2 commits
to 1.0.30-release
since this release
Bugs Fixed / PR Landed
#2325 [KSP2] KSType.arguments return arguments on aliased type.
#2312 Partially migrate KSP off AGP's legacy Variant API
#2309 Resolver#getDeclarationsFromPackage() does not find generated files
#2252 Incremental processing breaks when a project dependency is modified
#2265 [ksp2] ksType.arguments will crash on a typealias's java wildcard type
#2264 [ksp2] getJavaWildcard does not return wildcard for List param (different with kapt/ksp1)
#2246 Resolver returns non-equal instances of the same declaration.
#2254 [KSP2] Resolver#overrides() gives incorrect result when method isn't accessible.