2.55.0 (2022-07-26)
- alertcenter: update the api 66596c0 (4af699d)
- androidenterprise: update the api 0213854 (4af699d)
- assuredworkloads: update the api 16e5ede (4af699d)
- beyondcorp: update the api 2cb54c8 (4af699d)
- chat: update the api 5d5705d (4af699d)
- cloudchannel: update the api 757d79e (4af699d)
- cloudidentity: update the api b22e69a (4af699d)
- compute: update the api 6df7615 (4af699d)
- connectors: update the api 922d704 (4af699d)
- datastream: update the api bba182f (4af699d)
- dialogflow: update the api dfb3217 (4af699d)
- firebase: update the api e7aecbf (4af699d)
- gkehub: update the api 73a9ebb (4af699d)
- iap: update the api aa98e50 (4af699d)
- monitoring: update the api 7c1a731 (4af699d)
- networkconnectivity: update the api fb6bc73 (4af699d)
- retail: update the api f4231eb (4af699d)
- securitycenter: update the api 14c35b6 (4af699d)
- spanner: update the api 0daa6e2 (4af699d)
- sqladmin: update the api 2545e9b (4af699d)
- storagetransfer: update the api 57d8d5a (4af699d)
- streetviewpublish: update the api af184b8 (4af699d)
- vmmigration: update the api 34db6c3 (4af699d)
- youtube: update the api 57b9539 (4af699d)