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para achar algum material sobre o assunto de interesse
- from Data to Viz
- Introduction to summarytools
- Using the ExPanDaR package for panel data exploration
- visdat - Preliminary Exploratory Visualisation of Data
- A data.table and dplyr tour
- DataExplorer - automate most of data handling and visualization, so that users could focus on studying the data and extracting insights
- Fast and efficient alternatives to tidyr functions built on data.table
- Correlation Coefficients in One Picture
- UpSetR - An R implementation of the UpSet set visualization technique
- naniar - Analise Exploratoria de dados faltantes
- visdat - helps you visualise a dataframe and “get a look at the data”
- DataExplorer - Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the initial and an important phase of data analysis/predictive modeling
- correlationfunnel - Methodology, Key Considerations, and FAQs
- Tidylog, logging your pipelines
- inspectdf - Exploratory data analysis with categorical data
- catmaply
- Getting started with the pwr package
- OPDOE: Optimal Design of Experiments
- G*Power: Statistical Power Analyses for Windows and Mac
- An Alternative to Cohen's Standardized Mean Difference Effect Size: A Robust Parameter and Confidence Interval in the Two Independent Groups Case.
- Effect Sizes for Research: Univariate and Multivariate Applications, Second Edition
- SMOTE explained for noobs - Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique line by line
- Visualizing and interpreting Cohen’s d effect sizes
ggplot2 - based on The Grammar of Graphics
- Top 50 ggplot
- 7 Visualizations You Should Learn in R
- Data Visualization em R
- The R Graph Gallery
- Patchwork - "Ridiculamente Simples combinar figuras do ggplot"
- Alluvial diagram ou Sankey no Kaggle
- ggplot2 - Easy Way to Mix Multiple Graphs on The Same Page
- Gráficos incluindo barras de erro
- GGplot com figuras aleatorias
- 5 Melhores extensões para o ggplot2
- Great Visualizations in R - Kaggle happiness 2017
- Curso ggplot2
- Gráfico e tabela descritiva na mesma imagem
- Seja incrível em ggplot2: um guia prático para ser altamente eficaz - software R e visualização de dados
- 5 melhores extensões de ggplot
- Diagrama de Venn com ggplot2
- Infographic-style charts using the R waffle package
- Criando Slopegraphs com R
- Beeswarms em vez de histogramas
- Por um mundo maior que o gráfico de pizza
- [ggplot2] Welcome viridis !
- Plotting Likert-Scales (net stacked distributions) with ggplot
- GGPLOT2 add logo
- Sankey Diagram for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Forecast
- How to Create Sankey Diagrams From Tables (Data Frames) Using R
- R colors - cores legais para R
- ggrepel - legendas legais
- Styling ggplot2 Graphics - Paleta de cores e text group
- Exploring ggplot2 boxplots – Defining limits and adjusting style
- beautiful graphics ggplot2
- Paleta de cores (cores diferenciadas - muitas)
- Gráfico de Sankey
- Facets for ggplot in R
- Calendar Heatmap with ggplot2
- Gráficos sem programar no RStudio com esquisse
- Create data visualizations like BBC News with the BBC’s R Cookbook
- The ggforce Awakens (again)
- Graph analysis using the tidyverse
- Tidy correlation tests in R
- Set Analysis: A face off between Venn diagrams and UpSet plots
- 3D LEGO models and mosaics from images using R and #tidyverse
- scatterD3 - Um widget HTML R para visualização de gráficos de dispersão interativos. Ele é baseado no pacote R de htmlwidgets e na biblioteca javascript d3.js.
- ggalt - Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations, Scales & Fonts for ‘ggplot2’
- The 'see' package: beautiful figures for easystats
- ggfittext - provides a ggplot2 geom for fitting text inside a box
- Easyalluvial - Model Response Plots with Categorical Variables
- How to make Square (Pie) Charts for Infographics in R
- Creating a pretty Gantt chart with ggplot2 - cronograma para projetos
- ggsci - Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for ggplot2
- MapPalettes
- heatmaply 1.0.0 – beautiful interactive cluster heatmaps in R
- Using gghalves - Frederik Tiedemann - Plot que ocupam metade do espaço
- Evolve new colour palettes in R with evoPalette
- {mdthemes} is on CRAN: markdown powered themes for {ggplot2}
- ggtext - Draw boxes containing text
- ggcyberpunk
- tinter - provides a simple way to generate monochromatic palettes
- 82 registered extensions available to explore
- Raincloud Plots
- How to adjust labels in flashlight breakdown plots
- Tabelas para ggplot2 - mmtable2
- ggsignif: Significance Brackets for ‘ggplot2’
- Reorder legend to match order of plot elements in ggplot2
- Bagplot: generalização bivariada do Boxplot| R
- Add dogs to ggplot2 with ggdogs
- tidyHeatmap
- ggbump creates elegant bump charts in ggplot
- geomtextpath - Create curved text in ggplot2
- ggeasy - is here to make ggplots a little easier.
- ggside: Plot Linear Regression using Marginal Distributions
- Animate your data wrangling
- Communicate your work with animated graphs in R!
- Animating Data Transformations
- gganimate has transitioned to a state of release
- Sunburst - Grafico moderno de setores / pizza / rosca
- Aster plot in D3js
- Introducing R2D3
- ggiraphExtra - Package ggiraphExtra contains many useful functions for exploratoty plots
- parcats trace, and adds marginal histograms for numerical variables.
- Analysing cryptocurrency market in r - API criptomoedas
- Coletando dados do Facebook
- Workshop sobre AIP do twitter facebook e youtube
- The Movie Database API
- Alpha Vantage - Free APIs for Realtime and Historical Financial Data, Technical Analysis, Charting, and More!
- Handling large datasets in R - Grandes bases de dados
- "Kindof" Big Data in R
- Como ler micro dados do ENEM no R
- Fellipe Gomes
- SimplyStats
- Business - Science
- RDojo
- Dr. Shirin Glander
- Vooo – Insights - Data Science. Python. Gestão.
