This section explores a few of the problems (and solutions) to neural networks and backpropagation.
We will polish our previous network model by applying a few new techniques and optimizations to speed up and stabilize the learning process.
- part 1 - simplest network
- part 2 - backpropagation
- part 3 - backpropagation-continued (you are here)
- Theory
- Code example
- References
The error function will usually have many local minima (green dots) in addition to its global minimum (red dot). The more shallow a local minimum is, the least optimized is the solution.
Gradient descent will always go towards the nearest minimum which will almost always be a local one. However, since error functions have high dimentionality (proportional to the number of weights), its local minima are very deep, if not almost as deep as the global one.
In a network with many hidden layers, the vanishing gradient problem is when the the gradient becomes extremely small the further back it goes towards the input layer.
Consider the derivative of a non-linear activation function:
approaches zero when
is close to either zero or one. This is then multipled within the chain rule of the gradient calculation and the more layers with non-linear activation functions it passes through, the more the gradient becomes closer to zero.
This effectively means that layers closer to the output layer do most of the learning.
The other extreme of this problem is the exploding gradient. This is when the gradient becomes extremely large, usually occuring in temporal backpropagation networks.
As seen in the vanishing gradient section, the sigmoid function we've been using so far tends to kill the gradient when its output is close to zero or one.
Another drawback of the sigmoid is that its not zero-centered, meaning its output is always positive. This makes the gradient either all positive or all negative, introducing zig-zagging dynamic in weight updates.
Because of these issues, sigmoid is not recommended to be used anymore. Let's explore some of the other functions instead.
Tanh is similar to the sigmoid function, except that it outpus in a range of , making it zero-centered. However just like the sigmoid it also causes the vanishing gradient problem.
ReLU or rectified linear unit is the most commonly used function in today's neural networks for hidden layers and was found to greatly accelerate convergence compare to sigmoid and tanh.
It doesn't diminish the gradient down to almost zero at both extremes like the sigmoid and tanh functions and it's faster to compute since it's just taking the maximum value of zero and .
However it does have its issues: it's also not zero-centered and the gradients for negative inputs are zero. This can kill a node, since weights are not updated, sometimes causing a node to never fire again.
Leaky ReLU tries to fix the killing tendencies of ReLU by introducing a small negative slope when . It doesn't always correct the problem, but it's worth giving it a try if you find that too many nodes are dying in your network.
Parametric ReLU is a version of leaky ReLU where the value is replaced by a learnable parameter.
Softmax is special in the sense that it needs all of the nodes of the layer to compute the output of each node.
where is the input of the node being activated and
is the input of every node in the same layer.
The function always outputs a number in the range , representing a probability distribution. This means that the sum of the outpus of each node of a layer will always be equal to
. In other words, softmax transforms any input vector of arbitrarily large or small numbers into a probability distribution.
This is why it's often used on the output layer, where we need to classify our data into categories.
Cross entropy measures the loss between a probability distribution (the output) and the actual values. It's often used in conjunction with the softmax activation on the output layer, since this gives probability values for each category of a classification. For example, if we want to classify the "mnist" dataset (images of handwritten digits from 0 to 9), then we can predict the probability of the input for each of the digits using softmax at the output layer. Cross entropy then takes these values and gives a greater loss the more they diverge from the expected values in a logarithmic fashion.
The cross entropy loss formula for multiclass classification is
where is the prediction output vector, or
This is essentially what we've been doing in part 1 and part 2 of this series. We only update the network weights once all of the training associations have gone trough.
One cycle through all of the associations is called an epoch and batch gradient descent updates the weights at the end of each epoch.
This has the advantage of updating the weights less frequently, making it more efficient, but it risks converging too soon to a less optimal function minimum.
Stochastic gradient descent is the opposite. Instead of updating the weights once at the end of each epoch, it updates them for each association.
This obviously makes it slower to run since we have more operations per training association. It can avoid the premature convergence problem of batch gradient descent since the variance over training epochs is higher, however this can equally make it harder for the network to converge towards a minimum.
The stochastic part means that it shuffles the dataset at the beginning of each epoch.
Mini-batch takes advantage of the strenghts of both methods by splitting the dataset into small batches and updating the weights after each batch is processed.
Note that stochastic gradient descent is often used to mean mini-batch. In fact, the only difference between the two is the number of associations between weight updates. Mini-batch equally shuffles the dataset at the beginning of each epoch and then partitions the data into batches.
In the image above the dataset was split into mini batches of 2 associations each. A good batch size can be anything and is one of the parameters that needs to be frequentely tuned for optimal results. Keep in mind that larger batch sizes should compute faster.
Gradient descent is a rather dumb and shortsighted algorithm because it essentially just goes in the direction of the current sample of inputs, not being aware of anything else. But the current direction may not be optimal, given the curvature of the function. Gradient descent may end up traversing long shallow planes as well as steep cliffs, using the same learning rate for all terrains of the function.
This is where momentum comes in. The momentum algorithm takes into consideration the previous gradients and influences the learning rate based on the topology of the function. If the recent gradients are all well aligned in the same direction, then the learning rate will be larger, otherwise it will be smaller.
Recall the formula for updating weights:
We are going to introduce the momentum parameter and the current velocity
to the equation:
Therefore the first velocity value will be:
The second one will take into account the first one:
The third one will use the second one and so on:
Adam is derived from adaptive momentum estimation and unlike the momentum described above, it calculates a custom learning rate for each parameter.
This is accomplished by calculating two different moving averages over the gradient. The first one is the mean and the second one is the uncentered variance. We do this by introducing two new hyperparameters (beta1 and beta2):
where is the gradient
The beta parameters are normally assigned values
respectively and are almost never changed.
The only problem is, we need to perform bias correction since initially and
are each a vector of zeros.
And finally we use the moving averages to compute an individual learning rate for each parameter:
being the a very small value to avoid division by zero, normally assigned
There are several other optimization functions, however Adam is one the most widely used and successful.
Find the implementation in backpropagation.go
So far we've initialized the weights as Gaussian random variables with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, but we can do better than that.
One issue with this approach is that it can cause the vanishing gradient problem. Imagine that you have 1000 input nodes all connecting to a node in the next hidden layer. If half of the inputs are 0 and half are 1, then the weighted sum
of node
is also a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation
This means that will often be either very large or very small. Once node
is activated, it's output from a sigmoid function for example will be very close to either 1 or 0. And as we've seen before, this is the recipe for the vanishing gradient problem.
To avoid this, we can initialize the weights of a certain layer as Gaussian random variables with mean 0 and standard deviation where
represents the number of nodes in the layer. Now if we repeat the experiment and have 500 inputs as 0 and 500 inputs as 1, the weighted sum of node
will have a Gaussian distribution with mean 0, but a standard deviation of
and this will avoid activating the node near it's extremes.
Although this is relevent for weights, biases on the other hand don't benefit much from this and we can continue initializing them to zero, letting gradient descent tune them.
Find the implementation in layer.go
- Artificial intelligence engines by James V Stone (2019)
- Complete guide on deep learning:
- Activation functions:
- Mini-batch gradient descent:
- Batch normalization:
- Momentum:
- Adam: