- adexchangebuyer2: update the api e1ebe49 (227f8c9)
- cloudasset: update the api 432e174 (e63d3a4)
- composer: update the api c2cb274 (73a0aa3)
- compute: update the api 2cdcd0a (73a0aa3)
- dfareporting: update the api 73f7d79 (73a0aa3)
- dialogflow: update the api 8edd852 (73a0aa3)
- displayvideo: update the api 4f37d8b (227f8c9)
- gkehub: update the api b2c1bb0 (108b819)
- gkehub: update the api e12ff09 (227f8c9)
- healthcare: update the api 6dd2d21 (e63d3a4)
- retail: update the api c9d7a14 (73a0aa3)
- sasportal: update the api 12683ca (73a0aa3)
- servicedirectory: update the api 1a87cd4 (108b819)
- servicemanagement: update the api ac04611 (227f8c9)
- servicenetworking: update the api 12d70c7 (108b819)
- servicenetworking: update the api c0ad756 (73a0aa3)
- spanner: update the api 43f1be2 (227f8c9)