- STHDA - Statistical tools for high-throughput data analysis
- Julia Silge
- Data Science Academy
- DataCamp - Official Blog
- Ensina.AI
- colah's blog - Artigos bons sobre Redes Neurais
- Good code vs bad code: why writing good code matters, and how to do it
- Why I want to write nice R code
- Alinhando Comentários
- Auto format r code in Rstudio e tidy_eval
- styler - Um formatador de código-fonte não invasivo para R
- The tidyverse style guide
- Styler
- Efficient R programming - Coding style
- Google's R Style Guide
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham - Style guide
- Pacote datapasta para copiar e colar df, tbl, dbl
- Building Reproducible Data Packages with DataPackageR
- beautifyR - RStudio addin for formatting Rmarkdown tables
- remedy - RStudio Addins to Simplify Markdown Writing
- goodpractice - Advice on R Package Building
- logger - A lightweight, modern and flexibly logging utility for R – heavily inspired by the futile.logger R package and logging Python module
- 3 Princípios para facilitar a vida de todo programador (KISS, YAGNI, DRY)
- Top 9 Keyboard Shortcuts in VSCode for Data Scientists
- How to tailor your Academic CV for Data Science roles
- How to create a timeline of your cv in R
- Um guia para reuniões "one on one" com lideranças
- Carta de referencia para um emprego, modelo ideal
- Post no Linkedin com dicas para CV - Step-by-step breakdown of a resume
- Resume Owrded - Free instant feedback on your resume and Linkedin profile
- The steps of a Kaggle project - Bruna Wundervald
- R Learn the language designed for data analysis. This track includes data set-up, machine learning and data visualization.
- Data Science with Compassion
- Spatial analysis tutorial
- Good Feature Building Techniques — Tricks for Kaggle — My Kaggle Code Repository
- Introduction to ggplot2—the grammar
- STHDA super post GGPLOT2
- RMarkdown
- Curso do Google Machine Learning
- 100 Free Tutorials for Learning R
- Ciencia de dados com R - conceitos básicos
- Code for Workshop: Introduction to Machine Learning with R
- Aulas USP | Inteligência Artificial em saúde: o uso de machine learning
- Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Making Data-Driven Decisions - MIT
- Teaching R to New Users - From tapply to the Tidyverse
- Learning from Data - Machine Learning course - recorded at a live broadcast from Caltech
- - Machine Learning
- USGS - R Training Curriculum
- Mais de 100 cursos de Harvard, gratuitos e com certificado
- Machine Learning para Cientista de Dados
- R Learn the language designed for data analysis. This track includes data set-up, machine learning and data visualization.
- R e PostgreeSQL - como usar o postgreesql a partir do R
- Improving your statistical inferences - coursera
- Data Science for Beginners - A Curriculum
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders - Practical Deep Learning
- HANDBOOK - Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R
- CheetSheet Super resumão resumido
- A bit more understanding of Cronbach’s alpha
- Where do p-values come from? Fundamental concepts and simulation approach
- How to calculate poker probabilities in python
- Pacote para interpretar testes estatísticos
- Rules of thumb on magnitudes of effect sizes
- Z-test
- Testes de variância e Análise de Variância (ANOVA)
- A Visual Demonstration of a Chi Squared Test
- ggstatsplot: ggplot2 Based Plots with Statistical Details
- Testes de hipoteses para normalidade - karinnecristina - AceleraDev_Codenation
- ANCOVA example
- Definição e Interpretação de Efeitos de Interação
- Testing and Dropping Interaction Terms in Regression and ANOVA models
- - Kruskal–Wallis Test
- Experimentos fatoriais - LEG
- - Two-way Ordinal Regression with CLM
- Planeamento Experimental usando ANOVA de 1 e 2 fatores com R – uma breve abordagem prática - PDF
- Rank Transformations as a Bridge between Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics
- The Aligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial Analyses Using Only ANOVA Procedures
- Interaction Effects in Regression
- Tutorial para iniciantes em Inferência Bayesiana
- Bayesplot - plotando modelo bayesianos
- How Bayesian inference works - Data Science and Robots Blog
- bayestestR - Utilities for analyzing Bayesian models and posterior distributions
- Describe and understand Bayesian models and posteriors using bayestestR
- Bayesian models in R
- Bayesian Statistics - A departure from Frequentist Statistics
- Variable selection using Gibbs sampling
- Analysis of Environmental Data Conceptual Foundations: Bayesian Inference
- Slides: Machine Learning - Bayesian Learning
- How Bayesian inference works part of the End-to-End Machine Learning library
- Inferência Bayesiana - Intuição e Exemplo
- stantargets - an extension to targets and cmdstanr for Bayesian data analysis
- App Shiny ilustrando métodos de MCMC
- Common Probability Distributions: The Data Scientist’s Crib Sheet
- CheatSheet de distribuições de probabilidade
- bestNormalize: Flexibly calculate the best normalizing transformation for a vector Travis-CI Build Status CRAN version
- Seeing Theory - site muito legal explicando as distribuicoes de probabilidade com graficos animados
- Análise de Sobrevivência Aplicada - Enrico e Suely
- Survival analysis with strata, clusters, frailties and competing risks in in Finalfit
- Survival Analysis - Fitting Weibull Models for Improving Device Reliability in R
- Survival Analysis - Fitting Weibull Models for Improving Device Reliability in R
- RNotebook
- Run R Online
- emo(ji) is to make it very easy to insert emoji into RMarkdown
- How to self-publish a book
- SoFIFA webcrawler and Machine Learning prediction
- Artigo sobre historia do R
- Operadores de Python e muito mais para R com Roperators
- O Índice Big Mac da Economist é calculado com R
- Agendador de tarefas
- DYSPLAYR - Using R to Create Free Online Dashboards
- Writing an R package from scratch
- Data Tidying - Visualizacao do tidyverse - imagens muito boas para apresentacao
- Datapasta allows you to copy and paste code into R
- askpass - login to RStudio
- 6 Reasons To Learn R For Business
- staplr - Este pacote fornece funções para manipular arquivos PDF
- giphyr - A R package for giphy API
- Simple Gantt charts in R with ggplot2 … and Microsoft Excel (cronograma para projetos)
- Hacking RStudio - useR Colin Fay
- Praise useRs when they have done something good, or when they just need it
- diffobj - Diffs for R Objects
- Why I use R - Gordon Shotwell
- Why Gordon Shotwell uses R
- Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution
- deepdep - Visualize e explore profundas dependências de pacotes R
- Introducing portfoliodown: The Data Science Portfolio Website Builder
- flow - provides tools to visualize as flow diagrams the logic of functions, expressions or scripts and ease debugging.
