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Merge pull request #21 from go-language-server/lsp-3.16
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Support lsp 3.16.0
zchee authored Apr 6, 2021
2 parents b19b78e + 6cee1eb commit d9c37f4
Showing 60 changed files with 12,380 additions and 2,870 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .golangci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ linters-settings:
min-complexity: 20
min-len: 3
min-occurrences: 3
min-occurrences: 4
- diagnostic
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tools/%: ## install an individual dependent tool
@${MAKE} tools/bin/$* 1>/dev/null

tools/bin/%: ${TOOLS_DIR}/go.mod ${TOOLS_DIR}/go.sum
cd tools; \
@cd tools; \
for t in ${TOOLS}; do \
if [ -z '$*' ] || [ $$(basename $$t) = '$*' ]; then \
echo "Install $$t ..." >&2; \
187 changes: 144 additions & 43 deletions basic.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ import (
// For clarity, the type of such a field is declared as a DocumentURI.
// Over the wire, it will still be transferred as a string, but this guarantees
// that the contents of that string can be parsed as a valid URI.
type DocumentURI string
type DocumentURI = uri.URI

// URI a tagging interface for normal non document URIs.
// @since 3.16.0.
type URI = uri.URI

// EOL denotes represents the character offset.
var EOL = []string{"\n", "\r\n", "\r"}
@@ -26,14 +31,14 @@ var EOL = []string{"\n", "\r\n", "\r"}
// A position is between two characters like an "insert" cursor in a editor.
type Position struct {
// Line position in a document (zero-based).
Line float64 `json:"line"`
Line uint32 `json:"line"`

// Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Assuming that the line is
// represented as a string, the `character` value represents the gap between the
// `character` and `character + 1`.
// If the character value is greater than the line length it defaults back to the
// line length.
Character float64 `json:"character"`
Character uint32 `json:"character"`

// Range represents a text document expressed as (zero-based) start and end positions.
@@ -50,8 +55,8 @@ type Range struct {

// Location represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file.
type Location struct {
URI uri.URI `json:"uri"`
Range Range `json:"range"`
URI DocumentURI `json:"uri"`
Range Range `json:"range"`

// LocationLink represents a link between a source and a target location.
@@ -62,7 +67,7 @@ type LocationLink struct {
OriginSelectionRange *Range `json:"originSelectionRange,omitempty"`

// TargetURI is the target resource identifier of this link.
TargetURI uri.URI `json:"targetUri"`
TargetURI DocumentURI `json:"targetUri"`

// TargetRange is the full target range of this link. If the target for example is a symbol then target range is the
// range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing whitespace but everything else
@@ -74,6 +79,14 @@ type LocationLink struct {
TargetSelectionRange Range `json:"targetSelectionRange"`

// CodeDescription is the structure to capture a description for an error code.
// @since 3.16.0.
type CodeDescription struct {
// Href an URI to open with more information about the diagnostic error.
Href URI `json:"href"`

// Diagnostic represents a diagnostic, such as a compiler error or warning.
// Diagnostic objects are only valid in the scope of a resource.
@@ -86,7 +99,12 @@ type Diagnostic struct {
Severity DiagnosticSeverity `json:"severity,omitempty"`

// Code is the diagnostic's code, which might appear in the user interface.
Code interface{} `json:"code,omitempty"`
Code interface{} `json:"code,omitempty"` // int32 | string;

// CodeDescription an optional property to describe the error code.
// @since 3.16.0.
CodeDescription *CodeDescription `json:"codeDescription,omitempty"`

// Source a human-readable string describing the source of this
// diagnostic, e.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'.
@@ -103,35 +121,42 @@ type Diagnostic struct {
// RelatedInformation an array of related diagnostic information, e.g. when symbol-names within
// a scope collide all definitions can be marked via this property.
RelatedInformation []DiagnosticRelatedInformation `json:"relatedInformation,omitempty"`

// Data is a data entry field that is preserved between a
// "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" notification and
// "textDocument/codeAction" request.
// @since 3.16.0.
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

// DiagnosticSeverity indicates the severity of a Diagnostic message.
type DiagnosticSeverity float64

const (
// SeverityError reports an error.
SeverityError DiagnosticSeverity = 1
// DiagnosticSeverityError reports an error.
DiagnosticSeverityError DiagnosticSeverity = 1

// SeverityWarning reports a warning.
SeverityWarning DiagnosticSeverity = 2
// DiagnosticSeverityWarning reports a warning.
DiagnosticSeverityWarning DiagnosticSeverity = 2

