MINI is a tracing library that provides minimal instrumentation of MPI applications. Its purpose is to minimize the instrumentation overhead and provide the executed instructions for all the computation phases and detailed communication pattern between the MPI processes.
git clone git://
The compiling of the MinI tool is simple.
You can use the bash script:
- ./
gcc -shared -fPIC -c mini.c
gcc -fPIC -shared -o mini.o
Copy the file in the folder that you want this library to be located
Use the following libraries
-lpapi -lmini -lmpi_f77 -lmpi
Be sure that the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is updated with all the mentioned libraries
For example you can compile NAS benchmarks by adding the decaring the FMPI_LIB variable in make.def file as follows
FMPI_LIB = -L/path/to/mini/library -lmini -lpapi -lmpi_f77 -lmpi
First of all in order to execute the instrumented application initially you shoud create the following folder (on each participated node or only once if you use a global file system) in the same path as the one the binary is located:
- mkdir ti_traces
You should declare to your .bashrc file which PAPI metric you like to measure
and declare that we do not want to measure the time (no calibration):
- export MINI_TIME=0
Use MINI_TIME=1 if you would like Time-Independent traces with the durations of the computaiton phases.
Now you can execute your applications and the traces will be located in the folder ti_traces.
The same information are here:
- Commands are lower case now
- Adding tag for isend
Version 1.0 released
For questions, bugs, problems contact at [email protected]