- deepdep - Visualise and Explore Deep Dependencies of R Packages
- "R"eflexões um pouco de história e experiencias com R - Paulo Justiniano
- BETS - Brazilian Economic Times Series
- Introdução à Ciência de Dados com o R - UserR!
- A Era do Big Data: Como você e a sua empresa estão encarando essas mudanças?
- Apresentação Thiago - NMEC
- prR R Intro
- Top 10 TED Talks about data science
- 18 livros que valem mais que um doutorado em data science
- Learn R : 12 Free Books and Online Resources
- Data Science CheatSheet
- Command Line Tricks For Data Scientists
- Python vs (and) R for Data Science
- R vs Python: Which is better for Data Science?
- R vs Python: Usability, Popularity, Pros & Cons, Jobs, and Salaries
- When “learning Python” becomes “practicing R”
- Diferença entre Estatístico, Cientista de Dados, Engenheiro de Dados e Engenheiro de Software
- What frustrates Data Scientists in Machine Learning projects?
- R ou Python para Análise de Dados?
- Diário de um Cientista de Dados no
- Slides - IA e o Futuro do Trabalho (Flavio Abdenur / SLQ)
- Entregando projetos de Machine Learning com Marvin-AI Parte 1
- Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes If You Want To Ace Data Science
- Storytelling with Data
- Este mapa alucinante explica como tudo na matemática está conectado
- The 5 Basic Statistics Concepts Data Scientists Need to Know
- 24 Data Science, R, Python, Excel, and Machine Learning Cheat Sheets
- The one critical skill many data scientists are missing
- Differences Between AI and Machine Learning and Why it Matters
- Best Practices for Administering RStudio in Production - Nathan Stephens
- A diferença real entre estatísticas e aprendizado de máquina
- Statistics versus machine learning
- Why GitHub Won't Help You With Hiring
- Matemática que você não precisa saber para aprendizado de máquina
- Statistical Mistakes Even Scientists Make
- R & stats illustrations by @allison_horst
- Not even scientists can easily explain p-values
- Creating your google chat R bot in under 5 minutes
- 170 projetos de DATA SCIENCE e MACHINE LEARNING com Python, resolvidos e explicados
- Is Data Scientist Still the Sexiest Job of the 21st Century?
- Selecting Forecasting Methods in Data Science
- garchmodels
- Automatic Forecasting with ahead::dynrmf and Ridge regression
- Livro R Avançado do Hadley Wickham
- Deep Learning Book
- Livro TextMining da Julia Silge
- Bibliografia datascience
- 3 livros sobre machine learning em portugues
- The Elements of Statistical Learning Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
- Machine Learning for Text
- Mining of Massive Datasets
- Forecasting and Machine Learning: Principles and Practice
- Data Science Live Book
- An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R
- plotly for R
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Data Science: Theories, Models, Algotirhms ans analytics
- 80+ Free Data Science Books
- Data Science Live Book
- HANDBOOK - Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- Exploring Data Science
- Interpretable Machine Learning - A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable
- Reproducible finance with R
- Métodos Computacionais em Inferência Estatística 20ªSINAPE
- Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models
- Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch - link para comprar
- Mastering Software Development in R
- H2O Tutorials
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning - with Applications in R
- The Elements of Statistical Learning
- R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition
- Introduction to Econometrics with R
- Building Big Shiny Apps - A Workflow
- Free Book: Lecture Notes on Machine Learning
- The Little Book of LDA
- Ciencia de dados com R - Introdução - BPAD
- O Zen do R - Curso R
- Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models
- Mastering Shiny - Joe Cheng
- Hands-On Machine Learning with R
- Creating APIs in R with Plumber
- Shiny Production with AWS Book
- YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R
- Mastering Shiny - Hadley Wickham
- Princípios de Modelagem Preditiva -
- CS 109B: Advanced Topics in Data Science - Harvard
- Course Notes for IS 6489, Statistics and Predictive Analytics
- Curso Avançado em Estatística com R da UFFS
- Análise Explicativa do Modelo - Explore, explique e examine modelos preditivos
- Curso-R Ciência de Dados em R
- Dive into Deep Learning
- Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with R
- Aprendizado de máquina: uma abordagem estatística
- Big Book of R - Lista curada de links para livros relacionados à R
- Modern Data Science with R
- Practical Data Science - Doing more with your data
- Modern Data Science with R
- Bayes Rules! An Introduction to Bayesian Modeling with R
- Introduction to Data Science - Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Dos estatísticos, estatísticas
- THE ART OF MACHINE LEARNING Algorithms+Data+R - by Norm Matloff
- Introduction to Econometrics with R
- R for Geographic Data Science
- Aprendizado de Máquina - Uma abordagem estatística
- Tidy Finance with R
- Introduction to Probability for Data Science
- A Short Chronology Of Deep Learning For Tabular Data
: Crosstabs, frequencies, correlations, balance (a.k.a.- Amostragem: Teoria e Prática Usando R
- Imbalanced Binary Classification - A survey with code
- Bayesian Optimization
- Flexible Imputation os Missing Data
- Plano de estudos em machine learning com conteúdos em português
- Introdução em profundidade ao aprendizado de máquina em 15 horas de vídeos especializados
- OneDrive com conteúdos de Machine Learning
- Curso do Google
- Practical Machine Learning with R and Python – Part 1
- mlr: Machine Learning in R
- A visual introduction to machine learning par I
- A visual introduction to machine learning par II
- Dataaspirant - Posts by Rahul Saxena - Blog legal sobre Machine Learning
- Grupos de Estudos de Machine Learning da USP
- Machine Learning tips and tricks cheatsheet
- - Machine Learning
- Explaining Black-Box Machine Learning Models
- Dicas e truques de aprendizado de máquina - MIT em PORTUGUES
- Machine Learning Black Friday Dataset - Explicações rf, gbm, pca,
- The 25 Best Data Science and Machine Learning GitHub Repositories from 2018
- automl package: part 2/2 first steps how to
- Material de machine learning
- Quando Bayes, Ockham e Shannon se unem para definir o aprendizado de máquina
- Modelagem Avançada (em R) - Encontre o melhor modelo preditivo usando o pacote R / caret / modelgrid
- 14 tipos diferentes de aprendizado no aprendizado de máquina
- A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms
- SuperML is to provide sckit-learn's fit,predict,transform standard way of building machine learning models in R
- tidymodels - logistic regression
- Curso-R workshop - XGBoost com tidymodels
- Customer Churn Modeling using Machine Learning with parsnip
- Iterative Bayesian optimization of a classification model
- Tutorial on tidymodels for Machine Learning
- Tune XGBoost with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday beach volleyball
- PCA and UMAP with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday cocktail recipes
- A Gentle Introduction to tidymodels
- Tunando seu modelo preditivo no R com o pacote {dials}
- Use racing methods to tune xgboost models and predict home runs
- Bootstrap in R
- Cross-Validation: Concept and Example in R
- Beyond normality: the bootstrap method for hypothesis testing
- Efficient Machine Learning in H2O with R and Python, Part 1
- Finally, You Can Plot H2O Decision Trees in R
- Hidden Markov Model example in r with the depmixS4 package
- Bayesian Network Example with the bnlearn Package
- Introduction to Bayesian Thinking: from Bayes theorem to Bayes networks
- Logistic Regression. Simplified.
