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@xenolf xenolf released this 19 Mar 22:42
· 1269 commits to master since this release

This release features the DNS-01 challenge with numerous solvers as well as EC support for certificates and account keys.


  • CLI: The --dns switch. To include the DNS challenge for consideration. When using this switch, all other solvers are disabled. Supported are the following solvers: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, dyn, gandi, googlecloud, namecheap, route53, rfc2136 and manual.
  • CLI: The --accept-tos switch. Indicates your acceptance of the Let's Encrypt terms of service without prompting you.
  • CLI: The --webroot switch. The HTTP-01 challenge may now be completed by dropping a file into a webroot. When using this switch, all other solvers are disabled.
  • CLI: The --key-type switch. This replaces the --rsa-key-size switch and supports the following key types: EC256, EC384, RSA2048, RSA4096 and RSA8192.
  • CLI: The --dnshelp switch. This displays a more in-depth help topic for DNS solvers.
  • CLI: The --no-bundle sub switch for the run and renew commands. When this switch is set, the CLI will not bundle the issuer certificate with your certificate.
  • lib: A new type for challenge identifiers Challenge
  • lib: A new interface for custom challenge providers acme.ChallengeProvider
  • lib: A new interface for DNS-01 providers to allow for custom timeouts for the validation function acme.ChallengeProviderTimeout
  • lib: SetChallengeProvider function. Pass a challenge identifier and a Provider to replace the default behaviour of a challenge.
  • lib: The DNS-01 challenge has been implemented with modular solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface. Included solvers are: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, gandi, namecheap, route53, rfc2136 and manual.
  • lib: The acme.KeyType type was added and is used for the configuration of crypto parameters for RSA and EC keys. Valid KeyTypes are: EC256, EC384, RSA2048, RSA4096 and RSA8192.


  • lib: ExcludeChallenges now expects to be passed an array of Challenge types.
  • lib: HTTP-01 now supports custom solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface.
  • lib: TLS-SNI-01 now supports custom solvers using the ChallengeProvider interface.
  • lib: The GetPrivateKey function in the acme.User interface is now expected to return a crypto.PrivateKey instead of an rsa.PrivateKey for EC compat.
  • lib: The acme.NewClient function now expects an acme.KeyType instead of the keyBits parameter.


  • CLI: The rsa-key-size switch was removed in favor of key-type to support EC keys.


  • lib: Fixed a race condition in HTTP-01
  • lib: Fixed an issue where status codes on ACME challenge responses could lead to no action being taken.
  • lib: Fixed a regression when calling the Renew function with a SAN certificate.