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npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

Unit tests

Unit tests are written using jest. There are two types of unit tests "server" and "react". If it's a react test, ensure that the /** @jest-environment jsdom */ docblock is included at the top of the file so the jsdom is used.

npm test # one off
npm run test:watch # using watcher



To apply changes to the schema locally for development

npx prisma db push

To create a migration

npx prisma migrate deploy


create db

fly postgres connect -a betpirate-db

connect from local

fly proxy 5432 -a betpirate-db

then connect using sql client with username and pass from secret


fly deploy


tech debt

  • move "esbuild-register": "^3.4.2" back to dev deps when no longer seeding in prod.
  • in models, infer parameter types from prisma and ids accordingly


  • Text a user a confirmation that their submission was received
  • Welcome screen, when user has no submissions
  • Make leaderboard sexier show all the props across the top, with check marks
  • images on props
  • get a date for sheet closure from the sheet itself
  • programmatically request e-transfer payment (TD Api)
  • webhook to catch e-transfer payment and automatically mark as paid
    • should still support manual payments (perhaps let the user chose?)
  • ability to share your picks via social media
  • ability to upload a user image
  • in app notifications
  • novelty/game tags on questions
    • (prize for best novelty picks?)
    • allow to submit only novelty picks?
  • ability to change your picks until the deadline
  • block submissions for people who are still on the submission form
  • show a percentage selection of each option
  • high roller option
    • $100 entry where you compete with the other $100 entrants. $10 goes to the regular pot, the other $90 to the high roller pot.
  • Offline mode - print a sheet out, tick the options off, then upload a picture of it by scanning a QR code?
    • Leave a stack of the prop sheets at a bar
  • Sponsor prizes, donated prizes with advertisements in exchange for physical prizes we can give away
  • height: 100dvh; /* Ensures proper height even with browser UI */


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