- LM - Machine learning fundamentals (I): Cost functions and gradient descent
- What Is A Decision Tree Algorithm?
- Chapter 5: Random Forest Classifier
- Machine Learning for Humans, Part 4: Neural Networks & Deep Learning
- Introduction to Bayesian Thinking: from Bayes theorem to Bayes networks
- Chapter 2 : SVM (Support Vector Machine) — Theory
- Gradient Boosting from scratch
- Introduction to k-Nearest-Neighbors
- Regularization in Machine Learning
- Linear, Quadratic, and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
- A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Dicas de aprendizado supervisionado - MIT em PORTUGUES
- sparklyr: supervised learning
- AdaBoost, Clearly Explained - video youtube
- 6 Easy Steps to Learn Naive Bayes Algorithm with codes in Python and R
- Visualizando Resíduos
- Linear Model Selection
- A comprehensive beginners guide for Linear, Ridge and Lasso Regression
- Going Deeper into Regression Analysis with Assumptions, Plots & Solutions
- The Lasso Page - L1-constrained fitting for statistics and data mining
- Regularization: Ridge Regression and the LASSO
- Seleção de modelos usando o pacote glmulti
- Intuition behind Bias-Variance trade-off, Lasso and Ridge Regression
- Tools for summarizing and visualizing regression models- Regularização: Ridge, Lasso e Elastic Net - DataCamp Tutorials
- Empurrando os Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários até o limite com Xy()
- Intuitive Machine Learning : Gradient Descent Simplified
- Quantile Regression in Python
- Basic quantile regression in R
- What is logistic in the logistic regression?
- Regularization Part 2: Lasso Regression - video youtube
- Regularization Part 3: Elastic Net Regression - video youtube
- Robust and Resistant Regression - artigo
- 3 Types of Regression in One Picture
- Behind the Scenes with Lasso
- Difference Between Correlation and Regression in Statistics
- Logistic Regression in One Picture
- Implementing the Gradient Descent Algorithm in R
- How To Interpret R-squared and Goodness-of-Fit in Regression Analysis
- Fitting penalized regressions - In R package {bigstatsr}, you can fit efficient penalized (linear and logistic) regressions using functions big_spLinReg() and big_spLogReg().
- Understanding Lasso and Ridge Regression
- Tutorial: Poisson Regression in R
- A Shiny app for simple linear regression by hand and in R
- lmSubsets: Exact variable-subset selection in linear regression
- Machine Learning with R: A Complete Guide to Linear Regression
- 7 Classical Assumptions of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Linear Regression
- Interpreting Generalized Linear Models
- Descida de Gradiente para Regressão Logística Simplificada - Guia Visual Passo a Passo
- Curso: GAMs in R: by Noam Ross
- Explaining Logistic Regression as Generalized Linear Model (in use as a classifier)
- blorr package offers tools for building and validating binary logistic regression models
- Introdução aos Modelos Mistos no RPubs muito boa
- A Practical Guide to Mixed Models in R
- Mixture modelling from scratch, in R
- Compare Models And Select The Best Using The Caret R Package
- Critérios de Seleção de Modelos
- Illustrated Guide to ROC and AUC - Plot da curva ROC
- Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics in R
- Plot da matriz de confusão
- Gain Curve
- Gain Curve interpretation
- Confusion between caret randomForest predict() results and reported model performance
- Introduction to modelplotr
- yardstick is a package to estimate how well models are working
- Uma explicação visual para função de custo “binary cross-entropy” ou “log loss”
- Artigo sobre curva ROC
- Critérios de Seleção de Modelos
- DALEX - Descriptive mAchine Learning EXplanations
- DALEX for Multi Layer Perceptron with H2O and Keras
- xaibot - conversas com modelos preditivos!
- Descriptive mAchine Learning EXplanations
- How to use DALEX with parsnip
- A gentle introduction to tidymodels
- Model evaluation audit
- auditor: uma visita guiada através de resíduos
- ROC Curve Example Using Base R
- modelStudio e a gramática da análise interativa de modelos explicativos
- Scott Lundberg, Microsoft Research - Explainable Machine Learning with Shapley Values - Youtube
- Book - Hands-on Machine Learning with R - Chapter 16 - Interpretable Machine Learning
- gist - SHAP_with_H2O_AutoML.R
- 11 Important Model Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning Everyone should know
- fairmodels: a Flexible Tool for Bias Detection, Visualization, and Mitigation in Binary Classification Models
- Deep Learning para Sistemas de Recomendação (Parte 1) — Introdução
- Dataset obtido em grouplens: MovieLens
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- Item-item collaborative filtering
- Recommender system
- k-nearest neighbors algorithm
- Knowledge-based recommender system
- Cluster analysis
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Cosine similarity
- Bayesian network
- Hidden Markov model
- Collaborative filtering
- Uma nova métrica para calcular relevância de busca
- Using 3D visualizations to tune hyperparameters in ML models
- Como implementar otimização bayesiana do zero em Python
- Using Bayesian Optimization to reduce the time spent on hyperparameter tuning
- Seleção de recursos em R com o pacote Boruta R
- Boruta explained exactly how you wished someone explained to you
- Feature Selection using Genetic Algorithms in R
- SAFE - Simplify your model: Supervised Assisted Feature Extraction for Machine Learning
- Tree-based Methods - (Muito Bom)
- Decision Trees in R
- Parallel Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
- Um tutorial completo sobre a modelagem baseada em Tree (Árvore) do Zero (em R & Python)
- BooST (Boosting Smooth Trees) a new Machine Learning Model for Partial Effect Estimation in Nonlinear Regressions
- Tunning XGBOOST in R: Part I
- Tuning xgboost in R: Part II
- Parallel Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
- Um guia de ponta a ponta para entender a matemática por trás do XGBoost
- User written splitting functions for RPART -
- Tips for data science competitions - ALL XGBoost
- Mastering The New Generation of Gradient Boosting - CatBoost
- PDF PUC RIO - Árvore de Decisão
- Coding Regression trees in 150 lines of R code
- Luz na Aprendizagem de Máquina de Matemática: Guia Intuitivo para Entender Árvores de Decisão
- Machine Learning Basics - Gradient Boosting & XGBoost
- How to use DALEX with the xgboost models
- The Complete Guide to Decision Trees
- ggparty - ggplot2 visualizations for the partykit package - conditional trees
- Ensemble methods: bagging, boosting and stacking
- Regularization Methods in Random Forests
- Codificando Florestas Aleatórias em 100 linhas de código em R *
- Explaining Predictions: Random Forest Post-hoc Analysis (randomForestExplainer package)
- Network model trees
- FFTrees - plot elegante dos resultados da arvore de decisao
- A Kaggle Master Explains Gradient Boosting
- autoxgboost: Automatic XGBoost using Bayesian Optimization
- ggparty: Graphic Partying - ggparty aims to extend ggplot2 functionality to the partykit package. It provides the necessary tools to create clearly structured and highly customizable visualizations for tree-objects of the class 'party'.
