You can find the accompanying blog post at
git clone ....
ncu -u
npm install --also=dev --force
npx clasp login
gpg -o .clasprc.json.gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 $HOME/.clasprc.json
- set password and add it to GitHub repository secrets as CLASP_SECRET
npx clasp create --title MySheetPrd --type sheets --rootDir src
mv .clasp.json .clasp-prd.json
npx clasp create --title MySheetDev --type sheets --rootDir src
cp .clasp.json .clasp-dev.json
The clasp outputs:
Created new Google Sheet:
Created new Google Sheets Add-on script:
Note the spreadsheet and script URLs
git checkout -b develop
git push origin -u develop
The script will be automatically deployed to dev or prd environament depending on the GIT branch pushed.
deploys code to production environmentdevelop
deploys code to development environment
To manually deploy the script use VS code build tasks labeled:
- Development
- Production
or run the shell command:
npm run deploy_dev
npm run deploy_prd