The Newton Engine is a 2-D Game Engine being developed at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande ( by Giovgiac. The engine has basic graphics, audio and font rendering capabilities.
The following snippet of code shows a Main.cpp that utilizes the NEngine for creating a simple scene where there's a player that can move around with the W, A, S and D keys. The scene also presents another GameObject which is stationary. This code could be easily extended, to draw even up to more than 50.000 sprites (tested on a GTX 1080) and it does not showcase the full capabilities of the NEngine. For instance, the GameObject class can be inherited from and overriding the Start and Tick methods allow for more diversified behavior of different objects.
* Main.cpp
* Copyright (c) Giovanni Giacomo. All Rights Reserved.
#include <Core/Game.h>
using namespace Newton;
class MyPlayer : public NPlayer {
MyPlayer(const NVector& InPosition, const GLfloat InRotation, const NVector& InSize, NTexture* InTexture)
: NPlayer(InPosition, InRotation, InSize, Colors::White, InTexture) {}
virtual void OnKeyDown(NWindow* Window, GLint InKey, GLint InScancode, GLint InAction, GLint InMods) {
if (InKey == GLFW_KEY_W && (InAction == GLFW_PRESS || InAction == GLFW_REPEAT))
Translate(NVector(0.0f, 2.0f));
else if (InKey == GLFW_KEY_S && (InAction == GLFW_PRESS || InAction == GLFW_REPEAT))
Translate(NVector(0.0f, -2.0f));
else if (InKey == GLFW_KEY_A && (InAction == GLFW_PRESS || InAction == GLFW_REPEAT))
Translate(NVector(-2.0f, 0.0f));
else if (InKey == GLFW_KEY_D && (InAction == GLFW_PRESS || InAction == GLFW_REPEAT))
Translate(NVector(2.0f, 0.0f));
else if (InKey == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && InAction == GLFW_PRESS)
class MyGame : public NGame {
: NGame() {}
void BeforePlay(void) override {
NAudioSource* Audio;
NScene Scene;
// Test Audio
Audio = new NAudioSource("sound.mp3", false);
// Create Objects
NTexture* GokuTexture = new NTexture("goku.png");
NGameObject* Object0 = new NGameObject(NVector(320.0f, 192.0f), 0.0f, NVector(50.0f, 50.0f), Colors::White, GokuTexture);
MyPlayer* NewPlayer = new MyPlayer(NVector(640.0f, 384.0f), 0.0f, NVector(50.f, 50.f), GokuTexture);
// Set KeyDown Event
OnKeyDown = new NEventHandler<NWindow*, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint>(NewPlayer, &MyPlayer::OnKeyDown);
// Add Objects to Scene
// Send Scene to World
int main(void) {
MyGame Game;