- stackgbm offers a minimalist implementation of model stacking for gradient boosted tree models built by xgboost, lightgbm, and catboost.
- slides xgboost teoria e passo a passo - curso r
- Fast Gradient Boosting with CatBoost - kdnuggets
- Understanding XGBoost Algorithm In Detail
- Understanding Linear SVM with R
- Learn Support Vector Machine (SVM) from Scratch in R
- Dicas de aprendizado não supervisionado - MIT em PORTUGUES
- Self Organizing Maps in R | Kohonen Networks for Unsupervised and Supervised Maps
- Visualize K-Means Clustering on a Single Vector
- Guia de iniciantes para aprender técnicas de redução de dimensão
- Factoextra R Package: Easy Multivariate Data Analyses and Elegant Visualization
- Comprehensive Guide on t-SNE algorithm with implementation in R & Python
- How to Use t-SNE Effectively
- Dimensionality Reduction Methods: PCA, t-SNE, SOM
- Análise fatorial em R
- Articles - Principal Component Methods in R: Practical Guide
- Principal Component Analysis 4 Dummies: Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues and Dimension Reduction
- Interpretar os principais resultados para Análise de componentes principais - Minitab
- Dissecando Análise de Componentes Principais
- MCA - Multiple Correspondence Analysis in R: Essentials
- PCA vs Autoencoders for Dimensionality Reduction
- Factoextra R Package: Easy Multivariate Data Analyses and Elegant Visualization
- 5 functions to do Principal Components Analysis in R
- Intuition for principal component analysis (PCA)
- Linear, Quadratic, and Regularized Discriminant Analysis
- Spectral clustering - The intuition and math behind how it works!
- YOUTUBE - Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- 10 Tips for Choosing the Optimal Number of Clusters - visualizações muito boas
- K-Prototype in Clustering Mixed attributes
- Artigo - Visualizing Data using t-SNE
- Introduction to t-SNE - datacamp
- How to Automatically Determine the Number of Clusters in your Data - and more
- Spectrum - Spectrum is a fast self-tuning spectral clustering method for single or multi-view data
- Como determinar automaticamente o número de clusters nos seus dados - e mais
- Determining The Optimal Number Of Clusters: 3 Must Know Methods
- Introdução à Análise de Componentes Principais
- uwot umap - An R package implementing the UMAP dimensionality reduction method.
- Determining Number of Clusters in One Picture
- explor - é um pacote R para permitir a exploração interativa de resultados de análise multivariada.
- Quick and easy t-SNE analysis in R
- 3 distances that every data scientist should
- The essence of Eigenvalues and eigenvectors in Machine Learning
- Tudo o que você precisa fazer com o PCA é em Factoshiny!
- Principal Component Analysis vs. Linear Discriminant Analysis
- modelDown: um gerador de website para seus modelos preditivos
- Why ROC curves are a bad idea to explain your model to business people - Intro modelplotr
- Animations with receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve)
- Exploring Models with lime
- ROC Curve Explained in One Picture
- Visualizing ML Models with LIME
- shapper is on CRAN, it’s an R wrapper over SHAP explainer for black-box models
- ROC Curve Example Using Base R
- h3r - Biblioteca de indexação geográfica h3 do Uber
- Geocoding with ggmap and the Google API - Map Porn
- geobr: Loads Shapefiles of Official Spatial Data Sets of Brazil
- Interactive visualization of large-scale spatial data sets in R
- yutannihilation/ggsflabel - Labels for 'sf' with 'ggplot2'
- leaflet extensions for mapview
- r5r: Rapid Realistic Routing with R5 in R
- Select points on maps
- Recording and Measuring Your Musical Progress with R
- Introduction to the chorrrds package
- Rspotify: Access to Spotify API
- Microsoft r open 3.5 está disponível
- Using Microsoft R Open with RStudio
- Creating and saving multiple plots to Powerpoint
- Macro para Word para formatar todas as tabelas
- Por que o R é melhor que o Excel?
- Dicas para analisar dados do Excel em R
- How To Use R With Excel
- BERT - Basic Excel R Toolkit
- Anomaly Detection in R – The Tidy Way - Outliers??
- Spatial outliers detection in R?
