A Flask web app used for a short usability test.
Assuming you already have Python installed, here's what you need to get this puppy running.
Note, it might be a good idea to set up a virtual environment to install your modules into.
$ pip install Flask
$ pip install WTForms
$ pip install gspread
- It should be named "Usability Testing" (without the quotes).
- Create a second sheet in the same workbook, it should be called "Sheet2"
- Delete all the rows except the first one on both sheets. The app appends a row each time it runs and it will quite happily make that row 10,001 if your Google Form already has 10,000 rows.
See http://gspread.readthedocs.org/en/latest/oauth2.html
Put the json file with your credentials into the static folder and rename it google.json.
$ cd {app directory}
$ python routes.py
The console should now tell you the app is running. It's usually at
Known issues and caveats:
- The app will fail if it can't connect to the Google Form. It will not fail gracefully.
- The form for the test administrator is not password protected