2.39.0 (2022-03-01)
- alertcenter: update the api 3514119 (c9d0e01)
- analyticsadmin: update the api 3704390 (c9d0e01)
- baremetalsolution: update the api 72c1cbc (c9d0e01)
- cloudbuild: update the api dcd2c37 (c9d0e01)
- cloudidentity: update the api 61bf78b (c9d0e01)
- compute: update the api 92a4e01 (c9d0e01)
- container: update the api 56b3080 (c9d0e01)
- content: update the api 803d36f (c9d0e01)
- datamigration: update the api b8836f7 (c9d0e01)
- dialogflow: update the api f596360 (c9d0e01)
- documentai: update the api 82cb2c2 (c9d0e01)
- eventarc: update the api 556c091 (c9d0e01)
- file: update the api 55a2fdd (c9d0e01)
- firebase: update the api ea9f425 (c9d0e01)
- iam: update the api f1ba7e6 (c9d0e01)
- managedidentities: update the api 69fb750 (c9d0e01)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the api 9d7a59e (c9d0e01)
- networkmanagement: update the api 1402417 (c9d0e01)
- retail: update the api ad805ab (c9d0e01)
- sasportal: update the api 08b1e67 (c9d0e01)
- securitycenter: update the api cc62dc3 (c9d0e01)
- servicemanagement: update the api 84599fb (c9d0e01)
- vault: update the api e665515 (c9d0e01)