- Técninca para detectar outliers - Minimum Regularized Covariance Determinant Estimator
- Detectando outliers com heatmap
- Detectando valores faltantes
- Z-test
- Twitter Anomaly Detection
- Z-Score: Definição, Fórmula e Cálculo
- Amelia e Boruta
- CRAN’s New Missing Data Task View
- Function that implements SMOTE (synthetic minority over-sampling technique)
- Introduction to Outlier Detection Methods
- Visualize Missing Data with VIM Package
- Parece bom - Getting Started with naniar
- Detectando outliers com heatmap
- Detectando valores faltantes
- Outlier Detection with Extended Isolation Forest
- How to Scale Data With Outliers for Machine Learning
- Tratar dados faltantes com random forest e tidymodels
- kableExtra
- HighCharter
- Plotly
- dygraphs for R
- plumber - converte seu código R existente em uma API da Web
- testthat e livro do hadley para isso
- Top 20 R Libraries for Data Science in 2018 [Infographic]
- Bibliotecas de Data Science em Python, R e Scala
- cronR - Agendar scripts/processes
- mlr: Machine Learning in R e MlrCheatsheet
- data.table
- purrr tutorial
- modelDown: um gerador de website para seus modelos preditivos
- googleLanguageR
- future.apply – Parallelize Any Base R Apply Function
- imager
- poweRlaw
- janitor
- gamlss - Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape
- yardstick is a package to estimate how well models are working
- Gráficos do ggplot2 sem programar com equisse
- finalfit package provides functions that help you quickly create elegant final results
- bestNormalize: Flexibly calculate the best normalizing transformation for a vector Travis-CI Build Status CRAN version
- needs is a simple R package to make package loading / installation hassle-free
- progress - Progress bar in your R terminal
- stressR - A set of stress tests for CPU, memory, and hdd, callable by R
- memuse - An R package of utilities for benchmarking and optimization
- checkpoint - Install R packages from snapshots on checkpoint-server
- emayili: Sending Email from R
- fastmap - Fast map implementation for R
- apexcharter - Htmlwidget for apexcharts.js : A modern JavaScript charting library to build interactive charts and visualizations with simple API.
- Fast Disk-Based Parallelized Data Manipulation Framework for Larger-than-RAM Data
- peep - R's default head or tail functions print 6 or so rows and all columns.
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
- Conteúdo para aprender RMarkdown
- Template pretydoc
- Template rticles
- Steve's R Markdown Templates
- Citação style languages
- Rmarkdown templates
- Modelo-LaTeX-IFSul
- Alternative to Latex for High Quality Reports with RMarkdown
- Template para formatação de Tese da ESALQ em Rnw
- Templates for R Markdown
- Creating a basic template package in R
- Remedy - A package for easier Markdown writing
- Alternative to Latex for High Quality Reports with RMarkdown
- Pimp my RMD: a few tips for R Markdown
- Distill for R Markdown Scientific and technical writing, native to the web
- posterdown - Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
- myprettyreport - Detailed introduction of "myprettyreport" R package
- Welcome to reportfactory! - Lightweight Infrastructure for Handlling Multiple R Markdown Documents
- Building a Daily Bitcoin Price Tracker with Coindeskr and Shiny in R
- Como monitorar o uso do aplicativo no Shiny Server Open Source
- Shiny Template
- Show me Shiny - SQL CONNECTION
- shinyjqui - jQuery - UI Interactions and Effects for Shiny
- shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shiny
- The R Shiny packages you need for your web apps!
- Semantic dashboard - new open source R Shiny package
- Create outstanding dashboards with the new semantic.dashboard package
- Streaming Data
- Current Time
- AdminLTE - shiny widgets examples
- Awesome dashbords
- Dashboardthemes
- Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (1/3)
- Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (2/3): Semi-collapsible sidebar
- Three R Shiny tricks to make your Shiny app shines (3/3): Buttons to delete, edit and compare Datatable rows
- Shiny tips & tricks for improving your apps and solving common problems
- shinyWidgets Overview
- github - dreamRs/shinyWidgets
- Shiny DND
- Machine Learning Calculator: Bias/Variance Tradeoff - Model Fit Comparison.
- Add more interactivity to interactive charts - manipulateWidget
- Modularizing Shiny app code
- Our Package template to design a prod-ready Shiny application
- dashboardthemes v1.0.1 - github - custom theme support for R Shinydashboard applications.
- dashboardthemes v1.0.1 - Wordpress -
- ShinyShortcuts
- ShinyMaterial - Material design in Shiny apps
- Announcing the 1st Shiny Contest - Para inspiração
- waypointer - Simple animated waypoints for shiny
- Styling DataTables
- Stencilled - Download and Email reports in R Shiny app
- rintrojspacote - R integra o Intro.js ao Shiny, para que os usuários possam adicionar facilmente instruções ao seu aplicativo sem precisar usar HTML, CSS ou JavaScript
- Add tex path to RStudio - Ubuntu - StackOverFlow
- 2 ways to permanently set $PATH variable in ubuntu
- yihui/tidytex - Github - issue - pdflatex not found
- yihui/tidytex - Github - issue - Shiny server in Docker #34
- R Sweave: NO TeX installation detected - StackOverFlow
- Building An R Shiny App On Google Cloud To Display BigQuery Data
- How I implemented googleSignIn in R (shiny) and lived
- Shiny Apps for Interactive Data Analysis - Exemplo de Shiny muito bom
- countdown - Contagem regressiva em um simples cronômetro de contagem regressiva em slides e documentos HTML escritos em R Markdown.
- golem - É um pacote que fornece ferramentas para um melhor fluxo de trabalho para trabalhar em shinyapps
- Lorem-Ipsum-like - Helpers for fast Shiny Prototyping
- fakir - Create Fake Data in R
- shinysnippets - The goal of shinysnippets is to Installation of snippets
- Intro Shiny Modules
- Building Big Shiny Apps — A Workflow – 1/2
- Building Big Shiny Apps — A Workflow 2/2
- Our Package template to design a prod-ready Shiny application
- Shiny com Painel de Fundos de Renda Fixa
- Getting started with the manipulateWidget package (quase um grid.arrange() para shiny)
- shinytoastr - Notifications in Shiny, via toastr
- shinyF7 - shiny API for Framework7 (IOS/android)
- reactlog - Mostra o percurso dos reativos no aplicativo
- Bookmarking state: users can save the state of an application and get a URL which will restore the application with that state
- shinyglide -shinyglide is an R package which provides carousel-like or assistant-like components to shiny applications
- Give httr::progress the ability to talk to shinyWidgets::progressBar.