// SeverityInformation reports an information.
SeverityInformation DiagnosticSeverity = 3
// DiagnosticSeverityInformation reports an information.
DiagnosticSeverityInformation DiagnosticSeverity = 3

// SeverityHint reports a hint.
SeverityHint DiagnosticSeverity = 4
// DiagnosticSeverityHint reports a hint.
DiagnosticSeverityHint DiagnosticSeverity = 4

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (d DiagnosticSeverity) String() string {
switch d {
case SeverityError:
case DiagnosticSeverityError:
return "Error"
case SeverityWarning:
case DiagnosticSeverityWarning:
return "Warning"
case SeverityInformation:
case DiagnosticSeverityInformation:
return "Information"
case SeverityHint:
case DiagnosticSeverityHint:
return "Hint"
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(d), 'f', -10, 64)
@@ -145,24 +170,24 @@ type DiagnosticTag float64

// list of DiagnosticTag.
const (
// DiagnosticUnnecessary unused or unnecessary code.
// DiagnosticTagUnnecessary unused or unnecessary code.
// Clients are allowed to render diagnostics with this tag faded out instead of having
// an error squiggle.
DiagnosticUnnecessary DiagnosticTag = 1
DiagnosticTagUnnecessary DiagnosticTag = 1

// DiagnosticDeprecated deprecated or obsolete code.
// DiagnosticTagDeprecated deprecated or obsolete code.
// Clients are allowed to rendered diagnostics with this tag strike through.
DiagnosticDeprecated DiagnosticTag = 2
DiagnosticTagDeprecated DiagnosticTag = 2

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (d DiagnosticTag) String() string {
switch d {
case DiagnosticUnnecessary:
case DiagnosticTagUnnecessary:
return "Unnecessary"
case DiagnosticDeprecated:
case DiagnosticTagDeprecated:
return "Deprecated"
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(d), 'f', -10, 64)
@@ -197,6 +222,39 @@ type Command struct {
Arguments []interface{} `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

// ChangeAnnotation is the additional information that describes document changes.
// @since 3.16.0.
type ChangeAnnotation struct {
// Label a human-readable string describing the actual change. The string
// is rendered prominent in the user interface.
Label string `json:"label"`

// NeedsConfirmation is a flag which indicates that user confirmation is needed
// before applying the change.
NeedsConfirmation bool `json:"needsConfirmation,omitempty"`

// Description is a human-readable string which is rendered less prominent in
// the user interface.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

// ChangeAnnotationIdentifier an identifier referring to a change annotation managed by a workspace
// edit.
// @since 3.16.0.
type ChangeAnnotationIdentifier string

// AnnotatedTextEdit is a special text edit with an additional change annotation.
// @since 3.16.0.
type AnnotatedTextEdit struct {

// AnnotationID is the actual annotation identifier.
AnnotationID ChangeAnnotationIdentifier `json:"annotationId"`

// TextEdit is a textual edit applicable to a text document.
type TextEdit struct {
// Range is the range of the text document to be manipulated.
@@ -218,7 +276,10 @@ type TextDocumentEdit struct {
TextDocument VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier `json:"textDocument"`

// Edits is the edits to be applied.
Edits []TextEdit `json:"edits"`
// @since 3.16.0 - support for AnnotatedTextEdit.
// This is guarded by the client capability "workspace.workspaceEdit.changeAnnotationSupport".
Edits []TextEdit `json:"edits"` // []TextEdit | []AnnotatedTextEdit

// ResourceOperationKind is the file event type.
@@ -250,10 +311,15 @@ type CreateFile struct {
Kind ResourceOperationKind `json:"kind"` // should be `create`

// URI is the resource to create.
URI uri.URI `json:"uri"`
URI DocumentURI `json:"uri"`

// Options additional options.
Options *CreateFileOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`

// AnnotationID an optional annotation identifier describing the operation.
// @since 3.16.0.
AnnotationID ChangeAnnotationIdentifier `json:"annotationId,omitempty"`

// RenameFileOptions represents a rename file options.
@@ -271,13 +337,18 @@ type RenameFile struct {
Kind ResourceOperationKind `json:"kind"` // should be `rename`

// OldURI is the old (existing) location.
OldURI uri.URI `json:"oldUri"`
OldURI DocumentURI `json:"oldUri"`

