer Monochromator (DMM) for BEATS
- data and figures from the BEATS Technical Design Report (TDR)
Rebuffi, Luca, and Manuel Sanchez del Rio. 2017. “OASYS (OrAnge SYnchrotron Suite): An Open-Source Graphical Environment for x-Ray Virtual Experiments.” In Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray Optics IV, 10388:103880S. International Society for Optics and Photonics.