- shinymeta — a revolution for reproducibility
- What NOT to do when building a shiny app (lessons learned the hard way)
- polished - Authentication and Administration for Shiny apps
- bsplus - provide a framework to use Bootstrap’s JavaScript-markup API for shiny:
- for Shiny. Contains extensions: bulma-extensions as well as themes
- reacttable - Interactive data tables for R, based on the React Table library and made with reactR
- Awesome Shiny Extensions - curated list
- shinymobile - miniUI 2.0 brings new inputs for iOs and android
- MobileTrigger Setup: Run R Scripts, Models, Reports with Mobile Device
- vov.css animations for shiny
- reactor - reactor is a proof-of-concept for an like experience powered by Shiny's built-in reactive expressions. (Parece um jupyter notebook feito em shiny)
- Drag-and-Drop in shiny Apps with SortableJS
- shinymanager - Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single ‘Shiny’ applications. Credentials are stored in an encrypted ‘SQLite’ database.
- shinyFeedback - R package for displaying user feedback alongside Shiny inputs
- Shiny App ideas
- Shiny Basics Introduction
- Shiny.admin – user management and usage statistics
- howler - Interactive Audio Player
- bslib - provides tools for customizing Bootstrap themes directly from R
- R Shiny Dashboard Templates From Appsilon Are Now Available
- Visualising US Voting Records with shinydashboard
- Boas práticas de dashboards ShinyDashboards para Finanças
- bs4Dash - Bootstrap 4 shinydashboard using AdminLTE3
- argonR - argonDash - Argon dashboard template
- Deploying a secure Shiny Server and RStudio Server on a free Google Cloud virtual machine
- ShinyProxy - nova plataforma de código aberto para implantar app para empresa ou organizações maiores.
- Instalando ShinyServer no linux
- ShinyProxy in a container
- Nosso modelo de pacote para criar um shinyapp pronto para produção
- Instalação do R, Rstudio-server, shiny-server, nginx, ssl e autenticação do usuário do shinyapp no Ubuntu 16.04.
- Using Cookie Based Authentication with Shiny
- Apresentação Rodrigo Casa&Video - Shiny em produção
- Adding Authentication to Shiny Server in 4 Simple Steps
- Authentication and database - Shiny
- nginx default public www location - StackOverFlow
- xameeramir/default nginx configuration file - Github
- Inicie o RStudio Server no Google Cloud com duas linhas de R
- Configuração e utilização do RStudio e Shiny Server na AWS
- Business Science University - Exemplo de galeria de aplicativos
- Beginner’s guide to use docker (Build, Run, Push and Pull)
- R Docker tutorial
- rize - A robust method to automagically dockerize your R Shiny Application
- Super basic practical guide to Docker and RStudio
- Dockerizando Shiny Apps
- YOUTUBE: Docker + Banco de Dados: Descomplicando a montagem de ambientes (Desenvolvimento e Testes)
- rocker-org/rocker - Using the RStudio image
- github: rocker-org/rocker-versioned com latex
- How To Dockerize R Shiny App — Part 1
- How To Dockerize an R shiny App — Part 2
- Hospedando seu shiny app no now com docker
- Dockeriser une application Shiny - ThinkR
- docker_shiny-server_centos7/Dockerfile - Github
- Shiny Server on Docker: CentOS 7 Edition
- Lançamento OpenCPU 2.1: serviços escalonáveis
- Running your R script in Docker
- Docker para cientistas de dados (uma das principais habilidades para 2020)
- Deploying a Shiny Flexdashboard with Docker
- docknitr: Using Docker in Rmarkdown - Ben Artin
- O que é o pipe:
? - Pipe para R
- Pipe para Python
- Comparativo R e Python
- Por que R para ciência de dados - e não Python?
- How to Learn Python in 30 days
- The reticulate package solves the hardest problem in data science: people
- rminiconda
- Configurando o VS Code para desenvolvimento Python como o RStudio
- Why you should use siuba, the dplyr of Python
- Jupyter Black [Black formatter for Jupyter Notebook] - identa o codigo automaticamente
- Plotnine: Grammar of Graphics for Python
- Data-science? Agile? Cycles? My method for managing data-science projects in the Hi-tech industry.
- Structuring R projects
- ProjectTemplate - ProjectTemplate é um sistema para automatizar as partes impensadas de um projeto de análise de dados:
- Cookiecutter Data Science - A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
- Construindo uma rede neural a partir do zero em R
- An Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
- neuralnet: Train and Test Neural Networks Using R
- Everything you need to know about AutoML and Neural Architecture Search
- A Eficácia Irrazoável de Redes Neurais Recorrentes
- How to build your own Neural Network from scratch in Python
- YOUTUBE - Backpropagation calculus | Deep learning, chapter 4
- TL-GAN: transparent latent-space GAN - interface para alterar rostos com GAN
- “GANs” vs “ODEs”: the end of mathematical modeling?
- A Recipe for Training Neural Networks
- Introduction to Turing Learning and GANs
- How do Graph Neural Networks Work?
- Hacker's guide to Neural Networks
- One LEGO at a Time: Explaining the Math of how Neural Networks Learn with Implementation from Scratch
- R Neural Network - (Data Science, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics)
- Matrix Multiplication in Neural Networks - COlor Guided Matrix Multiplication for Binary Classification Task with N = 4
- Dicas de aprendizado profundo - MIT em PORTUGUES
- Feedforward Deep Learning Models
- Deep Learning Book
- Deep Learning with R - Keras and TensorFlow
- Image-to-image translation with pix2pix Conditional GANs (cGANs)
- A gentle introduction to OCR
- Awesome Deep Learning links
- R vs Python: Image Classification with Keras
- It's that easy! Image classification with keras in roughly 100 lines of code.
- Deep Learning for the Masses (and The Semantic Layer)
- GAN — Some cool applications of GANs.
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) — A Beginner’s Guide
- Aprendizagem Profunda Intuitiva Parte 1a: Introdução às Redes Neurais
- Aprendizagem Profunda Intuitiva Parte 1b: Introdução às Redes Neurais
- Por que o GEMM está no centro do aprendizado profundo
- Are Deep Neural Networks Dramatically Overfitted?
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Simplified (Part 4) (Com vídeo!)
- R interface to Keras
- Building Convolutional Neural Networks with Tensorflow
- Tesla’s Deep Learning at Scale: Using Billions of Miles to Train Neural Networks
- Deep Learning Models - A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips for TensorFlow and PyTorch in Jupyter Notebooks
- An End to End Introduction to GANs
- Afinal, o que é Deep learning?