// NewURI is the new location.
NewURI uri.URI `json:"newUri"`
NewURI DocumentURI `json:"newUri"`

// Options rename options.
Options *RenameFileOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`

// AnnotationID an optional annotation identifier describing the operation.
// @since 3.16.0.
AnnotationID ChangeAnnotationIdentifier `json:"annotationId,omitempty"`

// DeleteFileOptions represents a delete file options.
@@ -295,10 +366,15 @@ type DeleteFile struct {
Kind ResourceOperationKind `json:"kind"` // should be `delete`

// URI is the file to delete.
URI uri.URI `json:"uri"`
URI DocumentURI `json:"uri"`

// Options delete options.
Options *DeleteFileOptions `json:"options,omitempty"`

// AnnotationID an optional annotation identifier describing the operation.
// @since 3.16.0.
AnnotationID ChangeAnnotationIdentifier `json:"annotationId,omitempty"`

// WorkspaceEdit represent a changes to many resources managed in the workspace.
@@ -307,7 +383,7 @@ type DeleteFile struct {
// If the client can handle versioned document edits and if documentChanges are present, the latter are preferred over changes.
type WorkspaceEdit struct {
// Changes holds changes to existing resources.
Changes map[uri.URI][]TextEdit `json:"changes,omitempty"`
Changes map[DocumentURI][]TextEdit `json:"changes,omitempty"`

// DocumentChanges depending on the client capability `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` document changes
// are either an array of `TextDocumentEdit`s to express changes to n different text documents
@@ -320,25 +396,35 @@ type WorkspaceEdit struct {
// If a client neither supports `documentChanges` nor `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` then
// only plain `TextEdit`s using the `changes` property are supported.
DocumentChanges []TextDocumentEdit `json:"documentChanges,omitempty"`

// ChangeAnnotations is a map of change annotations that can be referenced in
// "AnnotatedTextEdit"s or create, rename and delete file / folder
// operations.
// Whether clients honor this property depends on the client capability
// "workspace.changeAnnotationSupport".
// @since 3.16.0.
ChangeAnnotations map[ChangeAnnotationIdentifier]ChangeAnnotation `json:"changeAnnotations,omitempty"`

// TextDocumentIdentifier indicates the using a URI. On the protocol level, URIs are passed as strings.
type TextDocumentIdentifier struct {
// URI is the text document's URI.
URI uri.URI `json:"uri"`
URI DocumentURI `json:"uri"`

// TextDocumentItem represent an item to transfer a text document from the client to the server.
type TextDocumentItem struct {
// URI is the text document's URI.
URI uri.URI `json:"uri"`
URI DocumentURI `json:"uri"`

// LanguageID is the text document's language identifier.
LanguageID LanguageIdentifier `json:"languageId"`

// Version is the version number of this document (it will increase after each
// change, including undo/redo).
Version float64 `json:"version"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`

// Text is the content of the opened text document.
Text string `json:"text"`
@@ -584,11 +670,11 @@ var languageIdentifierMap = map[string]LanguageIdentifier{
// ToLanguageIdentifier converts ft to LanguageIdentifier.
func ToLanguageIdentifier(ft string) LanguageIdentifier {
langID, ok := languageIdentifierMap[ft]
if !ok {
return LanguageIdentifier(ft)
if ok {
return langID

return langID
return LanguageIdentifier(ft)

// VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier represents an identifier to denote a specific version of a text document.
@@ -597,14 +683,29 @@ type VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier struct {

// Version is the version number of this document.
// If a versioned text document identifier is sent from the server to the client and the file is not open in the editor
// (the server has not received an open notification before) the server can send
// `null` to indicate that the version is known and the content on disk is the
// truth (as speced with document content ownership).
// The version number of a document will increase after each change, including
// undo/redo. The number doesn't need to be consecutive.
Version *uint64 `json:"version"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`

// OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier represents an identifier which optionally denotes a specific version of a text document.
// This information usually flows from the server to the client.
// @since 3.16.0.
type OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier struct {

// Version is the version number of this document. If an optional versioned text document
// identifier is sent from the server to the client and the file is not
// open in the editor (the server has not received an open notification
// before) the server can send `null` to indicate that the version is
// known and the content on disk is the master (as specified with document
// content ownership).
// The version number of a document will increase after each change,
// including undo/redo. The number doesn't need to be consecutive.
Version *int32 `json:"version"` // int32 | null

// TextDocumentPositionParams is a parameter literal used in requests to pass a text document and a position inside that document.

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