- R Markdown Notebooks for "Deep Learning with R
- Neural Style Transfer com Torch
- Computer vision basics in Microsoft Excel
- How to build your own image recognition app with R! [Part 2]
- Semelhanca de imagens - Jogo dos sete erros com visao computacional
- Reconhecimento facial com R
- Analisando face emotions no R
- Human Face Detection with R
- GFPGAN aims at developing a Practical Algorithm for Real-world Face Restoration
- Detecção de objetos com 10 linhas de codigo
- How to build your own image recognition app with R! [Part 2]
- Forecasting Using a Time Series Signature with timetk
- Análise e simulação de investimentos com o pacote calcCidadao
- Introduction to Forecasting with ARIMA in R
- Time Series Analysis using R
- arimax: Fitting an ARIMA model with Exogeneous Variables
- Time series shootout: ARIMA vs. LSTM (talk)
- Decomposition-Based Approaches to Time Series Forecasting
- A Bayesian Approach to Time Series Forecasting
- Everything you can do with a time series
- sweep: Extending broom for time series forecasting
- Demo Week: Time Series Machine Learning with timetk
- 7 ways to time series - From Machine Learning To Time Series Forecasting
- TSstudio 0.1.2 - ferramentas para análise descritiva e preditiva de dados de séries temporais interativo
- Introduction to optimal changepoint detection algorithms
- How a Kalman filter works, in pictures
- ggseas - seasonal adjustment on the fly extension for ggplot2
- Understanding LSTM Networks
- First experience of building a LSTM model with TensorFlow
- Time Series Machine Learning (and Feature Engineering) in R (tidymodels) - Business Science
- Machine Learning (XGBoost) Time-Series Classification Trading Strategy
- Advanced Time Series Analysis - with TSsudio
- Simple Time Series Forecasting Models to Test So That You Don’t Fool Yourself
- How DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm works - Youtube
- Welcome to the Dynamic Time Warp project! - Comprehensive implementation of Dynamic Time Warping algorithms in R and Python
- Slidex - converter ppt para rmd
- Apresentation Ninja with Xaringan
- Kunoichi ⚔くノ一 A xaringan theme for the R-Ladies ninja
- xaringan template with logo on all slides
- Flipbooks - Flipbooks present code step-by-step and side-by-side with its output.
- praise - Praise Users- Build friendly R packages that praise their users if they have done something good, or they just need it to feel better.
- R Markdown: How to number and reference tables
- R xlsx package : A quick start guide to manipulate Excel files in R
- How to Make Beautiful Tables in R
- I am very happy to announce dataui (source,site,JavaScript library) for the R sparkline lovers.
- reactablefmtr
: Crosstabs, frequencies, correlations, balance (a.k.a.
- TensorSpace.js - Neural network 3D visualization framework (playgroud)
- Experimenting with autoregressive flows in TensorFlow Probability
- Tadpoles on TensorFlow: Hierarchical partial pooling with tfprobability
- R Tensorflow Multiple Linear Regression
- WordCloud positive - negative words
- Mining twitter with R - Guia de Nuvem de Palavras
- Livro TextMining da Julia Silge
- Summarizing Web Articles with R using lexRankr
- Tidy Sentiment Analysis in R
- Word2vec baby step in deep learning but leap towards NLP
- Analise sentimentos com dados do spotify
- What is sentiment analysis
- googleLanguageR
- Conectando R com o Twitter parte 1
- A guide to working with character data in R
- Machine Learning and NLP using R: Topic Modeling and Music Classification
- Introduction to googleLanguageR
- crfsuite for natural language processing
- remove emoji from string in R
- qdapRegex is a collection of regex tools
- function
: Remove/Replace/Extract Emoticons - Emoticons decoder for social media sentiment analysis in R
- Practicing sentiment analysis with Harry Potter
- markovifyR - gerador de texto com cadeias de markov
- RPubs - Text-Mining with rvest and qdap
- Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality - artigo word2vec google
- Word2Vec Experiments - telesens
- Training and Visualising Word Vectors
- The amazing power of word vectors
- Making sense of word2vec
- Lecture 2 | Word Vector Representations: word2vec - Video do youtube Stanford University School of Engineering
- SMART Information Retrieval System - Wikipedia
- textfeatures - Easily extract useful features from character objects.
- Análise de dados: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Aplicada em Textos Jornalistícos
- d3wordcloud - d3wordcloud is a wrapper for the Word Cloud Layout by Jason Davies based on htmlwidgets
- Training, evaluating, and interpreting topic models
- Topic modeling with stm package - 1 - Julia Silge
- Topic modeling with stm package - 2 - Julia Silge
- A Friendly Introduction to Text Clustering
- Topic Modeling On Twitter Using Sentence BERT
- Topic Modeling with BERT
- Bert For Topic Modeling ( Bert vs LDA )
- Using LDA Topic Models as a Classification Model Input
- Seeded Topic Models as a Yard Stick: Implement them in R with keyATM
- cleanNLP - R package providing annotators and a tidy data model for natural language processing
- Build a Simple Cosine Similarity Search Engine in R
- Build a search engine in 20 minutes or less
- How to get started with Word2Vec — and then how to make it work
- Latent semantic analysis
- Stop Using word2vec
- Word Tensors
- GloVe vs word2vec revisited
- Introducing text2vec 0.4
- UDPipe Introduction
- You did a sentiment analysis with tidytext but you forgot to do dependency parsing to answer WHY is something positive/negative
- ruimtehol: R package to Embed All the Things! using StarSpace
- udpipe version 0.7 for Natural Language Processing (#NLP) alongside #tidytext, #quanteda, #tm
- Uma visão geral das técnicas de extração de palavras-chave
- Textrank for summarizing text
- Exploring the State of the Union Addresses: A Case Study with cleanNLP
- Modelos de tópicos BTM: Biterm para texto curto
- crfsuite - Conditional Random Fields for NLP
- awesome-nlp - Awesome - A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing
- How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide
- Introduction to Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec
- COTA: Improving Uber Customer Care with NLP & Machine Learning - Uber Engineering
- Projecto Floresta Sintá(c)tica
- Stanza - A Python NLP Library for Many Human Languages
- Como ter a performance de BERT utilizando uma Regressão Logística?
- RegExplain - Expressões regulares são complicadas. RegExplain torna mais fácil ver o que você está fazendo.
- RVerbalExpressions - make it easier to construct regular expressions using grammar and functionality inspired by VerbalExpressions